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Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Hey Kaye,

Thanks for the great review of my song, "I Have A Dream">... I love that song...

Also, I wrote a rock song back in 1964 entitled, "If Your See Kaye"..... it is a really fun song and won a "Beat Song Award" a while back. Very much an upgraded 1960's tune. Give it a listen.....

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Happy Holidays!

My Best,

Chester Nichols

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago to Sonny Lee Smith

Nice song, I live in Camden Ohio.

1 Replies
Sonny Lee Smith
over 30 days ago

Thanks Kaye!

DeDe Wedekind
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Hi Kaye thanks for your useful and amazing review of Just Desserts! All the best! DeDe :)

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Hi Kaye,

Thanks for the 5-Stars for my song, "I Was Dreaming". Glad to see you like the song. I think it is one of my best, too. Happy New Year to you!


Chet Nichols

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Hi Kaye,

Thanks for the 5-Stars for my song, "I Was Dreaming". Glad to see you like the song. I think it is one of my best, too. Happy New Year to you!


Chet Nichols

Greg Lambert
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Thanks for your review of "No Doubt About It, Kaye! I've been writing since I was 11 too! (I'm a bit older now) All the best, Greg

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago to allison bolton

Thanks so much for the more than fair review of my song. Forever This Time. was very nice of you to put such nice remarks.

Dan Robinson
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Thanks for your feedback on my song Country to the Bone. Appreciate

amy abernathy Montgomery
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Thank you Kaye for the five Stars! Have a blessed day.

Hello my friends!
Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and rate my new song!
Your support is much appreciated.
All the best!

2 Replies
TSW The Song Writers
over 30 days ago

U bet - keep making more - we love it, TSW.....

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago

You always have something great. I love hearing your songs.

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Hi Kaye!
Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and rate my new song!
Your support is much appreciated.
All the best!

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago to amy abernathy Montgomery

Thanks for the 5*'s on two of my songs. Thank you so much. You are like me, I write the lyrics, but have to find someone to do the music. I uaually know the music when I write, but no one wants to just arrange it from hearing a guitar and song. but I hope to have someone take it up, my writer in the songs I have now, has been giving them to other artist too. I have them alll copy wirtten, but still as long as he does that, I don't know what to do, except get someone else. Good luck, I like your songs.

amy abernathy Montgomery
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Hi Kaye, I love your song we will meet him in the sky, I just posted one with the same theme. You are a great writer.

1 Replies
Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago

Thank you, and so are you, I have been listening to yours, and I love them. Thanks hope we make it.

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago to amy abernathy Montgomery

I came to your songs to listen, and I am still on it, you write so pretty. I love the songs.

1 Replies
amy abernathy Montgomery
over 30 days ago

Thank you Kaye, I loved your song about your life, very clever. Have a great day!

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago to amy abernathy Montgomery

Thanks for the 5 star** on 2 of my songs, That is really nice to receive good news sometimes.
Kaye Logan

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea

Beautiful music, I love to find music to study by, when I am writing, this one is a bit fast for writing, but I like to hear this one, as it motivates me. Thanks for letting me hear this awesome song.

1 Replies
Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago

Thank you very much for taking the time to listen!
All the best!

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea

Thanks for the 5'S on my two songs. Let the whole town talk and Dear son. instrumentals. Was so nice of you to take the time to listen to them.

1 Replies
Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago

You're very welcome Kaye!

Ionut Mirel Udrea
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Hi Kaye!
Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and rate my new song "After Us"! I really appreciate your continuous support.
All the best!

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago to DavidFolsom9700509

I love your songs, the style is perfect. I just wanted to make sure I can get back to listen to more.
Thanks for letting me listen to the beautiful music.

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much for your kind comments, Kaye. That means a lot to me. I will listen to your songs and get back to you. Take care.

Steve Purcell
over 30 days ago

Thank you SO much... Best... Keep rockin...

Ronald Arduini
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Kaye, Thanks for reviewing "Billy" and giving it a more than fair score..
I just added 2 more of your songs to my country playlist.. And your "creative ship" should come in and be rewarded. Love your story telling in your songs.

1 Replies
Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago

Thanks Ronald, and the review was very fair, the song was good, I really liked it. Thanks for letting me review, I am busy going and seeing some more of yours.

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Hello Kaye, Thank you for the review of my instrumental. Okay, here is the version w/ lyrics. You are so kind! Mrs. Kate 1

3 Replies
Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the vocal part, I love this song, going to go listen to some more for tonight, I really love your style an lyrics. Thanks for sharing with me.

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago

Hi Kate,

That's really catchy. Nice work...... kenney

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Gee thanks guys!

over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Hi Kaye,
Thank you for a great review of We Can Be Lovers Again. It's a few years old now but is still one of my favourites.
Good luck with your music.

Signal 30
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Thanks so much for your kind review of our song Christmas the 25th (Country Version). We enjoyed listening to your song Footsteps. Thanks again, Rusty and Spark (Signal 30)

1 Replies
Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the comment, I was busy listening to some others of yours last nite, now I have to go back and listen again, to remember the names of them. I love to put songs I love on my playlist, so I can just listen whenever I want. Thank you so much for your wonderful songs.

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

hi Kaye,

Thank you for the great review of " We Say I Love You" so glad you enjoyed it. More importantly I went on your page and started from the first song got hooked and just kept on listening. Heard every one your songs. I just love your style. "Glass of Whiskey" is a real gem. i really enjoy your style. Thanks for posting your music ................... kenney

7 Replies
Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much, those were the kindest remarks I have ever gotten. I was in the process of listening to lot of yours, but my computer decided to go off, actually it was the internet, we had a problem with the internet. But I really love your songs, going to go back and listen now.....Thanks so much for making my day.

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago

Hi Kaye,

There are some wonderful stories you tell, any chance of getting you to post the lyrics? By the way you have "Blonde in a Red Corvette" listed under the Classical-Romantic genre., not sure you meant to put it there. That'd be where symphony guys would go to review music. So you are denying your fans access to that great tune. I look forward to hearing lots more from you............... kenney

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago

I am so glad you cought that, I didn't even know it, I guess maybe that is why it don't get much attention. Thanks so much.

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago

I don't know where to post the lyrics. I will be putting in some of just the music on some, so I am lost. I have only been on here a while, and I don't know a lot yet....I will try and figure it out....Thanks Kenny.

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago

Hi Kaye,

On the left hand side of your home page you'll see a list of things. Scroll down to where it says SONG. When you put your mouse on that you'll see just to the right another series of options. The first one say ADDE EDIT. Click on that That will take you to your list of songs. Each song has an option to edit. Click that and that will pull up your song. If you scroll down a bit you'll see a box that says lyrics. You can either type them in or if you have them on your computer you can copy and pate them there. When you have the lyrics in the lyrics box make sure you go to the bottom of the page and press where it says SUBMIT. Then you are all set.

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago

Let me know if you need more help .... kenney

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago

Thanks Kenney, I just uploaded 3 more songs, two of them play, and the last one I put up, won't play, the rest do, and I made sure they were all at least 192. I am still working on that, and then I will put some lyrics up. Thanks for all your help..........Kaye

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago to Greg Lambert

Hi Neighbor, I listen to your song, I will stand, I loved it, I really like the song, going to listen to some more. You really do a good job. I live in Cape Coral fl. and I use to live in Tampa, guess we have something in common.
Thanks for the pleasure of hearing your great songs.

1 Replies
Greg Lambert
over 30 days ago

Thanks, Kaye! Spring is here! Best of luck with your music!

Marilyn Oakley
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Hi Kaye, Thank you for your review of my song A Soul Once On Fire. Appreciate it. ~M

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

I wish someone could tell me why 6 of my songs won't play, and all the rest do.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Dear Kaye Logan, you just reviewed our song, "The Road" and gave it high marks, thanks so much!! Say...went to your site to listen to some of your tunes and there is something wrong with the play-back mode!! You might check it out?? It goes Click, click, click when you select one of your tunes???
Hope you will try and listen to more of our songs.....we write in several genres, so you will have to hunt a little for the country stuff!
M & A Corey/BMI!

11 Replies
Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the advise, and I did notice it was like that, so I done it over, and I think they are fine now. I am just new to here, and don't know everything yet, thanks so much for commenting and telling me about this problem, I think I have it fixed now.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Kaye, we will check out your site now that it's fixed!! Let's do the Broad Jam connection thingy!! Not sure what you need to do to have it happen?? Maybe click your heels together three times?? LOL
Have a good day!!
Margie & Art Corey

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago

It's still not fixed, some of them play and half of them just click and go to next one, I don't know what to do. Hope I can get this fixed.

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago

It's still not fixed, some of them play and half of them just click and go to next one, I don't know what to do. Hope I can get this fixed.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Dear Kaye Logan, when I have problems with Broad Jam, I go to the Contact Us button down in the left corner of the screen and email Anthony! Just tell me the problem you are experiencing and he will fix it!!! Oh, and tell him I sent you!! Good luck with this Mission, should you accept it?? Do you remember Mission Impossible, or am I showing my age?? LOL!!
Art & Margie Corey..........

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much Margie & Art Corey, I will do that right away. I am so grateful that you could tell me how to fix this..
Kaye Logan

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Kaye, let me know if that fixes the problem!!
Toodles....Art Corey

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago

Hi Margie, and no it's not fixed yet, and I don't know what to do, and no one answers me back except you. I am just drained, 6 of them plays great, the others not at all, I have no Idea what is the problem,
Thanks for trying...Kaye Logan

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago

Hi, Margie and Art Corey. you think if I take them off and redo them, they might work, I need to send some of them in, and I have others to upload, can't do that, when they don't work. and how do you add to a play list, I did some, but don't know how I did it now.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Kaye, It's Broad Jam Magic!! I've been on Broad Jam for 2 years and I am still discovering things every day?? I'm not sure how to perform that function ether?? Sorry!!
I'm still learning TOO!!!
Did you Email Anthony and ask him to help???
Art & Margie Corey

Kaye Logan
over 30 days ago

Yes, I have emailed them 3 times, and they have not responded, so I guess I take all the songs off, and try to figure it out. thanks for all your trouble.
Kaye Logan

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Welcome to Broadjam!

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Hi Kate. Thanks for the review of hot boiled peanuts instrumental. Yes there's a version with lyrics. Check it out. Search hot boiled peanuts. My disabled clients love that song! Mrs Kate

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