Don't let the North Jersey accent throw you. Maybe it's that unique combo of Grandma's Kentucky DNA that helps Liz Miller slip into and out of Americana and Rock with native ease. The gravel in Liz' deep voice would suggest a world weariness yet, her songs range from fun to awkward to profound. Liz is an award winning songwriter with over 40 songs signed to publishers. Her songs have been placed in film and TV, and have been cut by several Independent artists. She is also half of the Indie rock band The X-Conditionals.After years of writing for others, Liz Miller is finally putting out her own cd with fan favorites by the artist herself.

Latest News

Just back after a family induced musical hiatus. Plans include finishing the second Xconditionals CD, re doing dongs for my own CD,submitting to opportunities, playing out and writing, writing, writing.More to follow...


Everyone who has ever been on the radio.


I would like to thank everyone who ever gave me a good review. The Top Ten lists have been a great venue for me and I have gotten contacted through their postings.
I want to thank my fellow artists for their freindship and encouragement. Everytime I want to quit this crazy music thing because of the 'business',I get a message from someone out there who tells me to keep it up.


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Chris Landi
over 30 days ago to Liz Miller

Hi Liz - Do You Think.. Beautiful! Chris

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago to Liz Miller

Hi Liz,

I saw that your song "Do You Think" made the Jazz Standards Top Ten so I thought I'd go over and take a listen. Very nice work.
I listened to a few more and was again impressed with your composing skill. Thanks for posting.......................... kenney

1 Replies
Liz Miller
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much! Just coming back to music. I love that song ðŸ'

Susan Witzel
over 30 days ago to Liz Miller

Don't I Know You- Really cool and original concept. Is that you singing? Great vocals!

1 Replies
Piyali Ganguly8619036
over 30 days ago

Beautiful vocals and songs! Really enjoying my listen this evening! The very best to you now and always!

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