Roger Palmer

Roger Palmer

Palmer new Release "A New Horizon" is now available on al Social Networks. The following is a review by David Horsey, PI Columnist and Pulitzer Prize winner wrote this about this CD Release: "Roger Palmer's latest album A New Horizon is an enjoyable journey through several different music styles, from New Age through Cool Jazz and on to Bossa Nova tracks that will get you dancing in your living room.

These diverse tunes are united by a strong sense of romance--and that is not surprising , since the 14 songs are a reflection of the decades long romantic journey that Palmer took with his late wife, the love of his life. It is a beautiful expression of affection, touched by joy, fun, sadness and, in the end--with the song "It's Time" --a resolve to move forward to a new horizon.

Palmer's album has the feel of a movie soundtrack, but it is a soundtrack to a to a real life that anyone of us could carry in our heads and our harts.

__David Horsey


Sounds Like: Antonio Carlos Jobim, Exchange

Latest News  
 Palmer #1 #Salsa #Fiesta
Album Big Sky by Roger Palmer Navajo Rose has climbed to #1 in the #WorldBeat catagory ..,.listen now!

Palmer on Spotify #NavajoRose from Ventana De Vida new release on #MadeForSeattle Compilation of Seattle Artists A new U-tube video, music by Palmer: It's called Ce outsiders view of Paris through the lens of the photographer, Nancy LeVine! #Palmer For Latin Music  #2 Fiesta (Salsa)

#acoustic #mix #instrument #uptempo
#Palmer #Fiesta #1 in Latin American chart..

About "Palmer"

Palmer Music: New for the Millennium!

Roger Palmer Artist Biography:
Roger Palmer is a native of the Pacific Northwest. He is a graduate of University of Puget Sound where he received a Masters degree in music from Pacific Lutheran University. Growing up, he played jazz trumpet and began playing piano close to the onset of his formal education. Classical training gave him a deeper appreciation for all musical forms. He has been a teacher of music education for 25 years, which has encompassed a broad spectrum of administrative duties and directorships. He has an extensive performance background playing engagements in the greater Puget Sound and Seattle area.
Palmer is currently devoting his talents to writing music for multi media. His current project is "Escape Into America" which is a combination of on site pictures combined with cartoons and video. This is a project created by David Horsey (a two time Pulitzer Prize winner for his political cartooning) and These six videos with Palmer's music can currently be viewed on or

Composer and recording artist, Palmer has released "Lifetimes featuring Millennium Suite" available at and other on line resources, and
The evolution produced a body of work that is categorically New Age music, but they are fresh and new, beautifully written and beautifully produced. The melodies and moods fairly glisten from beginning to end. Phrase by phrase, not be note, Lifetimes and Ventana De Vida is a spherical reflection illuminating conflict within the human psyche which struggles to find a state of peace. As a whole, these two albums are a poignant reminder each lifetime is a miracle and a diving journey.

In its entirety, Lifetimes the Millennium Suite, the recording is built around a central theme, Millennium Suite. The only interruption in the instrumental format is Awakening, a poem written by Janice Johnson Palmer. Reminiscent of Pink Floyd's Delicate Sound of Thunder, the music is clearly an interpretive vehicle picking up where words leave off.
Palmer's release of "Ventana De Vida" (Window of Life) is new age/world music that combines ambient sound and crosses over into World. It's instrumental, spatial sounds, are grounded in beautiful melodies and world rhythms. Read an on line review written by Serge Kozlosky:

Review: by Serge Kozlosky at

Ventana de Vida (Window of Life)
(c) (p) 2008 Palmer Music

Review by Serge Kozlovsky: visit:

"Ventana de Vida (Window of Life)" is the long-awaited release of Roger Palmer. And the artist doesn't disappoint his admirers. Roger Palmer's newest album proves his skill and talent!

The music of "Ventana de Vida" is very harmonious and moving. Roger Palmer uses Native American motives in his compositions. And "Ventana de Vida" is real new age; its music is filled with transparency and sincerity. These are melodies from the bottom of the artist's heart.


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