
Previous Comments

Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago to PHIL MITTEN STORYTELLER

Hi Phil and thanks for the kind comments on your review of Closer. You had a question regarding the 2011 copyright date - yes that is the original song and not a remix. I've been out of writing for a few years :) Have some new stuff I've been working on and hope to start pushing more out there soon. Cheers -Steve

2 Replies
Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago

Also, I listened to Lost and Jupiter and you have a wide range of talent my friend! You should pitch Lost to Neil Diamond's agent - I can hear him singing that one for sure...

over 30 days ago

Thank you Steve , I like to mix things up a bit !

Nigel Barrett
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Hey Steve thanks for the critique and feedback on my tune All of the Above (Electro Version) - I appreciate your comments and suggestions - glad you liked the tune! Best to you.

over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Hi Steve,
Thanks for a very detailed review of Not About A Christmas Song, much appreciated. It is unusual in having the bass note static throughout, something I set out to do. It's quite a few years old now and has probably had it's day but has been performed live and gone down well in Christmas Concerts.
If I do revisit it, you are correct, a bridge with a different emphasis would add a lot to the song.
Thank again, will have a listen on your site when I get a moment.

3 Replies
over 30 days ago

Just went to the top of your song list and listened to Dreams and Doubts - wow! What a production, a great song and vocal with such a mix of instruments. Just excellent. Is that your vocal? Whoever it is, it is top notch!
Good luck with it and your other projects.

Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago

Thanks Bob! The vocalist is Michael David Hall, from a band called South Jordan. I wrote everything and performed all of the demos on the songs I don't sing on, and used studio musicians and singers. I was living in Nashville at the time and befriended a producer who liked my work so I did about 10 songs with him. I went to your site and listened to several songs and really liked the style of several of them. Take care!

over 30 days ago

Thanks for the detail, great to have friends in high places Steve! Will listen to some more songs in due course.



over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Thanks so much, Steve, for your great review of my song Fall From Grace-Leslie Sahlen vocal. Leslie Sahlen did a great job singing it. Best wishes, Jay.

Pat Flanakin
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Thanks so much for your great review of It's So Easy. Kind of an interesting story about this song - it was "commissioned" by my wife's boss at the time who wanted to say exactly what the lyrics said. I put his words in lyric form and wrote the melody with some help from my Christian music writer brother-in-law, and my wife's boss had it professionally recorded. The vocalist is a very well-known artist. If it were up to me, my lyrics would be a little different. I really appreciate your comments, because you have given me hope of submitting this song. I was afraid it is a bit dated - but who knows. Thanks so much again.

1 Replies
Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago

That is an interesting story. Every good song has one behind it. Also, good songs are timeless and
never dated...

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Dear Steve, we just listened to your very cool song, "Dreams & Doubts", really excellent composition Sir!! On an additional note, you reviewed our song about the passing of my Sister-in-law "Sharon's Song" and gave it great thought in your review of our tune.....Thanks!! We wrote & recorded the tune in three days......a bit rushed!! We used the tune for her eulogy in our back yard....
We wrote many songs together, my dear Brother Alton, Sharon his wife, Margie my wife and myself...there are only two of the Corey Clan left, but we continue to compose. If you get a chance, we'd be honored to have you visit our Broad Jam site, we'll leave the Light on... Oh, we'd love to hook up with you on our musical Broad Jam site as well.......
Happy Trails......
Margie & Art Corey/BMI

5 Replies
Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the comments. I lost my sister back in 1992 to cancer and I understand the urge to seek solace in music. I took one of her poems and created a song that I have not recorded. I later met the love of my life who happens to be named Sharon. Nice coincidence there! God bless and keep up the passion for music from the One who gives us that passion. -Steve

Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago

Oh and another thing, "I'll leave the light on" by Shades of Grey has a distinct meaning in my life so interesting that you would say that

Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago

Oh yeah, tell Chris Rhea that your song, "Sausalito Sunsets" is a gift to his next hit record

Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago

Sorry, Chris Rea. You know him and if you don't please take a listen

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Steve, I just looked up Chris Rhea, what a Killer Voice!! Wish he would perform our song, "Sausalito Sunsets", he'd be the perfect vocalist for our tune!! We have a song plugger in Nashville, that's going to pitch our song to Tony Bennett. Tony would be a Great Artist to sing our song for sure!! If you get a chance, check out a poem by Sharon, that I wrote the music for. "The Legend of Mama Della". What's really cool about this tune is that the story is about a middle aged lady, that was really popular in Corpus Christi Texas area with the gentlemen!!!
Hope you give it a listen, it got a pretty sultry Sax sound in the composition..
Let Hook up dude!!!
Art & Margie Corey

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Hey Steve, I just checked america's's all there, must have been a fluke that cut you off...sorry about that . Mrs. Kate

4 Replies
Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago

no problem Kate. Technical glitches happen to all of us. I just happen to be online and will listen to the rest of it and look forward to it. -Steve

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

thanks! MK

Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago

My goodness you have a lot of songs! Thank you as I was able to listen to the rest of America's Heart and enjoyed the rest of it. The guitarist sounded like Lindsey Buckingham and I don't know where you get all these talented musicians for your songs but it sounds awesome. I listened to a couple other songs you have and some of the earthy sounds reminded me of a song I have always wanted to cover from Gerry Rafferty called "The Ark". In my natural voice I sound like Gerry. With your friends perhaps we could record that one day as we are local.

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Thank you for taking time to listen!

Marilyn Hall
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Thanks so much for the positive review of Be My Redeemer-Revised. I appreciate the kind words.

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Hi Steve. Not sure why America's heart cut off. Never had before. Will double check that. Thanks for the review. I live in Callahan!

1 Replies
Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago

Well hello neighbor! That doesn't happen often does it? Yeah, I was about to get into the break when it cut off and was disappointed :)

Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Just added Mansion, another Christian rock song that I have been playing acoustically for some time and am very pleased to have this out of my head and into a well-produced audio format. Thanks to Neil Ebanks, Mike, and Travis at SpringHill Studios for their professional contributions!

Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago to NashvilleJoe

Joe, Thank you for the kind review of "Already There". I appreciate your insight that it just might fit in a contemporary country genre. I hadn't thought of that. But you are right and perhaps that is another venue I can pitch for this one. Take care - Steve

Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago to Terese Millhouse

Hi Teresa. Thank you for the review of "Closer". I appreciate your thoughtful comments. It's a special song to me and it's nice to hear that it strikes a similar chord with another songwriter. Thanks!

1 Replies
Terese Millhouse
over 30 days ago

Thanks Steve, my pleasure! All the best!

Adam Avery
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Thanks so much for the review, Steve!

Dana Agnellini
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Steve, thanks for your thoughtful review of my song Leap of Faith. I appreciate your comments very much...very nice to be reviewed by someone who takes the time to really listen. This song has been doing well...currently on the top ten in rock Religious and is my first to break the ice with a a TV placement on reality shows! Certainly not what was in my heart when I wrote it but it's so nice finally break the ice. Best of luck to you! I just listened to Dreams and Doubts...GOOD STUFF my friend! Really nice!

Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Just added Dreams and Doubts. A song about being on the fence in life and spirituality. During production the song transformed into more of a solid pop song than my original pop/alternative demo but the end result is a more current sound. I'm honored to have Michael David Hall of South Jordan on lead vocals - outstanding job. Let me know what you think! -Steve

Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago to Kyle Robinson

Kyle, thanks for the review of Struggle. Funny that the last song I reviewed was yours, and I really dig your sound. Yes, harmonies in the chorus would have been way up there in range and I agree it needs something there. Actually that is a professional singer on this version and not me. I have to work on my pipes more to hit some of those notes. The demo that I did was not quite ready for prime-time. Take care. -Steve

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Hello Steve, thanks for reviewing Flow Power Flow. One of the best (most thorough) reviews I have had on that song. The kids love it....I think I wrote it as a camp theme song (power of God). Enjoy this beautiful day God has given us. Mrs. Kate in FL

Kyle Robinson
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Thanks for the generous review of Never Fail. Just listened to Struggle. Great song. You have a wonderful tone to your voice. Enjoyed it.

Joe Wamsley
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Thanks Steve for your Review of my song "His Thunder" I appreciate it,

God Bless,


Michelle Lockey
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Enjoying "Anyone" off the Pop-religious Top 10... Nice song!

1 Replies
Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago

Thanks Michelle! Hoping to get a few more out over the next 2 months. Take care.

Brad Roseborough
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Enjoying your music. Like the variety.

2 Replies
Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago

Hey Brad,
Very much appreciated. We have 5 more coming soon... 3 contemporary Christian and 2 pop songs. Just time and money (and a real job) getting in the way. I listened to your track as well and like the instrumentation in the song - nice guitar work and an uplifting message. Thanks & take care. - Steve

Brad Roseborough
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the good words, Steve. I just saw your comment. Still trying to figure out how this thing works. Looking forward to hearing more of your music. Take care.

Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago to Mike Renneker

Hey Mike, just wanted to thank you for the review of Anyone. Very thoughtful consideration on the production and arrangement of the song - taken to heart. Thanks for the constructive feedback! I get a lot of reviews on this song and just wanted to say the line you liked "you paint the future with one brush stroke at a time... on my own I struggle to stay between the lines" made me smile as well that you picked up on the concept that God is methodical and not get caught up in the "well, he could paint a million strokes at a time if he wanted to" banter. Your suggestions on improving the song were very well stated and I appreciate that. Take care.

over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

my hats off to my atlanta friends on broadjam--cheers--joe----good stuff you got there.

1 Replies
Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago

Thanks NashvilleJoe! We really appreciate the positive feedback and thanks for the kind review of 'Anyone'. We are looking to add 4-5 songs by end of year. Take care - Steve

Billy Bradford Music
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Once again thanks for the Awesome review You should do this for a living!!!

Steve Wyatt
over 30 days ago to The John Tatum Band

John, thank you so much for the favorable review of 'Out of Time'. It is the first of three songs that come from the same inspirational period in my life, and I'm trying to get the other two completed within a couple of months. So glad you enjoyed it - made my day that someone with your musical talents connected to a song that came from that special place where my soul dwells. Thanks again and best of luck with your new material - I'll be listening.

Billy Bradford Music
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Thank You for your Favorable Review of my Song "left Behind!!!!" It is greatly appreciated!Thanks for the Suggestions as well

Thomas Nicholson
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Thank you for the review. I really appreciate. That was actually a demo of a song called "His Son". When I started writing it, I was playing around with the song "Dirty Deeds Done Dirty Cheap" by AC/DC and tired to see what I could come up with. I had already written the lyrics, and before I knew, something completely different from AC/DC had emerged. I am working on the version that I plan on releasing on my upcoming album. I had already started to add more guitar parts, but more via Randy Rhodes than Andy. However, that would be a cool idea as well. I am hoping that this version will be a lot better than what is on my profile. Again, thank you for the review. I did really appreciate it.

Carlene Thissen
over 30 days ago to Steve Wyatt

Thanks very much for your thorough review of Spring Rain. I really appreciate the constructive comments. I am new at songwriting and I get a lot of comments about my songs being listed in the wrong genre. I'm really a folk singer at heart (and experience), so you nailed that one, even though I tried to sing it country. I tried to listen to your music but Broadjam seems to be having technical difficulties. Will try again later. Thanks again. Carlene

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