

Wanderlust, founded by Mitch Cooper and Jesse Daily, is more than a band, it’s a musical journey rooted in progressive indie music.

Breaking boundaries and blurring genres, their sound is revolutionary, a testament to boundless creativity and fearless exploration.

Each song is an adventure, weaving intricate melodies, thought-provoking lyrics, and unexpected twists.

Wanderlust sets themselves apart with their commitment to pushing musical boundaries, fearlessly embracing experimentation and blending genres with abandon. Their music celebrates freedom, creativity, and the endless possibilities of the human spirit.

Prepare to lose yourself in Wanderlust's revolutionary sounds--a group that dares to dream, explore, and change the world, one song at a time.

Latest News

Launch of Wanderlust - May 2024

Breaking News: Jesse Daily, in collaboration with Mitch Cooper, unveils the "Wanderlust" music project, promising multiple complete CDs in the coming months. This ambitious venture is set to captivate audiences with its diverse sound and boundless creativity. Stay tuned for an unforgettable musical journey with "Wanderlust."


over 30 days ago to Wanderlust

Excited to try this platform out - heard so many great things, looking forward to seeing how it turns out!

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Clean Clean

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