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This new song is my favorite. "Peoples Republic of Portland".
7 Ways to Amerikill your marriage EP. Dedicated to the Peoples Republic of Portland.
New song is my favorite
7 ays to Amerikill your marriage EP. Dedicated to the Peoples Republic of Portland.
I have some new songs. Maybe these will inspire the guitar?
Dig it! I just bought a new octave pedal and a midi controller so I'm hoping to dive in and jam soon
Whats a midi controller? Ha! My buddy has a Blues jr, fuzz pedal, comp pedal, and phaser. Im going to model his setup.
What are you selling on this site hun? The music or the entire package? like the pic on the yellow sports car best
Just reviewed Arachnid Assassin, and added to my demented and tormented song playlist. Not surprised I Despised and Loved it. I am a fan of Signal 30.
thanks for the review. would have never thought rage against the machine. but what do i know. thanks
You can't stay the same. If you're a musician and a singer, you have to change, that's the way it works. Van Morrison
Just cause he's Van Morrison doesn't mean he aint full of shit like the rest of us. I wish artists would stick to making comments about themselves as opposed to taking their views and applying them to everyone. R Kilner
To each his own... A path for everyone. N
I happen to agree that every artist evolves over time and often with the trends... We discover new things and find ways to incorporate them into our perception of art and self expression. Anyone that tells you you've failed in self expression obviously is walking a pretty self centered path... and has completely missed the point of the entire experiment we're all a part of. Just saying... N
Well said Nathanial!
sorry Gordon. the version of sacred river which was posted last night needed some finishing touches. i posted the final final final version. added mid and high to the bass to bring it out, upped the vocal, added some other leads and subtracted some. enjoy!
cool. sometimes it takes a day or two for broadjam to switch to the new version. sacred river is my fav out of the three songs listed. G
This one sounds the same as the other new songs. Ive found the sound. Now I can start cranking them out. Give me some pointers on production cause Im racking my brain here. It doesn't have to be perfect; only good enough. I could always use some advice from those who's music sounds better than mine.
i will listen to them again and see if i can give you any pointers. i wish i could listen on my studio monitors instead of my imac speakers. but i listen to everything else on broadjam on my imac speakers. peace, G
Another version of Sacred Rivers. Better mix, sharper guitars, more leads, backing vocals and better dynamics.
what a great name for the song. fantastic acoustic piece. with a three year old at home, i would love to learn it. keep cranking it out
Thanks AK, As a title it doesn't give you any clue. "Where's Via" What the hell's that mean? But once you know the story, there could be no other. So glad you enjoyed it.... thank you kenney
what can i say. Im a do everything guy in my basement with crappy gear, a low budget but a really nice guitar. the mixes change depending on how drunk i get or hoe tired my ears are. glad you liked the energy. for me that is what its about. thank you.
No problem. Keep crankin out the cool tunes!
just saw this comment....gotta love crappy gear and basements.....the northwest way
thanks for the review. Yeah, I would rate this song with the same points.
hi kenney, just listened to where's via. very nice melody and harmony. and the story behind the song, very touching.
Thank you Gordon. I was just thinking, you probably don't wince as much as you used to listening to my guitar playing and some of the oops notes I hit. Anyway, I figure you know what the note I was really intending on was supposed to be.
you're not that far off! there are quite a few big acts that they would be awesome finished tracks. jimmy page and willie nelson to name a couple off the top of my head. i think to myself if kenney took a little time practicing this track he would nail it! sometimes creating is much more instant gratification than practicing! you have the ear, knowledge and skills! now you need the disipline. peace, G
Jimmy Page was a great example. Some of the best moments come by accident. Some of the best studio musicians will tell you that their first track is best. It has energy and vitality and passion. Ive fallen into the trap of re-recording over and over to get it right; only to find out that the track was lifeless. Let the mistakes stay as long as the track has energy.
i agree! if you over polish it loses the life. like all of the def leppard albums after high and dry. over produced!
and page is known as one of the top rock guitarists ever.
Hey thanks. Not for just the good review but also for the advice. My tech skills are low and I am not up to date. I need some folks to learn and bounce ideas off of.
I want to simplify the sound without doubling guitars and panning way left and right. in this I've got bass left30 and guitars right30 vocals and drums up the middle. Question is how do i record a 3 piece rock band setup?
Just realized that I never responded to you. Sorry. To answer your question: It depends how serious you are about your product. Personally, I am not an experienced producer by any means. If I have an original tune that I really like and want to keep then I schedule studio time and let the professionals handle it. This way I can focus on what I do best as a musician. We arrive, set up our equipment, play/record and then we are done. Mixing is an art in itself and one I do not possess.
Hi Dave, On your review of Her Hearts Been Fooled Again you wrote" Nice melody, I wish this song had lyrics" Got any you wanna share... kenney
Kenney: what is your email address?
You guys are funny.
you guys ever really listen to the lyrics that are used on the most popular rock songs out there? Most don't make sense or follow a story or even a patten. My advise is just throw out the lyrics and see what happens. 175 rhymes with alive, strive contrive, dive. there you go. "DONT TO THE 175, ITS A DIV ITS A DIVE. Just have some fun dude. BE STUPID AND HAVE SOME FUN.
one of my songs go as follows. KILL FOR THE KING BUT LETS NEVER REGRET. FUCK FOR PEACE BUT LETS NEVER FORGET. THE ROAD TO FREEDOM IS A BOX OF GRENADES. KILL FOR THE KING AND LETS ALL GO GET LAID. What? Are you kidding me? Worst lyrics of all time or so bad they are great? Who cares. Its art. Anything goes........
took a second listen. its a very nice song. production, playing and lyrics are great. i still stand by what i said about this song needing a brief different direction; middle eight whatever. after your second verse "Hit the road", it needs a key change. this will set the song up for the return to your chorus. my overall impression is that the song is incomplete and needs these things to turn a very nice song into a very good one.
Hey....thanks Bad Rod......appreciate your commentary and that you took the time to listen again......agree its a nice enough song, and maybe I'll do a better one next time.....keep the music coming is what I say.....Cheers for now.....!