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Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

I just loaded two new songs from my CD 'Dr. Daniels Miracle Cure and Medicine Show'
Get in the Water and Gonna Save Me

Thanks for the Nice review on "Will You Still Love me?" Appreciate the feedback and nice score!

2 Replies
David James
over 30 days ago

It's a pleasure Steve!


Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Thank you for your generous review I'll absolutely come back and have a listen to your work. Blessings

Hi Ken! thanks for the review of "Before the World Stops Spinnin" Your remarks duly noted and appreciated! Good Luck! catnip

1 Replies
Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Good on you my talented friend.

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago to BAKE

Thank you for the more than kind critique od "Simple Song" it was recorded in 2000 with my band Burning Sage. We recorded this live on an eight track. We did a little sweetening but not much. This one worked well live. Thanks again.

Ronald Arduini
over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

Ah YES!!! Lifetime of wins, losses, and long roads.
Still, one should never regret having gone down those roads.... but reflect and smile...well done

1 Replies
Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Indeed. Thank you my friend.

over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

Just love Listen For The Train Ken. Great song, beautifully performed with great feel and instrumentation. Just love it!

1 Replies
Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Thank you my talented friend.

over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

Hi Ken,
Thank you for a wonderful review of Different Tracks - very kind. I did write it when I was heavily influenced by the Eagles and I take your comments completely. Any comparison is flattering enough to have made my rainy Monday morning!
Good luck and thanks again.

1 Replies
Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Bob Bentley my talented're welcome and it was a pleasure.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

Ken...GREAT SONG!! "Before The Fall" hell you're the Ghost of Willie Nelson, even if he ain't dead!!!
Nice arrangement too!! All around terrific composition!!
5 Stars and Likes......
Will listen to more of your tunes as times permits!!!
Margie & Art Corey/BMI
We live in East Covina????

1 Replies
Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Margie and Art Thanks for listen and thumbs up. I really appreciate it. I get the bird was great fun.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

Hey there Ken, we were just down in your area yesterday visiting and I noticed your address in your review!! You recently reviewed our tune, "I Get The Bird" and appeared to really enjoy the composition!! Thanks for all the At-A-Boys, High Fives and what Nots!! That's me destroying the lyrics and lead vocal, but it was fun while it lasted!! Oh, that's me too crewing around on the Harmonica. Never took a lesson in my life...I guess I should have spent that additional $75.00 for those first five lessons.....whatever??
I will check out your site as soon as I finish this email.
Let's connect and share old guy 50's stories......
Art & Margie Corey/BMI Dudes

1 Replies
Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

that would be great

Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

Winding My Way gets 10 stars ⭐️ from me, my pop up is not working, nice song

5 Replies
Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Thank you

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Thank you Delta.

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Thank you Delta

Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago


Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Thank You!!!

Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

A note to say thank you for reviewing "Summertime" your comments were great....I want to tell you I recorded that song A Cappella and I have two versions...that one has percussion to make it more than the norm....the other one is straight stage.....i have sung this since I was 18 and one of the first songs I ever wanted to sing...took me over 50 years to record it...check out some of my other tunes if you get a chance....this will help you know what I can do....again thank you I am a friend in music...

2 Replies
Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

I will. Love your voice.

Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago

Thank you....I love bj because it gives us so many voices and songs to hear that you would hear no where else....

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

Ken, listening to your very cool song, "I Can't Lose" terrific vocals & great song SIR!!
5 Stars & Likes of Likes.
M & A Corey
Peace Out.........
From East Covina!!!

1 Replies
Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Thank you.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

Dear Ken Lehnig, you just reviewed our song, "You'll Survive", that tune was one of first songs we recorded after we purchased Studio One. The version you heard is a tad brutal! If you get a chance, drop on by our M & A Broad Jam site and have a listen to some of our newer compositions!
So, you reside in Chula Vista California, we are up North a ways in Covina, Ca.

1 Replies
Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

I will do that. Look forward to it.

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

Hi all. I have been away for a year working on a novel and traveling. I'm happy to be back amongst my peers and with a new album project just about ready for release. The Dr. Daniels Miracle Cure and Medicine Show. I'll be loading all the songs from "Holding a Rose" in the next two weeks.
I'm looking forward to listening to all y'alls work from the last year.

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

Hi all
I haven't been around much I have been busy with our new podcast. Check it m

Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

Ken sorry it has been song in thanking you for your review of of my thank you...Delta

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago to Ron D Bowes

Thank you for your generous review of Cooled Down To the Blues

Thank you Dave for the review of "Out of Touch" I think you were very generous and spot on with your review. The song was recorded studio/live in one take 25 years ago. We had the balls to think we could do a life project - we did the album in 3 nights and never did much with it other than demos for life playing - it must us feel 'honest' to deliver exactly what was heard. I released the album this year on my label for no good reason than it was an effort well done. You could have been a lot more harsh. It most certainly is sans technology and not 'Bright and Shiny" Thank you for your even hand.

1 Replies
Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

egad! 'Live project' and 'live playing; when I type in a hurry its a disaster.

over 30 days ago to NashvilleJoe


4 Replies
Abram Band
over 30 days ago

Hugs and yes you are blessed dear Joe xoxox

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Glad your okay! Prayers still your way.

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

my good friend Joe Hendrickson, keep your spirits up and your heart in the best of places. the world should not be your concern, right now. strength is my wish for you!

Lori Jennerjohn
over 30 days ago

XOXO's to you Joe! SMILES

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago to Laurence Watkins

Thanks for your review of my demo 'I Can't Lose" There is a fully produced cut of this same song recorded in the early 90's please go have a listen and tell me what you think.

Bill Dake
over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

Ken, thanks for the 5's on " Northern Climes ".


2 Replies
Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Absolutely my pleasure.

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Your welcome.

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

I did a wonderful show last night for a Church Coffee shop. What was cool is I constructed the set in such a way that I played several of my faith songs, not necessarily suitable for Church service, as well as story songs about` very human trouble and strife. The audience really reacted well to the whole set. Faith and secular songs have always been exclusive. I have secular songs that bring in spiritual/religious elements and I have faith songs that utilize very hard secular elements. I'm wondering if there isn't a market for a blending of the two rather than keeping them exclusive. Any one have any thoughts.

5 Replies
Mark Horton
over 30 days ago

Hi, Ken. I'll share my thoughts. I think what makes religious and secular music appear exclusive are the artists, not the music. If Nicki Minaj came out with a pop-style song about rebirth and forgiveness, no one would call it a faith song, but if the same song was done by Steven Curtis Chapman, everyone would call it a faith song. I have heard many country songs mention God and prayer without being specifically about faith, and I know I've heard "secular" pop/rap songs mention religious things.

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Great point. I wonder if it is a regional/demographic issue. Country stars do well in most all markets that you wouldn't think would be a fit. Thanks for the response Mark

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

Blending both faith music and secular is cool to me and I have written some Christian songs and secular .. both can touch anyone's life at any point in time:)!.. Esp. If they can relate to someone's experiences in life faith- based or not:)

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

It's all in the artist's interpretation (as Mark mentioned ) and how one can relate to what we try to convey!:)

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Thank you Julia my take exactly.

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago to Treve Evans

Spot on Treve Thank you for your review of Mary More. This was recorded in the early 80s as a novelty song for a film project. I think I wrote it 15 minutes and the boys and I popped it out in an afternoon. It was great fun. If I recall we taped it live and tracked in some sweetening tracks.

2 Replies
Treve Evans
over 30 days ago

Hi Ken, my pleasure. I enjoyed the song's really natural feel - it really does sound like you enjoyed doing i. The late Andy Fraser of Free wrote Alright Now in 15 minutes, so you are in good company (other than the fact that you are still in this realm!)!

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Sometimes the muse is as kind as she is persistent. I'm sure like you I am the happiest when I'm playing.
Best to you my talented friend.

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago to andy blackwood

Thank you Andy for the thorough review of Miss Pauline. It wasn't my intention to produce this for wide market appeal. The album 'The American Music Show' I was attempting to capture styles and production methods in songs I had written thinking of different songs I had heard and loved in my fifty years performing and being a fan. You are spot on if it was to be contemporary CD. Thank you!

1 Replies
Shao Suan LOW
over 30 days ago

Hi Andy, many thanks for your very thorough and encouraging review of "All This Time". The lead instrument I used was Soprano Saxophone. The sound quality would be much better had I used the actual instrument. But all the same, thanks for constructive your comments. I'll take note of them. :)

Thanks Dave for your insightful review. I'm sure I'll look at doing this one again.

1 Replies
Dave Haddad (CenterPeace)
over 30 days ago

You're welcome Ken.

over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

Summer's Wings has a very cool ending. Lovely song.

1 Replies
Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Thank you Paul.

Ron D Bowes
over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

Thankyou very much for the 5 stars on "The Hanging Tree" and "(It Don't Get) Better Than This". Appreciated ;-)

1 Replies
Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Absolutely my friend.

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

I just posted a voice/guitar demo of a song that came from a poem. A song about the battle of Shiloh in the Civil War from the southern perspective. It's a 'not done much anymore' song form. Let me know what you think.

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

i like it ken. you should post the lyrics. sounds good. i like that style of song.

Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Thank you Tristyn I will.

over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

Hi Ken,

Thanks for the 5 stars for Demons In Your Darkness, much appreciated.


1 Replies
Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

My pleasure my friend.

Tony DiPofi
over 30 days ago to Ken Lehnig

Hey there Ken -Thank you for the 5 star review on " Dreadful News from a Recently Refurbished Garage " Have been listening to your cuts as well - wonderful stuff ,creative , imaginative --well done - Cheers ,Tony D

1 Replies
Ken Lehnig
over 30 days ago

Thank you Tony. My pleasure.

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