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Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Soundtrack scored to the animation film "Bobo" is now on YouTube :) Check it out! It needs a quality listeners such as yourself :)

1 Replies
Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago


Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Anita, I've just discovered some of your songs after you reviewed one of mine. You are one of the best artists I've found on Broadjam. I love your tracks. I have to ask if your animation movie soundtracks were recorded with a real orchestra, because they sounds amazing!!

1 Replies
Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago

Thank you Jim! :)

over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Very nice and I love your poetic lyrics and ability to harmonize to yourself...wonderful...

1 Replies
Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago

Thank you! :))

Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Happy to share with you my new single release! Check it out on youtube. "Soldier"
Thank you for listening!!

Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

N E W . R E L E A S E .

John Masarone
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Anita, Thank you for taking the time to review of my song, Bird In The Hand.

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Hi Anita,

Thanks for the really nice review of "I'm In Love With That Girl". I always liked that one. There's a group called "BARBWIRE TOURNIQUET" of Scotland that liked it as well. They added lyrics and took the band into the studio to re-recorded.

So this, "I'm In Love With That Girl" 1

Became this, "Let the Stars Decide" 2

It's a more pop version but it got airplay in the European Market and in the UK. Interestingly enough I've had people who liked the rough cut " I'm In love With This Girl" better than the produced one. What do you think?

So glad you enjoyed it................................. ..... kenney

Ian Ritchie
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Thank you for the kind review on Cry Of The Vikings, It's apreciated.

Cyclops Cow
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Hello Anita. You reviewed a song of mine back in 2013. I just wanted to thank you for listening to and reviewing my song. Cheers

Toni Sunden
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

If you have time listen to my new instrumental recording.
New songs coming up next week. vKQMC9zE

Have a good day!

Rachel Joy
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

From Above the Clouds is so expressive. What a great piece of music Anita!

over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Beautiful voice and artistic ideas !

1 Replies
Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago

Thank you!! :)))

Jim Pfeifer
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

I just listened to one of your songs on the top10 unique soundtracks list. I loved it. You're doing great work! Thanks for the inspiration.

1 Replies
Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago

Thank you Jim!

Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago to Malcolm Lally

Thank you Malcolm! :)))

1 Replies
Malcolm Lally
over 30 days ago

Very welcome Anita :)

over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Just reviewed your song "Little Spring Snow Leftovers" and liked it so much I wanted to add it to my playlist, but when I clicked on the song title, it took me to Monochromatic Recollections, not Little Spring Snow Leftovers. Did you take the song down? I'd love to add it to my playlist.

2 Replies
Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago

Hello!Thank you so much! (the song was private, but I changed it now) :)

over 30 days ago

Yay! Added it to my playlist!

Marian Budos
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Hi Anita,
Your piece Monochromatic Recollections is gorgeous. The orchestration is great - nicely subtle with haunting qualities through great modulations. The production quality is excellent. I hope you get this track into movies!

Al the best!


3 Replies
Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago

Thank you Marian :)))

Ron Wilson
over 30 days ago

Thank you for the great review Anita, and guess what I love your photographs, too. Ron Wilson aka Vee Bdosa the Doylestown Poet.

Marian Budos
over 30 days ago

You are most welcome, Anita. Your music is great!

All the best,


Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

New article is up! It's about music snobbism; intellectual vs aesthetic music listening pleasure; ART or ENTERTAINMENT music classification (as a result of music snobbism). Classical vs jazz & film music, untrained musicians vs trained ones etc. 1

6 Replies
Benjamin Stone
over 30 days ago

GREAT ARTICLE ANITA. I really enjoyed your site too. Excellent content. (though I have not explored it all)

I enjoyed your thoughts on aesthetics; it is a complex topic that in my view is a lost mode of the educational process, for the musician and for the admirer of music.

It seems that unfortunately for most individuals, their limited aesthetic preferences have to do with some sort of extrinsic approval. The muse which can only be heard through intuitive resonance is often replaced by indoctrination into a formal method (for the musician), or doing what they think sounds "cool".

Intuitive guidance is scoffed at now both formally and popularly. And, individuals are conditioned in society to fear being scoffed at. Where does that leave aesthetics?

Great read, thank you for sharing it with us.


Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago

Wow, what a comment Benjamin!! Right spot on! It's exactly how you said! I guess that might be only a reflection of a state our society is in. How to beat that then by staying authentic? :) I think that is the only way.

If you would like to copy/paste your comment on my facebook page ( reis.Music) or linkedin it would be amazing. I would really appreciate it. Because it really contributes to a story!

The Spermatochords
over 30 days ago

Anita, thanks for the article. Well written and relevant. I passed it along on my page for others to read. I also agree that the best way to "beat it" is by "staying authentic". Be yourself, wherever that may lead. You'll never regret it. Anyone who likes what you do will be a true fan. In the immortal words of Ricky Nelson, "You can't please everyone/So, you got to please yourself". Anthony

Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago

Thanks Spermatochords! :))))

Benjamin Stone
over 30 days ago

Greetings Anita-

I just discovered your reply to my comment and while trying to comply with your request, i found that the link you supplied is not working for me. Have you changed your facebook since then? Sorry for the slowness of my reply.


Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago

Hi Benjamin, and I can see this 2 weeks later hahaha. Here is the link to fb page eis.Music

Greg Frain
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Hi - thanks for your review of No Time. I hope to rework the vocals soon :)
Best wishes!

Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Hi Anita --thanks for the nice review of Living in the Trees. I'm really enjoying your music. So often people categorize their music as "classical" without having anywhere near the compositional depth that that entails. This is dark, mysterious, and beautiful music!! Jeff

The Dead Storm9387994
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Greetings Anita! You very kindly complimented me on my song Dying For More, I was thrilled to receive such a compliment from somebody like yourself who is clearly a real pro! I've been listening to some of your track tonight. `Dream of a Boy' is just incredible, did you do all the sample production on this yourself or did you have help with that? Which sample libraries do you like to use? It's of the highest standard.

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Hi Anita,

Thank you for the nice review. Glad you enjoyed it


over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

I love piano music and you play so gracefully! From Above The Clouds and Wasteness Of The Sky are superb. Live Your Tempo

1 Replies
Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago

Thank you :)))

Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago to Slava Fiks

Thank you! :)))

David Michael Walsh
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Anita, Thank you for your review of my song Autumn Afternoon from my Acoustic solo piano CD Castle of Dreams, always nice to hear from a professional like you, Thank you David Michael Walsh

Michael Pitluk
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Thank you so much for your review of "Don't Be Afraid"! I really appreciate such positive feedback :-)

Marian Budos
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Anita, great music! Very classy, beautiful and well crafted!
All the best!

1 Replies
English Mike
over 30 days ago

appreciate the review of my piece 'Angelina' thanks. Mike.

Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Hello Anita. I was just thinking about your music which made me return to your page. How are you? Hope you have had success with your music lately. It is lovely. Best wishes.

David Michael Walsh
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Love listening to your stuff, and checking out your profile page here on broadjam, can't help but imagine how you will orchestrate my Castle of Dreams tracks for the ballet that I envision it to become. Hope you are doing well, PS there is no way your song Hiraeth should be ranked below me on the top ten Production Instrumental list, fantastic work by you, your a real pro.
Sincerely David Michael Walsh

over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

i looked at the movie trailor for a minute--wow!--pretty neat--you sure have one great gift--i bet you love your job!--cheers--joe.

Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Trailer for the movie I am currently scoring music available on my Fb page! 1

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