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Randy Bishop, all you need is just one more picture of yourself and you will be ready for the big time Sir, just one more Pate'....Monty Python....The Real Meaning of Life, Great Funny Movie, Ever see it?? You should!! Oh, Good Tune by the Way, 5 stars!! The Corey's..... Guess I have way too much time on my hands, recovering from my 4th back surgery, No Fun for sure!!! Hee Hee.......come on down and have a listen to our stuff and see what you think? Jazz/Pop, Country, Novelty......
Yes, I've seen everything that Python ever did. :). Kudos to George Harrison for financing some of those films. Thanks for the five stars. I see that you guys are writing lots of songs! I was listening to the Mar-A-Lago song. Shouldn't there have been something in there about orange marmalade, Orange Julius, orange trees? LOL
Randy, Great sense of Humor Sir, glad you enjoyed some of our BS and were not offended in anyway!! Shows you are a Good Man!! What did you think of our Sax player Jerry Peterson from the 80's Band Billy Vera and The Beaters, pretty Hot Player!! Bad JuJu that Covid Got him!! Hope you will listen further, we have some pretty cool material.... Have a Great Day, Good to hear back from you!! The Corey's..................
Thanks for adding my new song, "My Buddy And Me" to your playlist of the best songs on Broadjam. ??'?
Great tune Randy, Thanks for sharing! LC Team
Great tune Randy! Brought some memories!
Hey Bill- I see your song, Hill of Tara was selected for the Delta Flight Museum. Congrats! My song was under consideration too. If someone had to edge me out, I'm glad it was you! lol.
Hey Randy it wasn't me it was that other selection :) One thing I have learned about these opportunities is it's not how good the song is necessarily, it's about what they already have in mind before they ever listen to the songs. Hill Of Tara is not one of my best songs. The other song I submitted Enchanted Kingdom has won many nominations and awards including one first place and one grand prize contest. Hill Of Tara has never won anything. go figure !!
I hear ya, Bill. I've had some of my songs chosen that made me scratch my head because I knew I had better ones. lol. But hey...a win is still a win! :-) If I ever get to the Delta Flight Museum, I'll see if I can hear your song playing. I wouldn't mind going there. I still enjoy aviation-related things. I was a helicopter pilot when I was in the Army.
Love it Randy
Thanks a lot. Really glad you loved it! Appreciate the comment. Hope you can find a good home for it.
That Summer is everything. I may have to submit to other things I have. Can you send instrument only as well.
I can send the instrumental only whenever you need it, just tell me where to send it. The only thing is, the instrumental version wouldn't be mastered yet. Do you need it mastered? I can have it mastered by the same mastering lab if it's necessary, but it'll take a couple of days.
Hello- Just checking back in re: your comment regarding the instrumental version of my song, "That Summer." I never heard back after my reply (above) and just wanted to make sure you'd received it. I appreciate your interest in my song and I'd really like to pursue that with you. Thanks again- Randy
nice job on Love Me Like You Wanted and congrats on getting selected! Bravo.
Thanks Rob!
Love, love, love it!!!
Hi! "Santa's eyes" great song! Love the humor! Very visual with the lyrics:).. Very catchy! Could hear this in a holiday film:)..... Blessings this Christmas season... Julia
Julia- Thanks. It's such a silly little song. I was just thinking that a few laughs are always good during the holidays. Appreciate your comment. Hope you (and your music) are doing well! Randy
You are welcome!! We All need alot of laughs during this season:)! If we all keep it " light" we will enjoy it much more and put in perspective the true meaning of Christmas!.... Thanks for putting a smile on my face with that song!!
Julia- A friend of mine just posted this new Christmas song from an artist in Sweden. One of the most beautiful I've heard. Wish I would've written it. Enjoy! CvZ3_Gzk
I also don't see any comments on your page. Usually I look for "connect" under a response... So let me know if we are able to connect:)... Thks so much..... Julia
AMAZING!!!"Saturday" superb!! Loved everything about it! Great vocals, chord changes, the lyrics.. The story it told..! Love the style.. Looking forward to hearing more!.... I have gotten some opp. of other's wanting my vocals for their songs... I am new here ... Trying to get a hang of it all... We are in the process of getting cakewalk for collabs... I was not expecting it to happen soo fast!... Ever need a vocal.. Just shout.. Blessings... Julia
[Primo MoB Member] Randy Bishop posted 1 sec ago Julia- Just listened to your songs. Great voice! You have a very "theatrical" kind of sound. Did you ever do any stage work? You'd be very good at it, I'm sure. Or, I can also imagine you singing a beautiful theme song for a Disney movie. Sounds to me like you're just one good song and a producer away from a big hit. Glad you liked "Saturday." Thanks for listening. Wishing you all the best- Randy
Wow!! Thks soo much for the positive words!! Btw yes I do musical theatre!!:)... Love being on the stage and performing!.. Your sweet comments about my vocals really were touching! Thks so much... Hope to connect... Blessings to you and your great work !.... Julia
Julia- You just reviewed one of my older songs and I wanted to say thank you. Being older, I think it's a bit sub par, but you were very positive with your comments. I'd love for you to listen to one of my new songs like "Saturday." I think you might be surprised. Best of luck with all your music- Randy Bishop
Your welcome! Sure thing!! Def. check it out!!!.... Blessings... Julia:)
My new song, SATURDAY was just given a Semi-Finalist honor in the SONG OF THE YEAR competition! 1
Listening to a lot of music today, well over 100 songs so far. The Italian Top 10 on Broadjam provided some good stuff. I heard an artist, Simone Bresciani, today for the first time. Simply amazing! Her voice reminded me of Getty Lee with a fantastic instrumental arrangement behind her. Think Rush meets Yes. The song starts off a little slow and sounds as there was no high end on the kit or the strings, but the engineer uses the Eq's and brings it together nicely at 51 seconds. It made me listen a few times. Blown away by this orchestral arrangement, just killer. If she creates this kind of excitement in her live show, it's just a matter of time until her day in the sun. 1
Seriously! You nailed it Roy; Rush meets Yes; Simone Bresciani and troupe, creates magic with their building, energetic piece, "Set Me Free", in their own wonderfully talented spirit. Thanks for the turn on......
100 songs, Roy? Whoa! I couldn't even listen to 100 Beatles songs a day....and I LOVE those guys!
Thanks Cyndi! Hey Randy, I don't usually get the opportunity to listen like this, but no distractions all day. I heard some great stuff. Hope you are well.....Roy BTW: Another Beatles collection is coming soon.
Roy- Really...Another Beatles collection? That would be wonderful! By the way, loving all the nice additions you're making to the home pages on Broadjam. More info, easier to access. Great!
Thanks for your thoughts on the site. Lots more coming, wish it was moving along faster. I think I have every song they ever produced three or four times over. Not sure what this new collection will bring, but I know what I'll be getting for Xmas. LOL. All the best, Roy
Congrats on winning the Song of the Month contest, Randy!
Thanks Adam- It was a great surprise!
Congratulations Randy for winning the April song of the month for your track Rhapsody For You! Well done!
Thank you VERY much! This is really exciting. I'm so glad you liked the song. Thanks again for the great news!
Randy...thanks for your words of praise for my song, "Best Day Yet". Coming from a great writer like you, it means a lot. Best of luck with your music! Ron
Ron- Thanks for saying that...but I'll defer to you as the one I'd call a great writer. Keep on making great music!
Adam- I just heard your song, "Redefined" when I listened to songs under consideration for Faith Hill. It's one of the most beautiful songs I've heard on Broadjam. Good luck! Randy
Thanks for the compliment, Randy. I've been trying to find placement for it for 9 months now and am going it finds a home soon!
The longer I'm on Broadjam, the more impressed I am at the skill level of the folks on here. It's a bit intimidating. Rob, Donovan, Randy, Alan White, soooo many talented writers. I'm hoping a few of us can find homes for our songs soon!
Adam- I couldn't agree more. I often can't believe that some of the songs I've heard on here haven't become monster hits. I guess it's all about being in the right place at the right time. Keep on're very good at your craft!
Hi Rob- I just listened to your song that's under consideration for Faith Hill called "I'm So Blue." Even though my song wasn't picked for that opportunity, I'm glad yours was. I met Faith in an Atlanta session once and she was super nice. She needs a great song and your song is beautiful....really! It's EXACTLY the kind of song she needs to record. Good luck! Randy
Hey Randy ! Thanks so much for the kind words !! Really means a lot coming from someone as talented as yourself ! Enjoying your work as well !!Just a matter of time my friend ! Lets stay in touch !! Good Luck and God Bless ! ~~Rob
Thank you, Rob. By the way...just have to ask. Was that song recorded in a studio? The quality of the recording is impeccable!
Hey Randy ! Yes .. Ive done my homework finding studio's ... I use A Writers Paradise out of Nashville .... producer Stacy Hogan ... he is an amazing talent !! 1
Thanks for the tip, Rob. Ironically, my friend, Debra Gussin, used that same studio when she won the John Lennon songwriting contest. Small world!
Roy- Just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the music "examples" that are now appearing with a lot of the licensing opportunities. Hearing those song samples makes it so much easier to determine which one of my songs might be a good fit. Thanks for the addition!
Randy, Thanks for the good feedback. We were hoping this would help the decision process. There are a few more ideas being tossed around as well. Thanks for being a member....Roy
Well, as long as you're considering new ideas, I have one. How about making it possible to change the photo associated with each song, instead of having one "blanket" shot that appears on all. I sometimes have CD cover art that I'd like to appear with a song when I post it on FB, etc. and it's not possible to do that now. I'd like to have the capability to use a variety of photos (or artwork) on separate songs. Thanks for listening!
Ron- Just listened to "Perfect Day." What a great, happy little song. I'll add that to my list of favorites along with "Best Day Yet." Guess I like all your songs with the word "Day" in the title! Randy Bishop
Hi, It looks like we were both selected for our holiday music by a company in the UK. They sent me an 8 page contract. Any thoughts on the deal they are offering?
Hi Adam- I was excited at first, but got a little nervous when I saw the 8 page contract full of all kinds of legal jargon. I looked up their web page and they appear to be a fairly NEW company with a website that supposedly allows TV and movie types the ability to find music for their productions. But, the website looks a little cheesy to me. I think they're basically just trying to add as many artists and songs to their catalog as they can. They don't have much of a track record. It looked like they'd place about a dozen songs in TV shows, primarily on the BBC. After thinking it over, I've decided not to do it. I just can't justify why they need an EXCLUSIVE contract for 5 years. Most publishers are willing to split the revenues on whatever placements they get for a song. To me, that's fair. An exclusive contract is just "giving away the farm" for no reason. Maybe if they were Capitol Records, or some company with a great track record, I'd reconsider. But for now, I'm going to pass. How about you?
Hi Beth- I'm another artist on Broadjam. I submitted a song that I wrote and recorded with a female artist to a listing that your song, The Killing Frost, is under consideration for. Naturally, I listened to see what the provider had chosen and WOW! That is one, GREAT song! Fantastic vocals and you have a killer band behind you. Amazingly good recording too. Wish I would've done it. Congrats! Randy Bishop
Really excited to learn that my song, The Defender, is number 4 on the national TOP 10 Progressive Rock Chart. This is my first instrumental on a TOP 10. It's a great day! :-)
Really happy to announce a special honor today for my song, DREAMS. 1
I'm releasing my first music video tomorrow for a song that was recently in the Pop Top 10 on Broadjam. Thought I'd give all my Broadjam friends a sneak peak. Hope you like it. 1
With the demonstrations around the country protesting greed and corruption on Wall Street, it seems the song Randy Bishop wrote titled Blind Man is very appropriate to be used as the protest theme song.
Okay, all of you "Broadjammers" and listeners out there, I just want to thank everyone for putting two of my songs on the Broadjam TOP 10 charts. BLIND MAN is on the Pop Chart at number 8, and BREAKAWAY just entered the Rock-Classic chart at #9. I guess from now on, all of the songs I write should start with the Letter B!! Thanks so much for all your support! Randy Bishop
Hey Shane- Happened to hear your song, "A Few Too Many" because it was "considered" on a licensing opportunity I'd also submitted to. Just wanted to tell you....that song ROCKS!! Really nice production. You deserve to win it.
Hey Randy, Glad you like my song. I'ts one of my favorites to jam on Live. I hope it cuts it for the licensing deal. You can listen to the whole album that "A Few Too Many" is on - on my website. keep in touch and keep rockin'... Thanks Shane Martin
Will do, Shane. Good luck!
Hi Debra! I just discovered you because two of your songs were marked as under consideration on a "male country artist" placement opportunity that I had submitted to also. However, after hearing your songs, it was obvious why they both got picked. GREAT work!! Wow! Loved the ideas, music, and the production was incredible! I'd love to ask if those were done in a studio? (I've Already Won and Is That You) They sure sounded amazing. Keep on rockin! Randy Bishop
Debra- The opportunity number was FT11AR06
Thanks, Randy. I haven't been notified yet, but just looked it up. Great news, thanks for letting me know!
Congrats! I just read your bio. You are on fire!! Impressive!! I had a background in television also (Bravo Network, Playboy, AMC) but music is a lot more fun! Really hope they pick your song for that opp...liked yours a lot better than the other one under consideration. Good luck!
I'm so sure you're going to get it...I'll just go ahead and say YOU WON! :-)
By the way, I just have to say...You won the John Lennon songwriting competition!! Do you know how impressed I am with that? Whoa!! John Lennon was my songwriting hero. Gotta hand it to you on that one. Okay, I'm done now. :-) Do you write music as well as lyrics?
Thanks, Randy! I was more surprised than anyone, since I don't even remember submitting the song to the contest! I thought their email notification was spam and almost deleted it. Glad I didn't! It was a very big honor!
ha ha! That's hysterical...spam from the John Lennon people! I entered it one year and got into the top 10%, which means....NOTHING! lol. As a guy who finds music fairly easy to write, how I wish I had someone like you writing lyrics for me. My lyrics are all so trite. Unfortunately, it sounds like you're already collaborating with an excellent musician. The musical hooks in your songs are great. I'll start paying attention to what you guys are doing and cheer you on from here in Atlanta.
Yeah, I keep getting notifications from India, or somewhere, telling me that all I need to do is go to the bank and draw out money to send them so I can receive my million dollar inheritance. Yeah, right. :-), it's TIME! THAT'S what I'm doing wrong. I get so excited when I get a melody idea and all of the chords for a song, that I try to rush the lyrics just so I can hurry up and hear what the song sounds like. I play and sing all the parts myself, so it takes a while. Which means, the sooner the lyrics are done, the sooner I can start playing. If you want a good laugh, go to my song page and listen to the one I just finished called Dreams. It's the one on top. As a great lyricist, you'll probably be horrified. ha ha!
That's actually great advice. I've noticed that every time I get a song into a TOP 10 chart, or have one get picked for something, it always seems to be one that someone else wrote the lyrics for. The funny thing is that in my professional "showbiz" career , I was a Marketing Director....which meant I wrote EVERYTHING....including print, TV commercials, etc. It's funny how that type of writing expertise doesn't transfer to all! By the way, do you know Ron Bousted? He's another Broadjam songwriter who lives in LA. He also turns out some pretty impressive work and I got to know him a little bit on here. Just thought you might've met him.
oops...spelled Ron's name wrong. It's Boustead. If you want to hear a song that I thought had fantastic lyrics (almost as good as yours), go to his page and check out the song, "Best Day Yet." It's one of those I keep saying..."Why didn't I write that!"
Wow...small world is right. Can't believe you two are in competition. That's too weird. What are the chances that I would meet you tonight, then mention the one other guy I know, who just happens to live across from your friend. Twilight Zone!! lol. Anyway, maybe I shouldn't have said how much I like that song of his since it's up against yours. OOPS! :-) This has been sooo great getting to talk to you! Would you believe it's 3:15 a.m. in Atlanta? This is usually about the time I start to feel the urge to go into my studio and create something. What is it about musicians and staying up late? I think it's some kind of special DNA we have so we can play those late-night gigs. Unfortunately, I have an early morning meeting, so I'm gonna have to scoot. REALLY enjoyed meeting you and talking music with you. Hope we can do it again sometime. I'll be watching for your success! Cheers! Randy P.S. Any time you need some help with your lyrics, feel free to contact me. ha ha!
Alpharetta? Again, small world! Wow, this is one for the record books. That's just a hop, skip, and a jump from Lawrenceville, which is where I live. In fact, I'm going to see Styx and YES in concert in Alpharetta on Thursday night. Maybe I'll see your sis there. :-) Okay, so now I really AM going. But, it's sure nice to know there's someone else out there who's nocturnal besides me. Keep in touch! Randy
Ron- Just happened to find your song "Best Day Yet" because it was listed as "considered" on one of the licensing submissions I had entered. Wanted to tell you that after listening to that, I may never enter another song again. (kidding) But seriously, it was GREAT! I loved all the wonderful and unexpected chord changes, the very positive lyrics, and the overall sound of the recording was superb! Very impressive. That song deserves to be a hit. Randy Bishop