Old school thrash riffs, with exceptional technical ability and A1 songwriting chops. Great for high-energy demanding placement opportunities. Already featured in "Bones" on Fox, season 4, episode 19, "Mayhem On A Cross". 3 albums of material, along with a grip of unreleased electronic music/beats for sale/licensing. 

Inquire about anything else you'd like to know!

Sounds Like: Pantera, Lamb of God

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Resurrecting Jameson Tunes For L

Was listening to the old Jameson records that we originally released in '06, '08, and '11, and realized that they still have staying power, and can compete with any other metal out there--- even 15 years later. So, along with the electronic jams/dubstep/hip-hop/trap beats I've licensed and/or sold, I'm throwing in the old Jameson tracks and submitting those, as well. 
The first batch I'm uploading include: Get To The Choppah, Rocktimus Prime, Return To Mexico, and, last but certainly not least, our thrash/metalcore cover of Michael Jackson's "Beat It". To be clear, this record that all these songs come from, is "Down For The Count", originally released in '08. 


This Artist has 1 Album

Jameson / chadGPT Friends

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Clean Clean

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