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Hi Greg! Simmerlein isn't a common name! My maiden last name was Simmerlein. Most of my family was in Wisconsin or Missouri or straight from Germany!!! Did you have any family members in this areas? Thanks! Kim
Kim , I live in Michigan. I don't know a lot ofy family but I'm sure we must be related somehow... Weird huh
Hey! Thks for the great review of" I'll bring you coffee", greatly appreciated!.. Blessings... Julia:)
Greg! Thank you Will take a listen to your songs Best Earl
Your song "in the end" is perfect. Roger Waters wished he would have wrote it for "The Wall" album its my new fav...thanks
Oh by the way thanks to Julia for helping me in finding this song
Hi! Love your song" Everything" catchy, great hooks. Great instrumentations... Nice vocals/ background vocals too... Great lyrics.. Uplifting song.... Let's connect.. Many Blessings... Julia
Julie, thanks so much for you kind words, I listened to your songs this morning and really enjoyed them, you are a very good singer/ songwriter...storyteller. thanks so much for connecting, Greg
sorry, Julia not julie
Hello! Thks so much for the positive comments on my music!! You keep up the great work too!... Blessings... Julia:)
Oh ! And you are very welcome also!!!
Hey Greg- You have a cool unique style and interesting lyrics. I'll have to check out more soon! Good luck with your music :)
Susan, Thanks so much, that means alot I will also check out your stuff....looking forward to it thanks Greg
Susan, I had a chance to listen to a bunch of your songs this morning..and I can hear why you would teach songwriting classes, very good stuff in many diff. genres. Like the lyrics alot...more john than paul me! thanks for connecting and I'm sure everything in your musical world is goin great, but good luck thanks Greg
Thanks so much Greg- I appreciate it. I definitely want to take a deeper listen to your songs when my crazy life settle s down a bit!
Yes, John mostly but I think you've got plenty of Paul in you too. :)
Victor, Thanks so much for your reviews. I think you might be the only one reviewing rock these days ,cause the last 3 reviews I've had were from you. Thanks for your kind words and your critiques are right on the keyboards, thanks so much Greg
Yeah, there doesn't seem to be much for Rock music on this site. Nearly everyone seems to be doing TV or movie soundtracks. I really joined just so I could get feedback from peers, and except for a few I've gotten some very useful reviews. I really like your stuff, btw :-)
Roy ,Thanks for adding my song "Merry go round" to your rock playlist. I have actually not been on that page in a long time. I am a primo member under this page ,if you have a chance to check it out ..thanks Greg Simmerlein
I think I'm the only one that never got a response. I'm sure you are very busy, still love broadjam.thanks roy
Greg, Sorry about the delay. Not sure how I missed this. I'll listen to your list today. Best, Roy
hey Roy no problem I wasn't trying to mean or anything., I just kept checking everyday for a response and never got one. I don't expect you to listen to my whole list I was just very excited you added a song of mine to your playlist and wanted you yo hear some of the ones I like even better... thanks so much
Greg, Liking what hear so far. BTW: I see you are from Michigan. I was born and raised south of Jackson. Let me know if I can help in anyway. Best, Roy
Greg, I received your email this am and I am not sure how I missed your stuff. As I mentioned, I like to review specific songs so I can dig deep and listen carefully and analyze. Since there is no specific request, I have listened to your list and have provided below my "first glance" at many songs in your list. Overall: The vocalist is very good, distinctive and reminds me of Elvis Costello at times. The production sounds like earlier Mellencamp, with a wider variety of sound choices. Very well done. Since the vocal is so distinct (and if it was my production), I would not use the same vocalist as the backup voices as it does pull the production back a little. The production is excellent and well done and kudos to the producer. If it was my production, I may have spent a little more time eq'ing in the mix stage, but this is personal taste. The sound selections were simply awesome and I listened very closely to some of the choices. Lots of additional instruments arranged very tastefully and performed by good players. It is very hard to do in this style of music, but you pulled it off and I really applaud this. It is very well done and as good as it gets. In general, lyrics are well written with great skill, from what I heard. Since none of them have been uploaded, I couldn't read them. Also, the metadata is not filled out. In online searches, the metadata is as valuable as the song itself. If this is not filled out, the song will not be returned in a search. And when you are writing for submissions and one of our providers searches for specific subject matter, mood, lyric content, etc., it will be returned at the bottom of the list. It is critical on our site, and any site for that matter, that you fill this out, unless you have a massive marketing campaign to drive traffic to your specific songs. You increase odds when this is done. Although I listened to the list in the order presented on your profile, the reviews below are not in the same order. Here are my quick thoughts: Gray: Love the staccato sound effect at 1:20. Love the EP sound and the part as well (great sound.) Very well played...."It's beautiful, it's wonderful" is sung with very little emotion. If I was producing, I would get the singer "up" for this part. Fallin Down: There is a great line in this song, "Shut your mouth and drink your whiskey........kiss me." This is the most memorable line in the song and part of it should be the title.....It is too low for the vocal. Song has an upbeat groove, bring the key up a little. Best song in the list so far. Pathetic Mess: Good song, love the title. A little different arrangement and sound than the rest of your list. Love the strings and the support instrumentation in this, especially around 2:35. Nice work. Best song so far. My Life: Like the sound choices in this as well. Hook is not as strong as the rest of the song. Save Me: Weakest song of the bunch. Vocal struggles on this one. Her Finger: Love this lyrical concept. Good work. Merry Go Round: Is in my playlist. It is not my favorite in your list, but I have put it there for a specific reason and do like it. The F of U: Piano sound in the opening sounds to me as if the notes are detuning slightly at the end of the ADSR (volume envelope,) especially in the release. The sound of this is not at the same level as the rest of the production. Deep: Remove the cough at the beginning, sounds like a mistake and doesn't add anything to the production. Overall: The story telling is extremely well done and that is why I think you should post your lyrics. They are excellent and as good as I've heard in a long time. In some songs, like "Fallin Down", the title needs to reflect the most memorable part of the song. If someone is searching for the song (on their desk, online, in lyric sheets, etc.), they will search based on memory.....I don't think the hooks are as memorable as the story telling and they need to knock you out. While I like the song list, I don't think the listener is going to walk away singing or humming the hooks. I think they will remember the verses and the fact they enjoyed the list, but the melody has to be married to the lyric in the hooks to make them viable in the marketplace. If these were my songs, I wouldn't change the lyrical content or the production as both are extremely well done. I would work on making the hooks more melodically memorable. With that said, I think these are very marketable in the current state, but with some more time put into the melody of the hooks, the opportunities for this list grows exponentially. It is clear that you write from the heart and you may not want to change a thing. I have many songs that I will never change as they mean more to me than any commercial success could ever do. So I understand. I love your stuff and hope this is helping. Roy
Hi Greg, Thanks for your reviews of "Arabic Moon" and "Movin on" and also kind comments. Tommy
Its been along time but my CD is done. check out the first 14 tracks in my songs.. Thanks Greg