David Swendig
A Short Biography
My name is David Swendig. I’m a songwriter and a producer of my own music. I’m 49 years old. I’ve been playing piano for 40 years and electronic keyboards and synthesizers since 1975. I played in the rock bands for 20 years gaining experience in songwriting, creative keyboard applications and sound effects. In every band that I played in I composed short intros to some of the songs that we had written. This developed into my writing of longer intros and then keyboard solos that were included into the sets that our bands would play. In 1995 I decided to go solo. After years of work and learning new technology, I completed my first album, The Sands of Time.
With the creation of “The Sands of Time” album I’ve finally been able to portray my imaginary thoughts of this ancient world through music.
This is just the beginning of my solo career. There are many more albums to come and many more genres to play.


This Artist has 1 Album

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Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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