Tommy Stewart

Tommy Stewart

Welcome to my website, I am a guitar player and singer/songwriter from Dublin Ireland. I have been playing guitar for since I was about 12 years of age and have never stopped since. Played in some bands in my teens and early twenties and recent started gigging again (before the pandemic).
You will find here a collection of songs and instrumentals I have created down through the years also some links to videos and mybandcamp site were my songs are available to stream or purchase.
My influences are mainly Blues and rock and mainly great guitar players such as Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton and many more.


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Turning up the Heat

Latest Releases : Turning up the heat.


This Artist has 7 Videos


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Thanks Tommy for nice words on 'Ambient Jazz Pop' . I appreciate your time

1 Replies
Tommy Stewart
over 30 days ago

No prob, not much feedback to give as it sound great and couldn't find anything negative.


Thanks Tommy for listening and reviewing the song "No One Loves Me like U Do". Thanks for nice score and I really appreciate your time!

Tommy Stewart
over 30 days ago to Tommy Stewart

Anyone with similar experience? One of my songs was selected for a licensing opportunity and was told I would be contacted by the provider. Haven't heard anything further after about 5/6 weeks. Is this normal or is it all a bit of a scam? Don't want to waste any more time or money if that's the case.


2 Replies
Steve Dafoe - Songwriter
over 30 days ago

I would contact BJAM directly with the details. Usually they can 'hurry' the process along. I do think some opportunities on BJAM are 'questionable at best'.

Tommy Stewart
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the feedback Steve :)

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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