I've been a massive Wendy Carlos fan since "Switched On Bach". My background is more in the engineering side of the business (fixing not mixing) but I always aspired to produce music as well. Last century, I worked in technical support at the BBC's Maida vale studios and for a while in the Radiophonic Workshop. Having built several analog synthesisers in the past, the technology of the 21st century has unleashed that aspiration.
2020 clobbered me, like so many others we know, but now it's 2024 and time to move on again.
I'm revamping and sharing some of the original material for nostalgia's sake but also working on some new solo and collaborative projects.
My Birthday tribute to Wendy went straight to Number 1 in the classical chart (a bit like her S.O.B.). Thank you everyone.
I think my offerings are diverse but you may spot a distinctive style. I hope that you find some of them enjoyable and will come back to listen again. Warmest regards, Blob_B
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2024 Re-boot
..to use the modern parlance, New Year resolution for 2022, post the thing we shall not mention, was to make more music. Procrastination complete we started 2024 with several projects, some solo some collaborative and half way through the year things are starting to emerge. And now we just about to move to 2025 with a number 1 in the Classical chart and a bit of success on Spotify. So what will the New Year bring . . .. I'll be "Driving Home" after Christmas with a few ideas.
It started with an idea in 2004
With a bit of history at the BBC Maida Vale recording studios and Radiophonic Workshop in the 80's as a maintenance engineer I discovered Arturia's Moog Modular V. Things started to develop with a recording of Gnossienne 1 out on a compilation CD but Covid struck.