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Hi Jeana,
Thank you so much for the 5 stars on "Just Time For Me To Go". I really appreciate you taking the time to have a listen, and I'm so glad you liked it!

While I'm here I'll check out a tune or two of yours!

Thanks again... be and stay well!


Hey Jeana,
Thanks for the stars on Pass It On, much appreciated!

Hi Mike-- Thanks for listening to "Treasured" and for the stars. Appreciate it! I listened to "Princess Paige" and "Taron's Turn". Very beautiful soundtrack pieces! 5-stars.

Thanks Again!
Jeana Marie Potthoff

Hi again Jeanna,
Thanks so much for the 5 Stars on "Best Friends". That one was a fun one to do. I'm so glad you liked it.

I'll have a listen while I'm here... always good to get a taste of your excellent music!

Thanks again!


1 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Frank--I just listened to your Just Time For Me to Go--cool vibe! 5-Stars. Thanks for the stars and playlists for Spring Birds and Treasured. I appreciate it!
Hope you've had a good summer. It's flown by!

Jeana P

Hi Jeanna,
It's been a while! I hope all is well with you and that you weren't negatively impacted by the recent storms around here.

Thank you so very much for the 5 Stars on the vocal version of "Walk It Back". I'm so glad you liked it.

It's been a minute since I've been here, so I'll have a listen to some of your music.

Thanks again!

Hi Chelsea--Thanks for listening and the stars! I appreciate it.

Jeana Marie Potthoff

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

A warm thanks for your stars for "When you gonna Hit"!
The Title just came to me as I was humming, but don't know what inspired it!
The story just seemed to evolve by itself: You know I love a story.,
As usual for me, the transpired Lyric was far too long, so cut, cut and cut again!

I listened to "My Favourite Memory" again because it evoked that nice calmness I experienced the first time of hearing.
If I could, It would have merited another five stars!

This time I played and enjoyed, "Written in the Stars"!
You have not produced one song I do not like, which is Testament to your creative ability!
On listening to "Written in the Stars", I could imagine a lone violin (possibly electric) weaving its own melodic path in harmony with!
Jeana, do you sometimes create Ensembles with your violin or viola?
That I would love to hear if you have any recordings!
Cheers, Jim.

2 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim- thanks again for your kind words and listening. You have a good idea to add violin or viola to my pieces. I don't really have a set up for that (my equipment probably has some way) I'm very limited in my knowledge of production! Maybe I will explore the idea in the future.
Are you vacationing in Spain? Maybe you will have a new song idea sparked from your trip. :-)

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Yes, a weeks break in Spain! Inspiration comes and goes if you don't jot it down or record it asap.
I stopped walking two days ago and recorded what I was humming, which to me sounded good for an emotional duet.
It is a real pity about Bob leaving here! He is right in what he says financially. I have had two gifted opportunities to use for weeks now but know the system is skewed against us.
Lovely people I have connected with like yourself!
Possibly, emails shared may be the way forward for me.
Networking is really vital and knowledgeably supportive I reckon!
Take care!

Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

Hi Jeana, good to visit your music again! Always glad to connect with you!
After a cold winter( but minus snow this year) it is wet here in Scotland but the sunshine is surely around the corner! The frost did not stop me golfing in our winter league which I won!
Looking forward to holiday in Spain in a couple of weeks, where it is quite warm.
Shorts and t shirt country! Hope sun is now shining on you!
I enjoyed your "Spring Birds" and could envisage them hopping about but, "Until we Meet Again" I found quite sad.
I suppose that is a compliment since the emotion felt, matches the Title!
How are you doing!

1 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Jim--great to hear from you! Sounds like you had a good winter and nice that you won your golf league! A little frost won't hurt. :-) It's officially tornado season here, which we just had severe storms two days ago. Thanks for listening to Spring Birds and Until We Meet Again and the stars. I appreciate it! My cousin passed away which inspired Until We Meet Again, so it does sound sad. But life goes on, and springtime is a time of renewal, thus Spring Birds. :-)
Hope you have a great time in Spain!
All the best,
Jeana P

over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

Hey Jeana thanks so much for the stars on "Standing Beside you in Darkness" appreciate you stopping by for a visit. I love your new one "Written in the Stars."

1 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Scott--You're welcome on the stars for "Standing". Your songs are always consistently great and true to their genre. Thanks also for the stars and listening to "Written In The Stars". Always appreciate the support!
Jeana P

Jeana, Just heard your latest composition "Written In the Stars" Think that was the title, 5 Stars! My wife was in the other room and commented, that it was quite beautiful, Great job!! Your music is always top notch...excellent job!!The Corey's......

1 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Art--Thanks for listening to "Written In The Stars" and the stars. I appreciate it! Glad Margie liked it, too. :-) Five stars for your Boujgee song (don't know if I spelled it correctly) and of course I like the cat line. :-)

Hi Jeana, Hope you are well? Thanks for the stars for Trees, as always I'm grateful for your support.

2 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Bob--Trees is beautiful, you're welcome for the stars. Thanks to you for your support of "Adrift". I'm doing well, hope you and yours are doing good, too. :-)

over 30 days ago

Thank you for the kind words Jeana. I really was taken by Adrift, so that was easy.
I'm fine, my good lady is recovering from a heart attack before Christmas - a slow process.
Cheers, Bob

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago to Arden Snow

I enjoy listening to your well-crafted tunes!
Thanks so much for listening to "Feels Like October", "Another World", and "Until We Meet Again". I appreciate the support and stars.
Jeana P

1 Replies
Arden Snow
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much! Yea, I absolutely LOVED until we meet again. And of course!

Hi Bob-Thanks again for listening and supporting my music, this time for "Another World". I appreciate your input!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

You deserve it Jeana.

Hi Frank--
Hope your 2024 is off to a good start! Thanks for sharing your Christmas music. I enjoyed listening to it and also hearing the inspiration for it.

1 Replies

Hi Jeana,
THANK YOU so much for that! Yes, things are going well, great start to 2024! I hope all is going well for you too!

I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed listening to our Christmas music. I really appreciate you taking the time to have a listen... I know that original Christmas music take a certain "mindset" to enjoy and/or appreciate.

I'll stop by your Broadjam page over the weekend and listen to more of your music. If there's any song(s) in particular that you'd like me to check out, please let me know.

Have a great day and weekend!


Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago to allison bolton

Hi Allison--Thanks for listening to "Another World" and the stars. I appreciate it! I listened to your "Life Is So Much Better". You have a great sound! 5-stars.

1 Replies
allison bolton
over 30 days ago

your welcome thank you

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago to Warren Hein

Hi Warren--Thanks for listening to "Another World" and the stars. Much appreciated!

2 Replies
Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

Nice job kid!

over 30 days ago

I didn't realise you had new music out Jeanna until I saw the comments from Warren and John. Have just had a listen to Another World and found it to be right up there with your usual immaculate standard, beautiful and very comforting. I particularly like the feel/dynamics you get into your music, only possible with one instrument if you really know how to play it!
I could easily hear this on film or TV

Lots of luck with it,


Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago to Ravensong

Scott-Thank you for listening to "Another World" and the stars. I appreciate it!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey Jeana always enjoy your music.


Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago to John Walradt

Hi John-Thanks again for your support and listening to "Another World" and the stars. Always appreciated!

2 Replies
John Walradt
over 30 days ago

You're welcome, Jeana. Your tunes are always a beautiful listen. I don't usually get on Broadjam much anymore. Just enough to spend a couple of minutes. I've been spending more time working on getting out of Phoenix and some time making videos using artificial intelligence, which still has lots of glitches!

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Looking forward to seeing the videos!

Pete Hansen
over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

Good morning and Happy New Year Mrs. Jeana Marie Potthoff. Thank you for listening to my songs "A DREAM OF YOU" and "EVEN MORE". Just taking the time to listen to them is very appreciated and your generous rating is a huge bonus! I listened to two of your songs in the New Age top 10 recently and both are very well crafted with much depth and easily earned a 5 star plus rating. May I say, respectfully, your piercing blue eyes are a big draw. Good luck with all your musical creations!!!

1 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Pete--Thanks for listening and your ratings. I look forward to hearing more of your music. You have a great sound!

over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

Hey Jeana thanks so much for stopping by for a listen and the stars for John's amazing song "If the World Ends" Your thoughts are always greatly appreciated.

1 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

You're welcome, great job bringing this tune to life. :-)

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago to Jim Aitken

Congrats on your "One Night Stand" contest win! Well-deserved honor for you. It's a great song. :-)

1 Replies
Jim Aitken
over 30 days ago

Hi Jeana, Really great to hear from you! Thanks for your kind message.
Sorry I have not been in touch for a while. I have been chasing my tail this Summer!
Golf, Bowls, Allottment (growing Veg) Promoting my songs in Playlists, Creating music and lost an Uncle, Neice and a couple of good friends etc!

How did you know of One Night Stand Winning?
I have not seen anything on the site.
It carries a free years subscription.
Im afraid i do not hold out much hope of achieving anything on Broadjam apart from this Internal Comp!
My music which has been selected by Promoters on here has produced No Return through Licensing!

How are you keeping, whats are the dogs up to and whats new on your Music?
I have listened to your music on ocassions. Time is not mine!
What do you recommend I should listen to?
Cheers, Jim

Rex Niemand
over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

Jeanna, thank you so much for the stars for Follow your child, an old track that I think warrants re-visiting at some point. Actually, let's multiply that thanks by two as I owe you a thanks for stars for Tea for two a few weeks ago as well. I've been a little quiet here of late, so much going on here. Wishing you well as always, and listens coming your way soon. You are forewarned, haha! -- Tony, aka 'Rex'

1 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Tony--you are welcome. You have diverse music that I always enjoy!

Hi Jeana,
I just listened to "Feels Like October"... love it!

I was wondering if you intentionally mixed it "hard left". I was anticipating the right side to "fill in" with another part and/or the mix spread.

Nonetheless, beautiful piece... 5 stars and I added it to my "Soundtrack" playlist!


4 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Frank--thanks for the stars and playlist add for "Feels Like October". I always appreciate you taking your time to listen!
I thought about your mix comments, and although I did have more lower register parts, it prompted me to listen to the mix again. I had compressed it low, so I raised the compression and I think it sounds a tad brighter now. I re-uploaded the song. Maybe I'm the only one that can tell there is a slight difference! Anyway, I appreciate the comment. I don't have the greatest system to listen to the final product, so it helps me to have feedback.

Hi again Jeana,
I just listened to it again and it still sounds to me like the right side/channel is really low or missing.

Hopefully, I'm describing this properly. It sounds like it's panned mostly or all the way to the left. Your other pieces sound balanced in the stereo field, so this one kind of stood out to me.

Nonetheless, it's a great piece so I certainly enjoyed listening to it again!


Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Frank-I did a couple more tweaks to "Feels Like October". I may re-record it before distribution, we will see.
Thanks for your help!

Absolutely... glad to help.


Hi Jeana,
Thank you so much for the 5 stars and the playlist add of my version of "Silent Night". I'm so glad you liked it!

As always, be and stay well... and have a safe and happy holiday season!


1 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Frank--I loved your version of "Silent Night". I need to listen to your other Christmas tunes. I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful holiday season, too. :-)

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago to Warren Hein

Hi Warren--thanks for listening to "Feels Like October" and the stars. I appreciate it!
Jeana P

Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago to John Walradt

Hi John--Thanks again for the song support, this time for Feels Like October. I came up with this idea in August, when there was a slight breeze of change in the air. I have been sidelined A LOT from the two new fur kids so it took a while to get recorded. :-)
Jeana p

over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

Hey Jeana thanks so much for the stars for "The Pit" always appreciate you stopping by for a listen. I love your new one "Feels Like October" beautiful melodies. Scott

1 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Scott--you're welcome, I enjoy your songs. Thanks also for listening to my latest and the stars. Have a great weekend. :-)
Jeana P

Hi Jeana,
I hope all is well your way!

Thank you so very much for the 5-star ratings on "I Got Nothin' " and "Can You See Me".

I really appreciate you taking the time to listen to them and rate them!

Have yourself a safe and happy thanksgiving!!


2 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

Hi Frank-- You are very welcome. I always enjoy your songs. Thank you also for listening to "Tribute for Tasha" and the stars and playlist add. Always appreciated. :-)
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well. It's feeling like that time of year today in NE, isn't it!
Jeana P

Indeed it is...turkey time and holiday lights/songs popping up!

I'll be checking out more of your music again... it'd been too long. I always enjoy your piano compositions and playing!


Thanks for the endorsement! I appreciate it.

over 30 days ago to Jeana Marie Potthoff

Hey Jeana thank you for stopping by and listening to "The Picture" I sure do appreciate you and the stars. Be safe. Scott

2 Replies
Jeana Marie Potthoff
over 30 days ago

You're welcome, Scott. Another enjoyable tune!

over 30 days ago

Thank you

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