David ADAM

David ADAM

I write and produce scores and cues in different genres and I'm working on new material specifically for placement in different styles under the name of Radical Twin : Radical Twin on Spotify
I've been the founder of two rock bands originating from France, writing and producing songs from pop to hard-rock.
The Milton Incident  The Milton Incident on spotify


This Artist has 6 Albums


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Chet Nichols
6 days ago to David ADAM

Hey David,

Nice to meet you. Thanks for the review of my song, "Paradise". This is a recording from 1974, recorded solo at Wally Heider's
Studio in San Francisco. It was supposed to be part of my third album for Kama Sutra, but the record Compnay was sold and I got caught in the then corporate entanglement.... but I held on to the tune. I do a lot of soundtrack orchestration and other genres that lean acoustic. These days my sync clients are really looking for more of that and they are turning away from BEATS...they want real drums... I've been told not to use AI on anything or it will be rejected. Just got a 2 album sound-track album with Warner's with those instructions. Interesting. They like it simple.... anyway, Just sharing what I hear. Hope you are doing well. I checked out a few of your tracks and they are great.... Best, Chet Nichols

5 Replies
David ADAM
6 days ago

Really enjoyed the guitar track, the vocals, the Keziah Jones feel to it. Using AI is rather pointless ... I tried Suno.ai, well it works but it never generates something really original. This may evolve over time though. It's hard to have something synced today, it will probably get harder as some productions / studios will go for an easy cheap way to generate background music I guess

David ADAM
6 days ago

oh BTW, we kinda met before as I already reviewed some of your tracks and you reviewed some of mine as well ;)

Chet Nichols
6 days ago

It is VERY hard to get anything SYNC-ed these days because there is SO Much music available...and what my sources are saying is, "Because it is all sounding 'the same', they are looking for more authentic, unique sounding tracks"...that is why they are using so much vintage material these days. The ultimate choice comes from directors and producers and the sound editors....they are a different bunch. I know, because I used to do that for 40 years...now I just do music....well, sorta....I do DO my wife's "Honey-DO-List", too.

I was in LA several moons ago and they had these huge dumpsters behind a famous recording studio that were the final resting places of TONS of discarded CDs, tapes, submissions....you name it. Actually quite shocking and unnerving.

David ADAM
6 days ago

Music placement is still a rather new business to me as making music has never been my daily job. I've spent years trying to make it big as an amateur musician in a rock band (never happened of course) so I've been switching from the process of writing regular rock albums to one shot instrumentals based on specific requirements but right from the start I considered that having something picked up for sync was like winning the lottery. Yes, it can happened but you've got 1 chance over millions :) (which is as much as the chance to become a rock star after all)

Chet Nichols
6 days ago

Amen.....but, I was born with it under my skin.....

Hi again David,
Looks like you got a couple more of mine "Moods of Electra" and "Oceans Away". As you observed, those are older pieces that have some older VSTs and older "ideas" from yours truly! LOL

I appreciate you listening and taking the time to provide your perspectives... thanks!


Ante Novaselic
over 30 days ago to David ADAM

Whats up David. Thx for the review of my song Home. That is one of my older songs recorded in my parents garage back in 2004 or 05 on a Tascam 8 track cassette Portastudio and some outboard gear, then mixed/mastered digitally in a pro studio. I kinda want to try to record it again but I doubt that I would be able to capture the vibe of the original recording. So I have been putting it off for 15 years Lol!!! One day I will come around to doing it....maybe. Lol
Thx again Adam


1 Replies
David ADAM
over 30 days ago

Grunge / post-grunge era still works for me everytime so this one was easy on my ears :)

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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