Sweet Crystal

Sweet Crystal

26 time Detroit Music Award winning band. The musicians that make up SWEET CRYSTAL - Marq Andrew Speck (lead vocals, keyboards), Bill Blatter (guitars, vocals), Steve Wieser (drums) and latest member Martin Kuchar (bass) - have been at the front lines of the Michigan Christian rock scene, even before there was a definable label for this genre of modern music. In the words of SWEET CRYSTAL themselves: "We've always wanted to reach the world with the message in our music. Our songs are meant to inspire and leave the listener feeling better about themselves." explains Marq

Sounds Like: Journey, Styx

Latest News

WINWIT Reaches 189K Streams

Sweet Crystal latest single 'Whatever Is Needed, Whatever It Takes' (affectionately called WINWIT by the guys) was released on 12/26/23 and to date just crossed over the 189 thousand stream threshold on Spotify. Pretty sweet the band is thinking. The AI generated video over at YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@SweetCrystal/videos) has passed 87K views as well. Thinking this song has legs.

Sweet Crystal 2019

Progressive, powerful and passionate: the music of SWEET CRYSTAL is universal in its appeal and eternal in its message.

The musicians that make up SWEET CRYSTAL - Marq Andrew Speck (lead vocals, anything with keys), Bill Blatter (harmony vocals, anything with strings, Steve Wieser (anything hit with sticks) and newest member Martin Kuchar (anything bass) - are on the front line of the Christian rock music scene.

What's new for the band?

Their music, message, mission and ministry continue and show no sign of slowing down any time soon. A new compilation of songs has just been released on the Nightcrier Music label.

"GOT YOUR SIX" gives new listeners and long time fans a refresher course in all things Sweet Crystal.

Welcome to the world of 5 Carat Rock: sweet, very sweet indeed!

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