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...How I Get Down is On.
Yo bro, been a while since I've been on broadjam, but you remember me? I was asking a bunch of questions. My pic used to be my mask. I got 2 new songs updated on my page and would love to hear your opinion!
Chyea, Love these funky jams ya lay down yo.
4sho....I appreciate that!!!
Hey, Spank ya lots for taking the time to give me that review...
Not really into spanking......but U R welcome.
Shit Is Killer... Ya got that unique flow. Spanks for Reviewing me by the way, I can see you were bein honest.
Yea, I just started making my own beatz a good year ago. but damn girl, that was just a beat that wasn't yur style, you coulda just cancled it and went to a different track cuz shit. I roll MIDWEST foe life, cuz shit here is tits. I like yur style too though. Good Flow.
Thanks for the review. I don't know why that song is still up for REVIEW cuz I took it off a long time ago cuz it's not a finished track & it needs work but for some reason it still gets reviews. I'm gonna have to take it down. Thanks again for the help.
Hey, Spank Ya Lots for the well-put review Once Again... Just a question: Are you the one that can control whose music is chosen to be on film or tv, etc, or is your site for Promotional Use? Thanks Again...
Unfortunately no, I use the site for promotional purposes only, cool tune 'tango-steppin'.
Thanks for your review once again ill check out your tracks when i get a min.
Big thanks for your review please feel free to keep in touch.
Hey Sikk whas crackin?!?!?! check meh out on Youtube! btw I love every beat u've made!
LOL I put "Y Bitch" for free and now...I guess it opened it for hitting the Top 10 list...LOL How does that work??? LOL
Well shit...I better get me some gigs...LOL LOL LOL
I went and did some research after realizing I was on the top 10 & the forums say that it's all about whatever songs get the most activity but then it don't seem to make total sense cuz I had a song that only got like 5 song plays and it made it to #5 on the Top 10 List. I guess it's true though..
LOL...that sounds like a challange...LOL I'm gonna give that some thought...and get back to you...LOL LOL LOL I done crazier...LOL LOL LOL
and ohhhh about the reviews...ITS ALL GoodNfun!!!! LOL LOL LOL
So Sassy pants...LOL Did you Gig it up this weekend? :) Seeing those pix...U must of! Looks like a lot of fun! Shit I only dream to do...LOL NEVER even been on this is probably why I hold back and I already know I have stage frieght...where every thing just freezes and my body feel like a scared child rolled up never to come out...LOL LOL LOL But I do know to...that when get past that shit...everyone then is in trouble...cuz I don't slow down...LOL unless the wind is out of me...LOL an age thang??? Not even Karaoke? But this year I think I will try that??? LOL Just to get past stage fright so I sing better? We will see if it helps thereafter the gain??? LOL LOL LOL You Rock Todd....Keep it up...its what you do best!!! OBVIOUSLY!!! :) :) ;) Lori
wow that is funny....your a nut! LOL LOL LOL Your energy is getting to me...but the sad thing know body gived a rats ass about my So Really??? If you only much know one cares...but I keep pushing forward anyways, cuz I do!!! LOL LOL LOL And Dream or Not...I would really love to have a song that a professional takes a runs with and I get royalties!!! Now thats a Dream 4 Me! I would have fun on stage...but probably wont happen anytime soon where I live......LOL LOL LOL :)
I'm still cracking up...when I reread...your shit...Todd...2funny...LOL LOL
Hey hey, I was just checkin to see if you were still interrested??? Just get at me..Peace.
Most Definitely! :)
I'm gonna go listen to your jingle's now....KK :)
Hey Sikk...I just listened to you new mix "Eye Karumba" and I like it....very you play the instruments...or is it audio that you mix...or both...LOL...Very Sikk...if you know what I mean....LoveIt. :) Lori
Cheers on your perfect score for Matrix Style. Never had that song referred to as classy before, but I'll take it:) Checked out your top song, I think if you layer some more drums into the mix that stuff could be on fire, keep up the hard work... Best: N
How long you been rapping? Ain't bad. What recording software do you use? if any.. Kinda sounds like what me & these guys used to do when we recorded our jams with a tape recorder and we would just crank the stereo.
Umm I've been rappin' about 6 months. When I make songs I normally use Sound Recorder or windows programs to record, then I mix using virtual DJ. If I want to make a really simple fast song, I use adobe audition.
Adobe Audition is actually supposed to be a good program to use for making music but if your serious about it then I would try out these DAW's: Otherwise if you want to make your music sound really professional then download a good software through a torrent. If you don't have the money for shit, give it a try. Just so you know, it is illegal, but everybody does it from time 2 time. If your interrested or/and if don't know how just hit me back. Peace
ight. Yeah normally I have real problems with fuzz, but I just learned some tips. If they work, i don't know, but I might use those softwares.
Chyea, those 2 links I gave you are free 30 day demo's and they take you straight to there company website to download for the public so you can't get in trouble with those. But with torrents, the internet company that you use like Charter or whatever are the ones that can find out about it but I guess it rarely ever happens. Can get Risky tho.
Ya gotta pretty Unique Style Foe Show...We should do a jam together, I do a lil rappin myself but mostly I makle beats N Shizz..
Thanks Sikk, I appreciate your attention to my music! I think your style is just as groovy! :) I will listen to more when I get a chance! :) Lori
I love to jam! Anytime Sikk? :)
Very cool and different indeed; you are right to not attach a label to your music, and I would not let others do that either.
Spank Ya Man... Hey Let Me Know If ya down With any DUBSTEP...?
wat ya mean down with any dubstep?
Spanks Ya Lots - Taking the time to give me back such a well appreciated review. If you liked the sounds much, listen in on sum more of my King Beatz. I'll Do the same...
Aewsome. Thanks, I will give it a listen.
Love Your shit!!! I Wanna Bang It & you 2. Keep It up sexy boyy...
Big thanks for your review of "Futurist" a release produced under my drumschool alias.Please feel free to keep upto date with future releases via my broadjam profile page.
nice work gettin into break beat top ten!!! also i posted a new sog:
Bomb-Azz Track Yo. I've been saying to everyone that likes dubstep to listen to this track I did, The LINK is: ALSO check this one out toooo: LINK is:
DUBSTEP is gr8 let me know when ya post some, also, can you plz listen 2 some of my stuff if ya have time @ i also make dubstep, but its not really mainstream type stuff, ill post som soon
Please feel free to keep in the loop with future drumschool releases via my broadjam profile page.
Thank you for the review! I appreciate it greatly! I am releasing an album that includes the song you reviewed, and I will make sure you get a copy, or digital download. Thanks again!
Thank ya lots for the review. If you were interrested with that song then I advise you have to check out my other tracks cuz the song you reviewed was actually a freestyle I did. All my other ones are well thought out & better flows.
Now This is the kinda D&b I like to hear, Finally from some1 who knows what their doing.