

I grew up in the era of Bob Moog and Wendy Carlos. My background is more in the engineering side of the business (fixing not mixing) but I always aspired to produce music as well. Last century, I worked in technical support at the BBC's Maida vale studios and for a while in the Radiophonic Workshop. Having built several synthesisers, the 21st century is the perfect time to get creative with them and ride the wave as the hardware and software for making music just gets more and more amazing.
2020 clobbered me, like so many others we know, but now it's 2024 and time to move on again.
Thus revamping some of the original material for nostalgia's sake but also working on some new solo and collaborative projects.  Enjoying the journey and hoping you are too.  Warmest regards, Blob_B

2024 Re-boot use the modern parlance, New Year resolution for 2022, post the thing we shall not mention, was to make more music. Procrastination complete we started 2024 with several projects, some solo some collaborative and half way through the year things are starting to emerge.

Brief summary pre 2010

Blob was born in 1956 and worked in BBC Radio from 1978 until 1990 as an engineer. Much of that time was spent at the MaidaVale recording studios includinng some time with the Radiophonic Workshop.

In 1980 Blob made the difficult choice to move away from music and to work in news and current affairs. In 2005 he decided to reverse that decision and return to his true paaion. Around this time, Arturia introduced Moog Modular V and the time and mood were right to exploit the modern technology.


This Artist has 1 Album


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Hi Blob_B,
Thanks for the 5 stars on "Mom's Journey Home". I appreciate you taking the time to listen, and I'm glad you liked it!

While I'm here I'll check out some of your music.

Be and stay well,

2 Replies

Forgot to add thanks for the 5 stars on "Spring Time". I'm glad you liked that one too, and thanks for browsing the tunes!


over 30 days ago

You're welcome. I'm trying to re-instate my presence here (not just CoVid but the former Day Job getting in the way) so engaging with the peer review process and "Spring Time" was a particularly pleasant surprise. I'm mostly about cheesy synth that may not be your thing but you might like "Alistair Stonewall" in a similar way. It's 5/4 so unavoidably compares to Mission Impossible - now all I need is someone to create the cartoon series for it to go with :-). Have a great day, B

Phyllis Sanchez
over 30 days ago to Blob_B

Thank you so much for the 5 Star rating you gave my song, Open Heart.
And... sorry it took me a while to respond. But it is very appreaciated, and I
will be checking out some of your songs. Thanks, again.

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to Blob_B

HI Blob B. Thanks for the nice review of my instrumental, "Winds About The Sounds"! I appreciate you feedback. I am not Dan Pound, nor is the sone of his soundscapes. My name is Chet Nichols and I am a long-time member of Broadjam. This particular piece comes from my instrumental album, "Earth Cues", which was created for a client looking for weird, spacey cues for a sync library. As usual, I sent it off and got a thumbs up but never heard anything since. Funny thing is he "needed it right away", so I cranked out the whole album, start-to-finish, in 3 weeks. You can review the whole album at my Broadjam site of at: n-earth-cues-instrumentals. While you are there. stop bye and listen to a new album I completed, "Flying My Pyramid".... some delicious stuff on it, mostly longer pieces for films: g-my-pyramid. All that said, I wish you well and thanks again for the nice review! My Best, CHET NICHOLS

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi Chet. I knew Dan from a long time ago and was wondering how he was doing and then Broadjam played me your track. I realized after of course. I'll be sure to check out you other tracks later but for now I still have to do the day job. Happy to connect as you see. Best B

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

Day job? Me, too .... hard to make a living unless you are gigging every week.

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Clean Clean

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