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Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Josh, nice smooth Jazz tune sir!!"Amazing Grace", 5 stars & Likes, say who's playing Sax on this composition?? Really Great sound!
Stay Safe....
Art Corey...............

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago to Brenda Craven

Hello Brenda,

Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and rate my new song "Furry Of The destiny"!

All the best!

2 Replies
Brenda Craven
over 30 days ago

Anytime Ionut. Great piece!

Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

Hey Brenda, thanks for your great thorough feedback on my song "Clav Attack"! I'd love to get some live sax and maybe bring in a ringer keyboard player to beef it up, as you've suggested. I'll definitely take a look at the arrangement with the suggestions in mind. Thanks again!

Josh Walker
over 30 days ago to Dana Marie

Hey guys, thanks for the awesome review of my song Marimba Samba! I'm at a gig, but I'll be sure to check out your stuff later!

Ronald Arduini
over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Hi Josh,Thanks so much for taking the time to review "When I fall in love" Which was recorded about 16 years ago.. It features Jeff Fong on all the brass tracks.. his wife Pamela Homzy, both living in Toronto, on all the sax tracks.. drums etc by Jeff.. Here's a question to my great friend Jeff!!!" Why the hell did you choose that key to orchestrate!!!!????.. Hell, you had me singing all over the place!!!LOL
Keep well and thanks again

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Hello Josh! Thank you very much for the support! I really appreciate it. All the best!

just checked your tune " Kindred Spirits" loved it..

3 Replies
Dave Haddad (CenterPeace)
over 30 days ago

Thanks Mark. I like my sax man, the great Albert Wing!

Dave Haddad (CenterPeace)
over 30 days ago

Hi Mark, thanks so much for the listen and digging it enough to write. I almost wish now that I let the bass player do more on that song... I had a very scripted part for him and kept him honest on it. With so much else rhythmically it works in the end but after the fact I listen and thought I should have let him cut up on one pass with his own ideas... anyways thanks I appreciate your ears.

Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

Hey thanks for your helpful critique of my song "Just As I Am"! Great feedback and stuff that I'll certainly look at.

Cindy Tuttle
over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Josh you song Jesus Has Made a Place For You touched me deeply.I had peaceful tears I guess you would say.INCREDIBLE SONG! Well done.

3 Replies
Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

Wow, thank you! I'm very happy it was able to minister to you. I think anyone goes through a rough stage in their lives can identify with the words. God bless you and have a great week!

Cindy Tuttle
over 30 days ago

Thank you Josh- shall do.

Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

Oh I'm sorry, I haven't been on here in a while. That's really cool, thank you for your very kind comment! I think it's something everyone has experienced at some point.

Different Moon
over 30 days ago to Fossmana Productions

Mark, thanks a lot for the 5 stars on Without You. Continued best of success to you!

3 Replies
Fossmana Productions
over 30 days ago

You are welcome.

Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

Thank you for your five-star review of my song Old Rugged Cross!

Roger Palmer
over 30 days ago

Hi Mark, thanks for the 5 star rating on Big Sky. Best of success to you also. Warm Regards Roger Palmer

over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Love this!! Beautiful feel...

6 Replies
Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much Till!

over 30 days ago

Any chance collaborating in the future??

Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

Sorry, just saw this...I'd love to! What instruments/vocal styles are you strong in? I'll check out more of your stuff asap.

over 30 days ago

Great! Email address? grtz-Till

Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

over 30 days ago

Will be in touch after Xmas hollidays :-)

over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Thanks for the review of big city Josh . Ty

1 Replies
Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

You're very welcome!

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Hey ! Thanks for the great review of " all that glitters" and great comments and playlist add ;) appreciate it will take time soon to hear your work !

1 Replies
Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

Thank you Julia!

Josh Walker
over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea

Thanks Ionut for your rating of two of my songs Festival of Light and Jesus Has made A Place For You!

1 Replies
Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago

You're very welcome Josh!

Josh Walker
over 30 days ago to Tony Marino

Thank you for your review of my song, Just As I Am. And as you mentioned, I do plan on cutting the intro if I want to submit it for a TV or commercial opportunity. Thanks!

Brenda Craven
over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Hi Josh,

Thank you for the review of my song, "Sunshine Bay."


Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Hey Josh,

Thanks for the very nice and thoughtful review of the instrumental versiuon of my song, "I Know WHo You Are". You are spot on with your assessment that is intended to be used as a background track. HOWEVER, there is a version with lyrics which has garnered a lot of positve feedback and awards. Check it out, I think you will enjoy it. I've been told the lyric-version is an "instant smooth jazz classic"....don't know about that, but people do like the is kind of a Tony Bennett and Michael Buble tune. Anyway, thanks, again, for the nice, thoughtful review.

My Best,

Chet Nichols

1 Replies
Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

You know, I went and listened to it, and I think I reviewed it before. It's a really nice vocal and great song overall!

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Monday Funeral

Hello Monday! Thanks for the review of my instrumental. I bet when you hear the version with vocals you will be surprised. Well, here goes: 1

by the way, that was a very generous review, thanks again, Mrs. Kate

2 Replies
Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

Thank you for your feedback and suggestions for my song Get What You Can! I'll take another look at it soon.

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

You are welcome

Josh Walker
over 30 days ago to CaiNo

Wow, thank you for your kind words about Amazing Grace! Based on your comments I see you've been around the block a few times in the world of music! Thanks again!

over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

I appreciate your time in reviewing my songs to you

Ronald Arduini
over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Josh, thanks for reviewing "Choose a Way" and your spot on comments... As like "Lordy Lordy ", which you reviewed a while back, these are working demos that need to be performed and re-recorded.
Keep well

Paul Messina
over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Josh, Thanks for the awesome review of "Omni Play". That was much needed and appreciated. I love Thievery Corporation by the way. "Omni Play" was actually written as an experiment when I got my new Synthesizer/sampler Omnisphere. I was trying out new sounds and it just evolved. It was one of those times that I just couldn't stop recording, LOL. Thanks again!!!

Brenda Craven
over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Hi Josh,

Thank you for the comments and critique on my song, "Fallen In Love."


1 Replies
Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

You're welcome - you are a good songwriter!

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Josh, Listening to "Chill Mood"......great sound! Very magical from a layman's musical point of view..... 5 Stars.
M & A Corey

1 Replies
Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

Thank you! Now I do have to say that was drum programming, so it's not representative of my drumming style.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Josh...It's the Corey's a broken record, we keep requesting how much do you charge for a drumming project?? This will be the last time we ask/Bug?? Heart broken songwriter's....without a clue???
M & A Corey
PS. COOL picture of you drumming on your Broad Jam site!!! WOWZA!!!

3 Replies
Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

Oh I'm sorry guys! I sent something about a week or so ago, but I must not have made it to you somehow. I don't do a lot of Internet coming projects,so I'm not really sure what a fair rate is either. How is $75 per song? If it's in that neighborhood, it sounds good to me.

Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

Internet drumming projects, that is

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Josh, GREAT TO HEAR BACK FROM YOU!! The $75.00 per song sounds real fair!! WE will keep you on our list for drumming projects. Thanks again for the info!!
M & A Corey

Josh Walker
over 30 days ago to Radiation Mountain

Thank you for your kind words about Amazing's one of my favorite tracks. Much appreciated!

1 Replies
Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago

You bet Josh --it's a nice one!

Josh Walker
over 30 days ago to Billy Pilgrim

Wow, thanks Billy, for your kind words about Old Rugged Cross! Coming from an excellent musician like yourself, that means a lot.

2 Replies
Billy Pilgrim
over 30 days ago

Still lovin' that thing Josh. Great work indeed!

Peace and tons of it,

Billy Pilgrim
over 30 days ago

...and Josh thank you sir for the keen review of Outta Hear!

Take good care,

Kevin Winkel
over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Hi Josh, I appreciate you taking the time to review "Silk". You were absolutely right when you felt the trumpet wasn't up to par and I took the time to hopefully correct it. Sometimes I would rather create and play than take the necessary time for the technical stuff. Laziness I guess. That's what makes the reviews so valuable. Thanks again! -Kevin

1 Replies
Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

No problem - I really enjoyed your music!

over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Thank you for my review of 'How I Roll.' I appreciate your kind words.

Hi Josh, Thank you for the review on "Beautiful Sound", I really appreciate your views and judging by your scoring, we hear music the same way. There is no 'band in a box' over here. I (we) play everything live, all live drums, percussion, guitar etc... Thanks for the sweet comments. Dave - CenterPeace

1 Replies
Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

No problem, Dave! I think we do hear music the same way, although I'm still working on my recording/mixing technique. Great sound on your tunes!

Brenda Craven
over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Hi Josh,
Thank you for your review and comments on my song, "J Groove"!


1 Replies
Josh Walker
over 30 days ago

You're welcome Brenda! I enjoy your stuff.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Josh Walker

Josh, Really cool Jazz Vibe"The Old Rugged Cross".....Wowza!! My untrained ears are blown away!! Extremely creative! Is that you playing the Piano & the Bass?? 5 Stars..........This composition should be in the Intro or ending of a film...
M & A Corey

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