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Diane, Just heard your composition...."Gonna Be Great" really Nice tune, very different, really easy to listen to, 5 Stars!! The Corey's Great Job!!!
Randy Bishop, all you need is just one more picture of yourself and you will be ready for the big time Sir, just one more Pate'....Monty Python....The Real Meaning of Life, Great Funny Movie, Ever see it?? You should!! Oh, Good Tune by the Way, 5 stars!! The Corey's..... Guess I have way too much time on my hands, recovering from my 4th back surgery, No Fun for sure!!! Hee Hee.......come on down and have a listen to our stuff and see what you think? Jazz/Pop, Country, Novelty......
Yes, I've seen everything that Python ever did. :). Kudos to George Harrison for financing some of those films. Thanks for the five stars. I see that you guys are writing lots of songs! I was listening to the Mar-A-Lago song. Shouldn't there have been something in there about orange marmalade, Orange Julius, orange trees? LOL
Randy, Great sense of Humor Sir, glad you enjoyed some of our BS and were not offended in anyway!! Shows you are a Good Man!! What did you think of our Sax player Jerry Peterson from the 80's Band Billy Vera and The Beaters, pretty Hot Player!! Bad JuJu that Covid Got him!! Hope you will listen further, we have some pretty cool material.... Have a Great Day, Good to hear back from you!! The Corey's..................
Dear BroGreede, I finally see where you reviewed my songs, you know what, I was having some real problems with my medication about that time, so you will need to forgive me for my terrible recall Sir!! I was having nightly withdrawls/terrible tremors !! I think I have almost kicked Tramadal completly, a month off that crap!! Not an easy task for a White City Boy....... Art Corey.....
Hey BroGreede, Hope you are getting these messages!! And hope we are Buddies again......And you have forgiven me one more time, I really am not a Bad Guy swear to God!! Let me know if you are receiving these notes!! Art Corey......................
Mr. Art Carney...absolutely I'm getting your messages...I was in the process of having my grand piano tuned today and the tuner was an extremely intense guy...but in the final analysis....WOW!!!...unbelievable sound! Like new again!! I watched everything he did...just painstakingly done to exacto-mundo perfection!!! I spent thew whole day with him...a very long story...but a really great guy....we used to fly together...pilot buddy!! Anyway...forgiven you!???...for what??... I don't take Bjam seriously....not at all...! aren't a bad guy!!...we are like 2 peas on a pod!! Buddies forever!!!...that is ...till you up and leave me again!??? LOL. You have to admit....I never did that to you!!! on the Corey musical magic....I've become somewhat jaded on this site! There are a few really good artists ...but too far and in between... honestly too many wanna bees...whatever that means...LOL. Then there are the artists who dominate every genre/subgenres...have the same tunes rated over and over and over again and must be at 24/7!? I actually very bad for them! What are they looking for! A top 10!!?? Oh my word!! LMAO! They all could use a good kick in the ass- that is...just for principle!!.....Art...just get back in the groove...let the Corey magic come back!! I'm hardly hearing any of your stuff!?? I told you a while back...I'm a Corey didn't believe me!?? ..and to this day I still am!!!...So there!!!......I'm here Art!!....willing to support always!!
Hey BroGreede, You can hear all our really GOOD Tunes at Margie & Art Corey@Broad it's the order & the way I want them played!!!!! Glad that they tuned your Grand Piano the way you wanted, that must have cost a pretty penny?? Are you basicly a keyboardist?? Is that your instrument of choice?? My instrument on a good day is guitar, but arthritist is getting the best of me these days, I am trying some CBD on the hands and that is working a tad!! I hope we can remain friends now for awhile, now that we are Pen Pals again...... Art Corey...................... P.S. So...What Kind of Artist do you think the Corey's are on a Scale of One To Ten???
ha....Art....does a rating really matter???. Really??..sounds like ego buddy!?...who cares!!??..How many times in the past have I sent you really nice kudos...always positive words-always been supportive and given you the famous..highly sought-after Bjam 5/5?.. You really are forgetful?...or need occasional reassuring? If ya need to know....The Corey's are numero uno on Bjam buddy! So as you can the number system can be interpreted in many ways-and please don't forget to add in it's all subjective non-sense!! Does anyone really care!?? I hope that answers your perplexing question!? And please don't forget...It's just little ole me....TK....from a band that ended in 2011..I'm on this site for 24 years now...just and only as a tribute! that's about 5800.00..just in monthly fees without adding in all the bogus contests..and having your music critiqued from so called/ self proclaimed industry experts/ producers!! and all the other BS! ...and don't forget the cut-throats...who apparently dominate and own this site...every genre/sub genre..the ones who deliberately mis-categorize their music so it show's up in inappropriate genres. Then there are those who think they are going to be finally recognized and go straight to the Grammy's!! Need I say more!?...and there is plenty more! The little Wizards who own this site don't care either-proven time and time again while they rake in plenty of moola..$$$! Other than that Art...don't even ask me what I think about wouldn't want to know! Even though I'm a Classically trained pianist gave my all to progressive rock.....what the hell do I know anyway!?...and like I said...who gives a shit!? LMFAO! Sorry's one of those days! I have pain everywhere. feel miserable..cantankerous...irascible ...who name it.'s raining here(could be snowing so that's good)...very crappy weather...great for ducks!! Anyway...even though I'm having a bad day...I'm sticking to my story....and like they...."and that's that!!! You know Art...I've been on a mix of all kinds of chemicals including much harder stuff than you...and honestly ...with a day like today...I'd rather be slugging down some top quality tequila...laughing my ass off...because all that shit is nothing but sloppy bandaids that just fall get the picture! We are getting older ...this is what it's supposed to be all about! Oh...lastly state we're pen-pals ? / friends on Bjam!!...yet you don't send out an official friendship!?....interesting to say the least!! You know might be using something I should be-please do tell -in other words full disclosure!! Luv ya Artman!!..Luv THE COREYS".....keep on rocking-don't give up on the guitar-it's therapeutic !!!!!...and that's an order from little ole......TK!! "TOOTLES"....MUCH LUV...AND HIGH 5/5's!! TK
TK, I guess this is a Good Letter from you Sir.....never quite sure?? But I will take it, every last word!!!!! Sorry that you are in pain! I am doing a tad better in the Pain Catagory, but still uncomfortable! Boy, you always compose "War & Peace", when you write me a short note! Wish I could be that discriptive about everything I have to say, just don't think I'm that interesting when writing letters! Like you, I think Broad Jam is a Money Making bunch of BS and pretty much a waste of time for any Serious Musician, for's just a place to hear one's Music all in one location!! So, you are a trained Classical Pianist....Wowza, you are the Real Deal, That is something!! Wish I had that title under my belt, that is very cool Sir!! Hope this reply warms the cold places in your Heart today.....Weeeeeee! Toodles, Art Corey............. warmed me up brotherman......see how prompt I am when I'm sitting behind the imac and on Bjam!? "War & Peace"....yes...good ole Leo Tolstoy-a classic to read if you have the time! Much applies to today!! You'd never know about my Classical playing because BG was all about Progressive/Rock...odd metered timing. nothing was fun and a rather good diversion! A far cry from what I used to do! I'm actually a multi-instrumentalist...piano/keybo ards..drums..trumpet...a little acoustic guitar-and definitely not a lead vocalist- well if you remember ...I used to be with the "Statler Bros"...LMAO! However I'm contemplating recording some piano compositions that I had written decades ago...will see how it goes. Going to take some time and energy! Currently working with a rather good drummer-working on some progressive tunes however on a different pathway than the old BG stuff! I guess time will tell! All in fun- what music should be! Honestly I spend most of my time listening to the Classical and all its sub-genres...i.e. Baroque..Romantic...Neo-Classical .etc...and have connected with some really great superior pros...that put me in awe and inspire me! Then when I'm done with that...I spend some time doing some reviews- mostly for shit & giggles- however once in a blue you do come across some really good new & refreshing talent! Well at least you see where I stand on Bjam...doesn't mean much at least to me...and I'm not here for any recognition! Whatever BG has done...good bad or indifferent it doesn't matter to me what others say...most of them are all full of themselves...and actually I say....F--- em all!! Bjam should function that everyone supports & helps each other! Many years ago...believe me was much different...a much better platform! Gone downhill for sure!! Like the old saying "opinions are like a-holes...everyone has one"-so true! LOL you know what I mean! I've come across some real pieces of work...laughing to you said ...and I say many times...serious musicians shouldn't waste their time on this site..if offers very little! And if you look closely will find that the really exceptional artists who actually write and play their music (using real instruments) are not really involved with this site! It's just a site they dumped some music for exposure and move on!! And like me they could care less what others say! Ok brother Art...all good! When I log on to this absolutely great site I look to see if I received any friendship requests-esp. from the Coreys!??- can you find out what's going on!? It must be the little wizards behind the scenes controlling everything....making all the $$$ and blocking friendships!!!....LOL It's raining like the end of the world here Art...but you did give some warmth!!...Bless ya brotherman!! Your Eternal Bjam buddy(have to say buddy...because I haven't as of yet received a friendship request) TK- or aka.......Tony Payne...or is it Paine??...not sure ...guess it depends on from where you're from!!!..................:)
Tony Paine, query.......the Sax player on our compositions, Jerry Peterson from the 80's Band Billy Vera & the Beaters, WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT HIS MUSICIANSHIP???? We think he was incredible, what's your take on this gent, before he passed from covid?? You were in the "Statler Bros", how long were you in that group.....were they Big Back Then??? They were Giant in the 70's weren't they? Art Corey......
OH!...OH! good ole Art..brotherman!!..."King of Coryville" and The Broad -jammers......if anyone is definitely consistent on not making any comments on my previous correspondence...then YOU WIN! HANDS DOWN!!.....:) I leave you a dissertation & a thesis(free of charge)...and all I get is ..."how is your sax player.?.."before he passed!??? I would say...he must've been very sick!! Poor guy!! Talk about posthumous accolades!! If you think he was incredible...then he was incredible! I trust your sense of judgement(with the exception of Friendship)....that is when your not popping...snorting or toking!! LMAO.. Well all I can say is...from what I remembered hearing in terms of your brass instrumentation you did have a rather good sax player(PATCH?) in your mixes. Although with today's computer wizardry, all the recording platforms/software i.e. things like Ableton Live 11...Pro-tools..Logic Pro X...FL Studio..Cubase..Reason..Studio One..Bit Wig..of which I own a few and access to a lot can be very difficult for an trained & esp. untrained ear to tell a real player from a sampled one. So many artists on Bjam use all these cheap tools..many don't know a note from a hole in the ground and play no instruments-yet with some computer savvy they can create some pretty cool music! I happen to have a buddy who plays in a rather large band that is now celebrating 50 years in the bizz..there couldn't possibly be anyone better or comes close to what he can do playing the alto/tenor sax..trumpet..flugelhorn and trombone-also keyboards /guitar-all with expert precision...that's why they call him Doc! ( holds a doctorate in music)- Simply put Art...Fucking amazing!-Blows me and everyone away. I'm sure your guy was tops as well.. ...and there are plenty...actually mucho-mucho outstanding players out there who certainly don't get the recognition they should!! Amen! Artman...if you put on your thinking are the one who stated to me ...that I "sounded like the Statler Bros". when I sang your song "Waffle House"...I hope you remember that!? Ya know....come to think about it...I'm a little perplexed myself...since you said you loved my rendition and said if I can do some chorus lines/ harmony parts with myself that would be awesome! That was a very big chore to sing harmony to the unorthodox voicing and I didn't have the time to attempt using specialized software or asking my Doc friend to help me out! said you will give the mix to your recording engineer/producer? and he could add the harmony!?. Then you told me he couldn't do it!? Maybe you just didn't want to use my rendition? You didn't like it after all? Hmmmm... so you said it couldn't be done!? Well Art....a friend of mine who does that sort of thing says it could be done-but you gotta have the expertise and use the appropriate software combinations!! He's really out of my league. dissed me? WOW!!... really! gyped me out of my spotlight doing a Corey tune! I don't know if I could ever forgive ya on that one good buddy!!??.LMFAO! Well....maybe I could...cause..."you're not a bad guy...really"!! I will say....I liked the way I sang it (especially for not being a lead vocalist) and to me it sounded much better than that lead vocalist you use or have used on a lot of your tunes. Being honest..He's not my cup of tea brotherman! When he sang was like he was just reading and being bored at the same time! i It sounded plain...dull...with no emotion or inflections! So looking back in retrospect I feel somewhat slighted.....but...when it comes to you good ole Arthur...I just let it fall all into the abyss! So still luv ya man!!'s a quandary and a query( 2 Q's) for you which I feel is extremely important & would appreciate your input! So...should it be Tony Paine??...or classic Payne!?? Gotta solve that one! Driving me nuts!! Tony Paine?/ Payne" P.S.- Lastly once again( Art-please put down the pipe or bong..or whatever) don't address the "FRIENDSHIP"?- If I don't receive a FRIENDSHIP request placed in my mayonnaise jar that's been sitting on Funk & Wagnalls porch since the last 3>4 correspondences @ 12 will inflict more Paine / Payne...and little ole TK will be hurt!!! Something to think about ole buttercup!!...LOL........XOXO
Tony Paine/Payne, I really don't know what the Hell this "Friendship" thingy thing is that you are talking about Sir??? Help me out?? And don't ever call me buttercup again.....Haaaaaaaaaaa!!!WTF?? I am also sorry that I let you down, when you were singing on our demo, I believe it was about the time Jerry Peterson Died and I was totally devastated, really fucked up!!! I am amazed that you can still be my friend?? I will look for the "FriendShip" thingy, where ever the "F" it is?????? Art Corey........... I like Tony Paine............
Tony Paine, I am dead serious not knowing about this "Friendship" thingy....don't you give-up on me because I didn't send you this request in this special Broad Jam format!!! Don't do it dude!! Jerry Peterson has played with tons of Famous People, Barbara Striesend (Spelling). He told me a story where Bab's stops a recording session and tells Jerry to play a section differently! Jerry tells Bab's, I don't tell you how to sing, so don't tell me how to play my saxaphone! Bab's storms back into the control room and starts crying to the engineer, the engineer tells Barbara to get over it and that it would cost far to much to replace Jerry at this point in time!! Look up Jerry Peterson, he has played on many famous Musician's records!! That's a huge feather in his cap! Oh, and for the Record..........I don't give a Shit about any artificial sounds, they are not the same, no matter how good they may sound, NOT THE SAME!!! Toodles, Art Corey.............
Tony Paine, guess you really aren't going to ever get back to me because of this "Friendship" request thingy from Broad Jam....if this is the case, it's been Great knowing you Sir!! Sorry to end our Great relationship over this Bull Shit issue, but guess that's that!! Toodles, Don't ever Change Art Corey.............
Tony Paine, I have asked 6 different people about how this"Friendship" request thingy works and no one knows how to do it??? You tell me how to submit it.......Paly!!!!!! And I will!! Art Corey.............
Hey...little ole-buttercup!!....try and take some advice that might be nice...and relax a little...way to hyper...maybe the chemicals! I actually just found these replies of yours!!..You can blame the a-hole wizards @ Bscam!! ...I had to go to my comments when usually I see them when I log in! Anyway...Bjam fn sucks. 24 years of this BS...shame on Paine.. ...too many crap things going on!! I think it's done on spite!! If you are interested in re-friending...all you have to do is visit MY PAGE you're always trying to send me to yours for some crazy reason. When you get there/ if you get there?(it's a long harrowing journey)...THERE IS A BUTTON THAT SAYS-***FRIENDHIP** can't miss it! I really don't know why you are having such a hard do it all the time with so many others...that's common knowledge on this site-along with all the's an amazing soap -opera!! Who the F knows- maybe it's just me!??? Like you said...who gives a shit anyway!? Once again....I'm here!!!...haven't gone anywhere!!!'s very easy to re-friend's all up to you ...SIR!!!!!...YESSIR!! SIR SIR....SIR? ...Oh...I understand you like the Tony Paine version???...ok....if you worries! I don't care what you call me(God knows what you're calling me these days")....just don't call me late for a review...Sir!! Hope you're feeling ok maestro of the keyboard-you're my buddy in PAAINNE!!!..waiting for some more of your "KILLER MUSIC" away- I'm listening!!! Plenty of the almighty & and so heavily sought-out #5/5's- I got a whole stack of them!!(you can get extras-just ask the Boad-scammers! I'm getting really tired of the few artists that seem to have thousands of their masterpieces clogging up every damn genre and subgenre....acting like little spoiled babies!!! I think they are at it 24/7...or maybe employ someone to do it for them?....Don't know where the F they're going....and I don't give 2 "Toodles" for that matter! I think there might be some competition out there to see how many placements they can take and screw everyone else...but that's just my take on it. Wtf do I know anyway-good ole Arthur!! Maybe they are paying more than average to become the King of Bjam!?? lmfao! Looking forward to becoming close allies know Putin & zelenskyy!!!........:) Much Love...."Toodles...Poodles" "Noodles and every other God-damn "Thinggy" there!!....................:) ....... Tony Payine( I think I'm battling "BJD" Broad-jammer depression)-LET'S ADD THAT IN TO THE NEW MIX!!!
Hey Mr. BroGreede, It's your Old/New Buddy again.........Art The Fart, that's what my fellow Class mates use to call me in Grade School, just before I'd kick there asses, Ahhhh those were the days!! Anyway, wrote you a letter awhile back and you didn't get back to me again, as least you are consistant!! So what have you been up to Sir?? What was your New Nick-Name?? I forget?? I am still recovering from my surgery.......5th week on no Pain Killers, midnight withdrawls, but finally getting better!! Don't try that shit at home, Bad JuJu!! How is your Pain doing, you still drinking thru your Pain?? I don't drink, so that wouldn't work for me!! If you have time, have a listen to some of my compositions and let me know what you think?? Our Killer Sax player Jerry Peterson, died from Covid about 4 years ago and that really messed with my mind and his too!! Hopefully, talk to you soon Dude!! Art Corey...................
Art...Mr. BroGreede??...really!? "Old/ New Buddy again"?? Art I hope you're not involved in drug smuggling or politics because you sound like it! And to set the story straight...I'm not into politics and simply despise it! You "wrote me a letter a while back"...and " I didn't get back to you-as usual"?? I can retrieve all our correspondences and forward them to you if you like! Maybe that will refresh your memory!? FYI... I most certainly sent you responses! I sent you a rather nice letter- of course it must have fell on deaf ears!? This is total nonsense and banter which I'm definitely not into!! I want you to go back and re-read my review of "Love At The Waffle House" on 02-03-25. Not only did I give a 5/ addition I specifically mentioned that you didn't appear receptive to ...once again ..being friends!? So again no response from your camp!? I'm "consistent"....absolutely yes I am....for being a friend despite you abruptly de-friending me and then fall into the abyss! I gave you yet another good review of "Ole Sole Mio"...on 01-18-25... where was I not a supportive friend! I would like you to clarify that! You know...I gave you my personal email...we exchanged tel. #'s and to my recollection...we were tight as Bjam friends!? So please tell me what the hell is going on!? I certainly don't appreciate any form of banter especially when these things are clearly untrue! You are asking me how I'm that would be good I guess!?? Just dealing with pain...dysfunction...and trying to maintain clarity and sanity! That should sum it up! Thanx for asking! I'm hoping you continue to do well after the surgery and I'm proud of you that you're not using pain meds and braving it all! Wish I could say that! I'm here Art..I didn't go anywhere...I'm the same! If you really want to re-establish or renew our friendship...then reach out and send the typical Bjam friendship request! If that's what you would's good with me...and of course I will accept! All of that is merely formality! There are a lot of things to discuss especially how Bjam is operating and how a lot of my contacts have the same concerns as I do! Things need to be addressed and unfortunately when I reached out to Bjam 2X they don't respond to valid customer concerns- so simply ...they suck. A money making machine and unfortunately an unfair platform. Hopefully you remember...I'm only on this site as an on-going tribute to my brother and other bandmate who both passed. So nothing else matters to me...except...listening to music and making some friends along the way!! Tony Payne
Dear Tony Payne, I don't think I am getting your replies Sir?? Seriously, don't ever remember seeing your reviews of our song "Waffle House" nor "Sole Mio"??? I am sorry that I didn't find them, maybe I am just a dumb shit and can't navigate the Broad Jam Site, which is possible?? Been know to be that dulard! So, please accept my appology! Let's start talking again, we have a lot to catch-up on! Respectfully, Art Corey.............
Dear Marilyn Oakley, Just heard your song "Wipperwill", loved it......great melody and lyrics were Killer, hope I got the spelling correct on the title? Broad Jam really makes it difficult to reply to you with comments....It's just the New World Order Thingy!! It may be part of Trump's Master plan, I'm not sure?? Toodles, Your Long Time Good Buddy... Art Corey............
Thank you for your kind words, Art. LOL on the NWO, that goes back to the 18th century and then the modern one gained traction in the 1990's . IDK ... hard to say who's in the shadows with that LOL ???'???'? Take care dear friend, ~M
Marilyn, I noticed I wasn't even close with the spelling of your song....sorry! I was always a Bad speller in school, a little too late now!! Art Corey...........
Hey BroGreede, it's the Corey's remember us??? Saw you been reviewing several of our songs and giving us Good reviews, thanks for the positive reviews, that is so cool! Hope you are doing well!! I am actually recoving from a Major Low Back surgery and am into it 4 months so far!! Hope you are doing well, know you have physical problems yourself! You Know this getting old stuff.....really Sucks!! Love to hear from you and rekindle our musical conversations............ Toodles, Art Corey..............
The Corey's???hmmmmm!...Oh yes!!...I was wondering what ever happened!? Thought we were peanut butter & jelly!! All of a sudden...You were gone- de-friended me to boot!!...then went scidattle!! Gone with the wind! I thought to myself- "hey maybe they finally made it"! Got a big recording deal and hit the big time! Well anyway maybe you just missed me!?? I can say is ...welcome back!! Art...heard you had another back surgery!...I hope all is going well! I wish you all the luck and a speedier recovery! As for me...well... I'm alive thank the man upstairs(or is it Fred upstairs?-lol). After Thanksgiving suddenly fell majorly ill...thought it was a very bad influenza and waited 4 days before going to ER. Pain joints...muscles...G.I.pain with distention & severe sensitivity.....chronic diarrhea...fever...uncontrollable shaking and started hallucinations on the 3>4th day! ! Thought I was dying! Couldn't stand or walk any considerable distance. Wife said you're going to the hospital.'s getting to be a long story! I was Dx'ed with Infectious Colitis and Sepsis...placed in isolation...IV name it. All tests came back neg. for a bacterium! So it was viral! The lesson here is no more raw seafood...clams etc!! Symtoms started about 2-1/2 days after Thanksgiving buffet dinner! Believe it or not...still not 100%. And as you remember I'm suffering from chronic LBP/ D.I.S.H. disease! So there you have it! Yes...getting older blows!!!! No one is immune and we certainly don't get out alive! Enough of all this doom & gloom! Welcome back Coreys! I will tell you something.....when you left....just about all the good music left! I've been so down on it-really nothing good going on! It's the same ole...same ole...from the same ole-same ole! Depressing at least! So with open arms....I give you a great big hug-amundo! and look forward to hearing some Corey magic!! Hopefully you can resurrect this site because it's dying slowly!! Tony Z
Tony, your shit sounds way worse than mine!! You think it was from Food poisoning.....Clams and what-nots??? I never eat that Shit ever.....anything uncooked, no-way Josay.....Bad JuJu!! I have been on Tramadal for 2 years and have slightly become addicted to that pain Killer without realizing it.....My Bad!! You just don't realize how easy taking that Damn stuff can get, it takes the pain and every thing else away, all the worries of the world, feeding the Damn Cat, Paying Bills, taking baths, shaving, GETTING UP!! What The F@#$???? You get the picture!! But Good News....It is the Fifth Day that I have been off Tramadal! I took another medication called Lyica for pain and it just Blasted me into Highper Space, it's not a narcotic though. The dose was accidently far to high at 150 Mg, should have been 25 Mg......some one messed up!! Anyway, I am still goofy from the over dose, but that over dose, got me off the Tramadal....It's a God send!! The Lord works in mysterious ways and I don't even believe in him....Hmmmmm Bummer! Maybe I should reconsider his existance?? Well, send me your direct Broad Jam Site, I don't care for this Back Door Pass word contact secret stuff, it dangerous in this New World Order..... Art Corey
Hello Arthur!!!..I wouldn't go saying my condition is worse than yours! You had 2 back surgeries! I'm sure it's bad! hit it on the head!..Vibrio- .food posioning! Believe that!? Never in my life and with something I really love to eat! Well more! Not even sushi at the Chinese restaurants! That chapter came to an end! Tramadol?...that's a very light opioid for most people. They start with that! When I started pain management that's what I was put on! I didn't say anything-went along with the program but I already knew better-it did nothing for my level of pain. Then I went on oxycodone. It does help but more like a bandaid taking the edge off-that's all. I don't have the "addictive personality" like others do. I can stop taking it at will for days and weeks. No problems. So that's how I manage. Depends on my pain tolerance-and I take it day by day! In addition to 3 other daily meds that's how I deal with my pain! Even the other ones which are prescribed 2-3X/day I use when I want-not religiously. My pain Doc knows I know too much and understands why I do what I do. Who the hell wants to be taking all this crap everyday?.....doesn't change anything -that's for sure. You mentioned Lyrica?....yes....that's actually been on the market for decades-but it does help with some people. If you don't need the tramadol...don't take it...good for you!. Take it as you need it like I do with the Oxy. Sometimes I just say fuck it and have some shots of my top shelf tequilas- actually works better than pain meds to at least I get happy! I've been good-nodrinking since Thanksgiving! Pain meds don't make you happy...just screw up the head! God?....well...who knows...could be an alien?...that I would believe....but at least it's something to believe in!? We sure as hell didn't just appear out of thin air! Gotta be some explaination. Thing is ...we will never know! Probably better off that way! When you left Bjam and decided to south our friendship connection also left!?? When we originally became friends we communicated through that! It's up to you if you want to send me a friendship link again. No is fine as well.I understand you also had some difficulty trying to get back into Bjam! careful with a lot of these so-called / self -proclaimed producers and music wizards. Most of them are all full of shit and are just regular paying members like we are! I've always said Bjam is a nice platform to meet people and listen to indie music but there are some good sites that are better suited for getting your music out there and being heard...for a price that is! I don't care about any of that. I could care less about what people think of the music I have posted's old and it's nothing more than a tribute to my late brother! That's it! Don't expect to go anywhere...don't want to! Just having fun! I have become disillusioned and frustrated knowing a handful of artists seem to dominate the entire site. Everyday their music is on their main genres and occupy all the subgenres. Some of the same songs on different subgenres. Is it fair that you give someone a 5/5 for the same song that's deliberately placed on all the subgenres!? and is it fair if you have 300>400 songs to have most of them playing (which seems automatically)...24/7!? I don't see any of them doing ratings to that degree to have that many on the review mechanism!? There are a lot of disturbing things happening and I reached out to Bjam about it. Haven't heard a word back as of yet! I personally don't think anyone gives a shit as long as you're paying every month. It's all BS......I spend less time on Bjam than before...I rate as I see fit...and I might just let it go at some point! Bjam is nothing more than a money making deal! All the submission BS...that you have to pay for...all the rigged contests! I could go on & on! Anyway....I'm here Art! It's nice to chat...get caught up...whatever you want to do is fine with me! If you want to resend a friendship! We can have fun supporting each other again and screw everyone else! Seems like no one gives a shit unless they get their almighty 5/ of babies!!! Oh yeah....5/5 on broadjam will really get you's called tit for tat!!!...lmao! Your friend in constant pain.I even changed my name...I need your's either Tony Pain....or Tony Paine!??( I think I like the latter!?...what say you Art! Should I be bold enough to say....Toodles!???....lmao!! TZ
Art...all this typing forgot to ask you how you're doing with those horrible wildfires out there! I'm assuming ok!?...because you seem to be further away from it! Thank the man /Fred Upstairs! Unbelieveable to say the least. Feel so bad for all those people who lost everything! Just doesn't seem right! Gov't better get their act together-this is inexcuseable!!! Tony Paine
Hey Tony Paine, sounds pretty cool to me! Like you....I think most of the stuff on Broad Jam is Money driven, so whatever?? Let's just be friends again and enjoy life and what's left of it!! I actually think the whole Music Industry is in Major decline and no one should really give a Shit....just my personal take!! The Big Acts due Concerts, make Big Money and that's the name of that tune!! There is no more little Guy songwriter's, Zip, Zilch!! Notha!! It's Over!! The Music Game has ended, the train has left the station, Bye, Bye!! Get the Picture Duh!! Sorry to be so negative!! You are right about me being away from the fires Thank God, just miles though!!! Stay Safe and off the Drugs and I will do the Same and we will try and meet in the middle, Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Art Corey..........................
Hey Tony Paine, So did you know that Roy the owner of Broad Jam has a Police Record with a Felony I believe??? He's done some questionable things in his life, so he's no Angel!!! Oh and what ever was said about me, needs to be said as a Misdeminar, 43 years ago....So Get over it people!!! Art Corey.....................
Tony Paine, Read my text Dude!! So I can deleat it.....after you have read it!! AC....................
Hi you talented Coreys, congrats on the success of "Mystery Train" and also thank u for your ratings on "Mystery Road" wow this one is a cooker. Your Aussie buddy Suzyxx
I added about a dozen of my songs to the list. Check out king of lost promises..I'd love to know what you think of it( and the others)thanks, Dave
Hey guys thx for all the Stars for "HERE" A kind of a [ Grey's Anatomy ] vibe! A bit different. ;-). Happy holidays! TK
Dear Lyfe Concierge Pub, QUERY.......why do I have to sign-in to my site about every 8th time I access my Broad Jam Site, do all Broad Jam members go thru this BS?? This seems to be a bit excessive?? Is there something wrong with my site???? Can you take a Look-see at it?? Can you try to fix this issue?? It's getting OLD!!! Respectfully, Art Corey.................
Hey Corey's, We do not own Broadjam we are just members like yourself. We suggest that you reach out to Roy Elkin and his team to get assistance with that! LC Team
Hey Art & Margie - Thanks for the stars on "Christmas Kind of Love" - we really appreciate it!
Thanks about my song "Every Time That I'm With You". Ray Lani :-)
Great Tune Ray! The Corey's.............
Hey Margie & Art! Nice songs, I really enjoyed both of them. Good production as well! Cheers, Micheline
Micheline, thanks for the listen!! The Corey's..........
Micheline, all good on the Western Front, what ever that means for the day!! The Corey's........
Hey LCP! Thanks so much for the endorsement and the stars! It aint totally dead here, though I'm a non-pay dude now after many $$--you made my day!
Hang in there Warren, The future is yours! LC Team
Thanks folks!
Warren, I just saw your Ugly face and thought I'd chime in! Hope you are feeling pretty Brite Eyed & Chipper these days.....Good Man!! Don't ever change!! Art Corey.............Stay Upright Dude and You'll always win!!!
Arthur! Above the daisies baby! But smellin' like a rose! Stay safe, kiss Margie for me...
LC TEAM, there is some thing about this picture of Nicole that is so provocative, but I can't quite put my finger on it?? It will come to me, if I just keep looking at it.....I just know it!!! I will get back to you in an hour or two!! Art Corey.............. Don't tell my wife I sent this message....keep this on the Down-low, the Hush, Hush, the Que Tee!!
This was a Joke!! The Corey's............
Well, you may have a point there! When you figure it out, let us know! LC team
Hi Memphis, Thanks so much for taking the time to listen to and review my song Back On Track. I'm glad you liked it! While I'm here I'll check out some of your music. Be and stay well, Frank
I hate giving reviews. It's like talking about someone's baby but to get reviewed you have to give reviews. I try real hard to do the right thing. Hope I wasn't unkind!!
Kenny P, I hate reviews of Cute Babies, I really hate reviews of Ugly Babies, I guess I just in general.....Hate Babies!! I do love little Kittens though!! Kittens are so Damn cute!! I could watch Kitten videos all day long!! Never get tired!! Thanks God for Cute Baby Kitten Videos!! Hee Hee!! Enough!! The Corey's............
Hey, I figure reviews (aka feedback) are a gift. And whether it's positive or not-so-positive, take for what it's worth. In the eye (or ear) of the beholder I may be a baby or a kitten, or a fossil or a penguin (my fave btw)... it's all fairly subjective. I'm grateful for compliments, and for occasional "call out" that, "Hey Frank, that solo section kinda sucks!" It's all just food for thought. Frank
Patrick, you just reviewed our song, "I ain't No Van Gogh" and gave it pretty high Marks! Thanks for the positive comments Sir!! Maybe someday we can reconnect on Broad Jam again and be Broad Jam Buddies, we once were, back in the early days 2014,15,16.....then ZIP!! Poof!! The Corey's...........
Happy to reconnect anytime Marge & Corey. I'm running a plumbing business, a solar business, and performing all while still recording in "Capt. Nemo's Underwater Studio!" So my chat time is limited but please don't think I do not appreciate all my Broadjam buddies and their fabulous compositions! At 75, I am planning on cutting back on the work work and spending more time on my music work which highlights my joy and raises my spirit don't you know! catnip=+=
Hey Spermatochords, I saw your site and I forgot, that we had been friends for several years and that it all went to Hell in a Hand Bag?? Not quite sure what went south back then, but thought I'd drop on by and see how you are doing?? Hope you are well and your Music is doing Cool! Love to hear from you, we are still composing tunes, although are health is a tad iffy? Take Care and be Safe in this Crazy World! Toodles, The Corey's......
So a Christmas song with 160 plays, no reviews and no playlists is #1 in the Earth chart, the North America Chart, the United States chart and 5 others in April. Everything is normal in Broadjam world then............................
Dear Bob Bentley, Let the Good Times Roll, with that kind of LUCK!! Wink, Wink, Nod, Nod... I just had to write that reply sorry!! Hee Hee!! Art Corey
I actually gave 5 stars to that Xmas song (which is pretty damn good for the genre), not sure it deserves the top of the podium though. Some people pay for promotion so I guess that helps songs to reach the BJ skies
There's nothing wrong with the song David, just how things work on here at the moment! Not just the top of one podium, top of 7 podiums, for a song most people are most unlikely to play in late April. The charts have long been a mystery to me, and they're not getting any easier to understand. However, it seems that now those who pay for song promotions automatically dominate the whole shebang, it's not particularly subtle and has simply undermined any kudos there once was for getting chart places. Let The Good Times Roll indeed Art!
Good and honest reply here Bob i think the promos messed things up a bit but--that's business! catnip=+=
Hey Kenny P., what a Killer Tune Sir!! "A Knife in the Back"!!!! Great Vocals, Incredible Music, Super Story!! You nailed this outing!! Bravo Sir!! Hope you get this message!!!! Love you to sing one of our compositions some day!! The Corey's.......
Thanks! I'm not sure you want me to sing one of your songs. I don't consider myself a singer. I started singing my stuff because my singer died and I moved to the boonies and couldn't get anyone to sing them. Had to do them myself.
Barry, just listened to your newest song, there's a few pitchy places in the vocals, that need to be fixed, but it's got some really funny lines, great comedic country tune!! I was reviewing your Bio and you have some really serious Companies plugging your material, very cool!! Art Corey...............
I appreciate the comment coming from a prolific artist/combo like yourselves.... I'm coming off a medical issue that paralyzed my throat so vocals are a weak spot of late, can only record them a piece at a time over days.... I am having fun with it either way --- -- references to all the published stuff from music companies is mostly instrumental and not on Broadjam here due to their rights of distribution -- but the relationships were initiated here on Broadjam.... and for all the effort and volume of tunes I probably average only $40-50 in royalties a quarter --- yes the music biz is alive and well !!!!! haa haa Thanks again Art!!!!
Barry I saw your post about your throat. Try coffee with honey and lemon, yes lemon in it. works for me in the studio and changes my mediocre voice to more Elvis Presley! ha ha! Good Luck! catnip=+=
Hey Mister Whythouse, just heard your tune "Coffee" Great Simple song Sir! Memorable, just a wonderful tune, Hat's off to you...... another Great Canadian Tune Smith, Damn you Guys know how to write songs, there must be something in the Water up there!! The Corey's.................
Thank you so Much!! =) this was agreat start to my day.
Hey Jimmy, I love you Dude, but your reviews of our tunes are really killing our review ratings Sir!! Can you do me a Huge favor and cut us loose from your catalog of Musical friends, you obviously don't care or understand our style Music and that is quite fine, but let's just go our own ways, thanks in advance! Respectfully, The Corey's........ Best of luck with your Music and May God Bless.........
Sir this doesn't work that way, if you submit a song to be critiqued, you cant just ask the person to unfriend you because he did not give you the rating you wanted. That is not how it works in Nashville I can promise you that brother! I wish I had a dime for every song I have had turned down chopped up and torn apart by artists and publishers. If you cant take the heat either work harder on your songs maybe cowrite with someone or take some classes on songwriting . I am trying to challenge you to be a better writer. If I have a song you evaluate and you don't think its good just say so I'm not on here for ratings.
Hey Gray, Good instrumental, Great feeling and interpretation on your part, 5 stars!! An all around cool tune!! So, here is one of our songs! We compose in several styles, from Jazz Pop, to country, to novelty stuff, slightly off the walls, what ever comes to mind, the day we set off to write!! We have been writing songs since 1973 and were once a band for about 6 months & 23 days, until our lead singer's brain exploded from an ego trip, you know how that goes in the world of music and Band mates!!!! Anyway, it was a weird blessing in disguise! Anyway, I will just send one of our tunes and see if you like what you hear??
Hey Jimmy , you recently reviewed our song, "Karaoka Queen" and were pretty tough on it when scoring!!!! Just curious, why did you hate the composition so much?? Our Music was good, the Vocals were as good as yours, the story was fair, was it too close as far as the Broad Jam competition goes ?? It Looks & Sounds like a Bit of Poor Sportsmanship on your part Sir...what say you??? The Corey's....
It's nothing personal .
Hey K.K. Just Heard 'If Love Is Gone", sounds Like Crosby Stills and Nash Stuff, Bravo Lady!! Nice Chords and vocals!! Love to have you stop in at our Broad Jam Fort! I will send you our connection!! The Corey's..........
Thank you! I'm just getting used to the site.
Jeana, Just heard your latest composition "Written In the Stars" Think that was the title, 5 Stars! My wife was in the other room and commented, that it was quite beautiful, Great job!! Your music is always top notch...excellent job!!The Corey's......
Hi Art--Thanks for listening to "Written In The Stars" and the stars. I appreciate it! Glad Margie liked it, too. :-) Five stars for your Boujgee song (don't know if I spelled it correctly) and of course I like the cat line. :-)
Marc, Just heard your song, "Old Man", 5 stars Sir!! Classic sound Wowza!! What a Pro you are!! Wish you lived in your area, where you live, we'd come by and listen to you play, some really mellow stuff!! Thanks for sharing!! If you get a chance, come on down to our boat and have a listen!! The Corey's.....
Arden, just heard your tune, "Hello", sweet Dude!! That you playing Guitar, if are Pretty Damn Hot!! Nice Rifts! 5 Stars....Art Corey......
Hey Art, Thanks for checking out the song. Yes, that's me lol. All of my songs are me. Super appreciated! I uploaded 4 new tracks (I think lol) you should check out the one called "Please. I think you will dig it. Thanks again!
With the exception of Beatriz on Violet Dreams lol.