
Previous Comments

Rena Enea
over 30 days ago to Rena Enea

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Thomas E. McCue
over 30 days ago to Rena Enea

Thank you, Rena, for your positive review of my song, "Little One". The child referenced in the song represented the loss to all of us of the millions of aborted children throughout the world who could have changed the future of humanity. I truly believe that they are all in the loving arms of Jesus, as is a grandchild of ours that we lost due to a miscarriage.

Tom McCue

Rena Enea
over 30 days ago to Thomas E. McCue

My Heart Can't Do Without should be playing on the radio.

1 Replies
Thomas E. McCue
over 30 days ago

Thank you, Rena. My friend, Doug McCulley wrote the lyrics and performed the vocals for this song. I helped him with the melody and put together the musical accompaniment. I will pass your compliments along to him. Tom McCue

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Rena Enea

Hello there, Rena, thanks for reviewing Thank You, Jesus. That is very vintage...the second song I wrote after becoming a Jesus-follower. I see you play the piano! Cool! Your friend in FL, Mrs. Kate

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago to Rena Enea

Hi Rena,

Thank you so much for the kind review of "A Flower In The Morning".
I wrote the musical outline for the piece, my brother Steven wrote the melody and the lyrics. If you get a chance you might want to read the story behind the song. Anyway I'm so glad you liked it..................... kenney

Rena Enea
over 30 days ago to Jack Dennis

The Coming, I like this alot and it's very unique!
: ))
This song makes me feel good and happy. Thank you for sharing it!

Rena Enea
over 30 days ago to Ellen Hayes

Grace to you & shalom from God our Father and the Lord Yeshua the Messiah. (Romans 1) I would love to hear your voice at full volume! While listening I thought, that would be so wonderful to have a singing voice like yours and if I did, I think I would go full volume with emotion. I go full volume with emotion but my voice is not gifted like that. I like your music and the lyrics. Very refreshing from the mainstream. Thanks for sharing your gift.

1 Replies
Ellen Hayes
over 30 days ago

Wow, thank you so much. I apologize for the late response but I haven't been on here in a while. I will be uploading music with my full volume and emotion vocals.

Rena Enea
over 30 days ago to Jamie Ambrose

I can't even say enough about this (The Back Streets). Heard it only once, read the Song Description, and I was in tears (from someone who doesn't let them flow enough) and then teared my way through the lyrics. What an amazing job on this one!

1 Replies
Jamie Ambrose
over 30 days ago

Jeepers - thank you so, so much, Rena. This little song came out of personal loss, and because I choke in a studio setting, I just recorded it 'raw' in my living room one afternoon as a coping mechanism, really. It still needs polishing to my mind (but whose work doesn't to them?), but to have your response is... more reward than I could hope for. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen = and comment. All the best to you, Jamie

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago to Rena Enea

Hi Rena! Thank you very much for the endorsement! I really appreciate it! All the best to you and your wonderful music!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi Rena,
Thanks for the review and adding me to your playlist! I thought I'd let you know that I just released a new album and all the tracks are available for free download.

Rena Enea
over 30 days ago to Greg Lambert

I love your song "Fell In" and "Farther On!!"

1 Replies
Greg Lambert
over 30 days ago

Thanks, Rena! They're both done by Railroad Trax Productions, and they did a great job!

David Michael Walsh
over 30 days ago to Rena Enea


Thank you for your review of my song "Blue Butterfly" this track is part of my acoustic solo piano CD, Castle of Dreams.

I would love to see it used in a commercial or film as a backing track.

Thanks again

Rena Enea
over 30 days ago to Greg Lambert

Thanks for sending. I really like "I Fell In" a lot, especially the lyrics, well-worded! Real nice melody. - Rena Enea

1 Replies
Greg Lambert
over 30 days ago

Thanks, Rena! Hope everything is going well with you!

Susan Witzel
over 30 days ago to Rena Enea

Thank you for downloading Time Will Tell and the Stars!

2 Replies
Rena Enea
over 30 days ago

Thank you for the song, Susan.

Susan Witzel
over 30 days ago

You're welcome!

over 30 days ago to Rena Enea

JESUS I'M AMAZED--does have a happy feel to it--glad you liked it--I pray a blessing upon you today--cheers--joe--THANXS!

Rena Enea
over 30 days ago to NashvilleJoe


Rena Enea
over 30 days ago to NashvilleJoe

Thank you, Joe, for your song, Jesus Christ is Lord.

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