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Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Hey Cat Lamondt, just saw your name again and forgotten all about you thru Broad Jam from several years back! Hope your musical career is doing well! We have been on Broad Jam now for over 6 years and have composed quite a few tunes. Would love to connect thru Broad Jam as Musical friends!
Stay Safe,
The Corey's.......
Margie & Art Corey/BMI

over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Hi Cat, Thanks for the 5 stars for When You Might Need Me. Hope you are keeping safe and well?

Emmett North Jr.
over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Nice,Emmett North Jr.

over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Many thanks for a great review Cat, glad you like it. The vocal does need attention, I did it all in an hour while Sue was at church on Sunday!! Revised version in due course.

2 Replies
Cat Lamondt
over 30 days ago

Absolute pleasure, well deserved!

over 30 days ago

And the star rating.

Charlie Shock
over 30 days ago to Kitty Matkins

Thank you Kitty for your very encouraging review of the song "the way life goes". I appreciate it very much!

1 Replies
Cat Lamondt
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the great review of Goodbye looks good on you! Much appreciated!

over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

thanks so much for the review of stretched on your grave much appreciated !

1 Replies
Cat Lamondt
over 30 days ago

Absolute pleasure. Well deserved :-)

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Cat.......the Corey again..........We went to your Broad Jam site and had a listen......Very Cool tunes and love your voice! If you get a chance...........could you have a quick listen to our song, "Kitschy, Kitschy, Kool"....I think you just might really enjoy our composition!
The reason we mention our song is that, after hearing your tune, "High Class Broad", New Version...we thought you might really enjoy our crazy tune!!!

Peace Out..........
Marg & Art Corey/BMI

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Dear Cat recently reviewed our song, "Dark Desert Sky" and gave it high fives!! Thank you so much for the extremely positive review! We noticed on your Broad Jam Bio, that you sing country music. Have you ever heard of a Country artist named Buddy Jewell, who was signed to Song Music, back in 2002? Buddy had a Number 1 Hit on the American Charts with a tune entitled, "Pour Out The Rain". Anyway, we released our own album entitled, Tales of the New West/ sung by Buddy Jewell, just before he was signed to Sony Records. If you get a chance...check it out! Question.......Do you ever cover other songwriter's tunes, cause we have quite a few.
Anyway....we will go to your site and have a listen to your music.....

Happy Trails.
Margie & Art Corey/BMI Writers

4 Replies
Cat Lamondt
over 30 days ago

Hi Margie & Art,
Yes, I know Pour out the Rain, great song! I do sing other artists songs and also do lots of collaborations. I'm an international Publisher and represent artists and songwriters from South Africa, Canada, France, UK and US. I would love the hear more of your songs! You are most welcome to the review, it is well deserved. You can contact me directly on if you wish. I am leaving on Monday for Zanzibar but would be back on the 30th. My albums are on CD Baby and iTunes and the latest music video is on YouTube. The song on YouTube has just been chosen as one of the cancer campaign songs. We are moving to Nashville permanently in January as it would make my life easier on pitching at TSAI and Music Row.

Glad to make your acquaintance and are looking forward in hearing from you.

Best wishes


Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Dear Cat.............It sounds like you are incredibly we will try not to take up too much of your time! We just sent you a follow-up E-mail mentioning our tune, "Kitschy, Kitschy, Kool" and that you might enjoy it!! We have actually ventured off into the Pop/Jazz Genre and have addition songs that might interest you?? If you have any down time...have a listen to some of our Jazzy/Lounge songs......
Margie & Art Corey/BMI

Cat Lamondt
over 30 days ago

I'd love to listen to them all. I can hear Kitchy Ktchy cool as a little more Jazzy Caberet, Certainly how I would sing it. Do me a favor please and send me some of your mest songs and lyrics. The momemt you send anything to me I copyright it in the States under your names and send you the Affidavit before I even touch it. I've been in the industry too long and rather give you the insurance that you gave it to me to listen at. Will definitely have a listen and send my take on the songs! lamondt

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Cat.........thank you for your concerns of Copyrighting our material, but we are way ahead of you...All our compositions that appear on Broad Jam are copyrighted or are in the process of!! Before I put anything on Broad Jam......I send our tunes to the Library Of Congress.
I composed "Kitschy, Kitschy, Kool", on my PC, so those are all just loops, however the Sax player is a real deal musician Jerry Peterson, along with the drummer Dave Haddad. These musicians were added after the original recording was made. And yes, I can hear a more Jazzy Cabaret take on the tune also!!!
We will send you some other songs in the future for your listening hopes that you might someday consider singing one of them...
Again, let us stay in touch......
Have a Kool trip in Zanzibar...Oh, and if you have time...have a listen to our tune, "I Took A Selfie In Dubai" Pop Song!!!

Margie & Art Corey/BMI
Peace Out...

over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Incredible voice!

3 Replies
Cat Lamondt
over 30 days ago

Thank you Tim! If you have time, have a look at the video on YouTube, I wrote the song as part of breast Cancer awareness. atch?v=AJLNzykrKrQ

over 30 days ago

A friend of mine passed away yesterday at the age of 50 after battling breast cancer for the past 8 years. That this song appeared in my feed today is truly amazing.

Cat Lamondt
over 30 days ago

My sincere condolences! Sometimes the universe works in mysterious ways.

over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Hi CC,

Thanks for the playlist for Time To Think. Much appreciated as always.

over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Just Let Me Cry is outstanding CC

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Beautiful !! " just let me cry" ... Beautiful story behind it, lyrics and production and vocals :)!

2 Replies
Cat Lamondt
over 30 days ago

Thank you Julia! Greatly appreciated!

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago


over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Well done CC, our collab I Put Your Picture Away is #1 in the Country Rock chart. Can't wait for the duet version!

over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt


1 Replies
Cat Lamondt
over 30 days ago

Thank you

Ron Wilson
over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

I love the poetic imagry in this song, and your vocal as super and comes through out in front like a vocal should do. Very nice

Ron Wilson Arbuthnot
aka Vee Bdosa the Doylestown Poet

2 Replies
Cat Lamondt
over 30 days ago

Thank you Ron, such a nice compliment. Very inspiring and much appreciated.

Cat Lamondt
over 30 days ago

Thanks Ron, a great compliment to myself and my stunning producer.

Cat Lamondt
over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Awesome to have made Africa and South Africa's Top Country 10 with 4 songs.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Well done CC.

over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

The world is getting smaller, I just reviewed Something To Believe in!! I thoroughly enjoyed it. Will catch up soon,


1 Replies
amy abernathy
over 30 days ago

Hi CC,
Thank you so much for your kind review of my song hand up. You mentioned that it needed to be produced, and I have uploaded the produced version, so check it out. Hope you have a blessed day!

over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Hi CC...just stopping by again to say thanks for the nice review and all 5's on, That Look You're Givin'! Much appreciated!

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Hi! Pretty duet!! " fade into you":)!! Great vocals, lyrics and production! Bob Bentley steered me in your direction ..we have done some great work Together!! Anxious to listen to more of your songs !:).... Julia

over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

I'm beginning to feel I'm being stalked - you guessed it, Different Tracks is mine also!! Double coincidence - unless you've managed to crack the Broadjam system, or maybe I'm the only person with any tracks out there?
It's one of my oldest and favourites but I've tried many versions to get it right, maybe due another go soon? Thanks for a very thorough and fair review, lots to ponder.
Thanks again,


over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Well now it's a small world CC, just finished an email and noticed that Cowboys & Indians had been reviewed. Thanks for a fair review. Unfortunately the full story was intended to be about my Dublin upbringing when all I ever wanted to be was a cowboy. Was going to include seeing Roy Rogers and Trigger onstage but the song is already too long and would have been nearer 10 minutes!!
Thanks again,

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Hey CC, thanks for reviewing my song, Hot Boiled Peanuts! Do they have em in Nairobi? Your friend, Mrs. Kate

1 Replies
Cat Lamondt
over 30 days ago

Yes, it is actually one of our export products. :-D

over 30 days ago to Tom Ballister

Hi Tom,
A quick thank you for a fair review of Grand Old Man Of Rock N Roll - it's by no means my finest work, a bit of a filler really. I gave it a listen today and completely take your observation about the reverb.

Thanks again and good luck with your own projects.

1 Replies
Cat Lamondt
over 30 days ago

Hi Tom, thanks for the review on Goodbye looks good on you. I've been arguing with my producer over the same thing for months. I couldn't have said it better. Thank you. CC

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Hello CC, thanks for reviewing my song, Hot Boiled Peanuts. Being from Kenya, you might not be familiar with such a regional favorite. At any rate here is the song WITH lyrics. Enjoy! Mrs. Kate 1

Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Hi CC thank for your very thoughtful review of Living in the Trees!! ~Jeff

Malcolm Lally
over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Hi CC,
Thanks for your great review of Flashback To Stranger Days, so glad you enjoyed it :)

3 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks for your generous review of "BIG FOOT" I appreciate the love.

Cat Lamondt
over 30 days ago

I try to give credit where I believe it is due. And you, my friend are making stunning music.

Malcolm Lally
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much! :)

over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Thanks for the nice review of Hooked, CC. Appreciate your kind words. Just got done reviewing yours, I Believe In Love. Another fine piece of work maam! Keep up the great work! We're fans!

Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Hey CC,

Thanks for FINE review of my song, "I Miss Your Fire". It comes from my album "Modern Progress" from 1998. I think back to when I recorded that album and used a Teac 8-track cassette recorder. We sure have come a long way since then. A lot of these songs are on the docket to be re-recorded.... As usual, your reviews show you have a valuable pair of ears that have great powers of just keep sharing that skill with the rest of us....


Chet Nichols

Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Cc. Thank you. The vocalist is Michael Lusk.

Rob Cariddi
over 30 days ago to Cat Lamondt

Hey CC! Thank you taking the time out of your busy schedule to listen and for for the wonderful review of my song "I'm So Blue " Really means a lot coming from someone as talented as yourself ! God Bless ! ~~Rob

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