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Dear BroGreede, I finally see where you reviewed my songs, you know what, I was having some real problems with my medication about that time, so you will need to forgive me for my terrible recall Sir!! I was having nightly withdrawls/terrible tremors !! I think I have almost kicked Tramadal completly, a month off that crap!! Not an easy task for a White City Boy.......
Art Corey.....

2 Replies
Margie & Art Corey
13 hours ago

Hey BroGreede, Hope you are getting these messages!! And hope we are Buddies again......And you have forgiven me one more time, I really am not a Bad Guy swear to God!!
Let me know if you are receiving these notes!!
Art Corey......................

5 hours ago

Mr. Art Carney...absolutely I'm getting your messages...I was in the process of having my grand piano tuned today and the tuner was an extremely intense guy...but in the final analysis....WOW!!!...unbelievable sound! Like new again!! I watched everything he did...just painstakingly done to exacto-mundo perfection!!! I spent thew whole day with him...a very long story...but a really great guy....we used to fly together...pilot buddy!! Anyway...forgiven you!???...for what??... I don't take Bjam seriously....not at all...! aren't a bad guy!!...we are like 2 peas on a pod!! Buddies forever!!!...that is ...till you up and leave me again!??? LOL. You have to admit....I never did that to you!!! on the Corey musical magic....I've become somewhat jaded on this site! There are a few really good artists ...but too far and in between... honestly too many wanna bees...whatever that means...LOL. Then there are the artists who dominate every genre/subgenres...have the same tunes rated over and over and over again and must be at 24/7!? I actually very bad for them! What are they looking for! A top 10!!?? Oh my word!! LMAO! They all could use a good kick in the ass- that is...just for principle!!.....Art...just get back in the groove...let the Corey magic come back!! I'm hardly hearing any of your stuff!?? I told you a while back...I'm a Corey didn't believe me!?? ..and to this day I still am!!!...So there!!!......I'm here Art!!....willing to support always!!

Hey Mr. BroGreede, It's your Old/New Buddy again.........Art The Fart, that's what my fellow Class mates use to call me in Grade School, just before I'd kick there asses, Ahhhh those were the days!! Anyway, wrote you a letter awhile back and you didn't get back to me again, as least you are consistant!! So what have you been up to Sir?? What was your New Nick-Name?? I forget?? I am still recovering from my surgery.......5th week on no Pain Killers, midnight withdrawls, but finally getting better!! Don't try that shit at home, Bad JuJu!!
How is your Pain doing, you still drinking thru your Pain?? I don't drink, so that wouldn't work for me!!
If you have time, have a listen to some of my compositions and let me know what you think?? Our Killer Sax player Jerry Peterson, died from Covid about 4 years ago and that really messed with my mind and his too!!
Hopefully, talk to you soon Dude!!
Art Corey...................

2 Replies
4 days ago

Art...Mr. BroGreede??...really!? "Old/ New Buddy again"?? Art I hope you're not involved in drug smuggling or politics because you sound like it! And to set the story straight...I'm not into politics and simply despise it! You "wrote me a letter a while back"...and " I didn't get back to you-as usual"?? I can retrieve all our correspondences and forward them to you if you like! Maybe that will refresh your memory!? FYI... I most certainly sent you responses! I sent you a rather nice letter- of course it must have fell on deaf ears!? This is total nonsense and banter which I'm definitely not into!! I want you to go back and re-read my review of "Love At The Waffle House" on 02-03-25. Not only did I give a 5/ addition I specifically mentioned that you didn't appear receptive to ...once again ..being friends!? So again no response from your camp!? I'm "consistent"....absolutely yes I am....for being a friend despite you abruptly de-friending me and then fall into the abyss! I gave you yet another good review of "Ole Sole Mio"...on 01-18-25... where was I not a supportive friend! I would like you to clarify that! You know...I gave you my personal email...we exchanged tel. #'s and to my recollection...we were tight as Bjam friends!? So please tell me what the hell is going on!? I certainly don't appreciate any form of banter especially when these things are clearly untrue! You are asking me how I'm that would be good I guess!?? Just dealing with pain...dysfunction...and trying to maintain clarity and sanity! That should sum it up! Thanx for asking! I'm hoping you continue to do well after the surgery and I'm proud of you that you're not using pain meds and braving it all! Wish I could say that! I'm here Art..I didn't go anywhere...I'm the same! If you really want to re-establish or renew our friendship...then reach out and send the typical Bjam friendship request! If that's what you would's good with me...and of course I will accept! All of that is merely formality! There are a lot of things to discuss especially how Bjam is operating and how a lot of my contacts have the same concerns as I do! Things need to be addressed and unfortunately when I reached out to Bjam 2X they don't respond to valid customer concerns- so simply ...they suck. A money making machine and unfortunately an unfair platform. Hopefully you remember...I'm only on this site as an on-going tribute to my brother and other bandmate who both passed. So nothing else matters to me...except...listening to music and making some friends along the way!!

Tony Payne

Margie & Art Corey
2 days ago

Dear Tony Payne, I don't think I am getting your replies Sir?? Seriously, don't ever remember seeing your reviews of our song "Waffle House" nor "Sole Mio"??? I am sorry that I didn't find them, maybe I am just a dumb shit and can't navigate the Broad Jam Site, which is possible?? Been know to be that dulard! So, please accept my appology! Let's start talking again, we have a lot to catch-up on!
Art Corey.............

Bill Dake
5 days ago to BroGreede

Thanks for the 5's and playlist add for "Space In Between". I've been taking a sabbatical from the music for awhile. The muse is on vacation. Still noodlin' on piano and guitar just to keep somewhat fluent, but lyrics seem to be evading me. Not that there isn't plenty of subject matter to be had...crazy world!
Hope all is well with you,
Your friend,

Hi Anthony--Thanks for the friend request! I appreciate you taking your time to listen to my music. I listened to a few of your tunes (so far) and can hear your background in classical piano. You are quite an accomplished musician, I'm impressed with your musical skill and your song writing! It's nice to hear some new music, so thank you! I'm not great navigating on this site (I finally got used to how the old format worked and then they changed it) so if I miss something that is why. :-)

Your cover art for My Angel reminds me of a scene from LOST. Don't know if you saw that show or not, but I instantly thought of it. That's cool that you wrote it as a tribute to Covid-19 health care workers. I wrote a few pieces during/inspired by Covid. They are "Spiraling out of Control" (written last week of March 2020), "Adrift" (midway through covid) and then "After the Storm" and "Bright Skies Ahead". Lots of inspiration (and time!) during Covid. I teach piano and violin lessons so I didn't have anyone for a while, until it was safe.

Looking forward to more of your tunes!

Jeana P
(The Marie is in there because that is how it is with ASCAP so I use it when I release music on digital platforms).

7 days ago to allison bolton the video "It's Plain To See"........great song/ great video!!.......:)

Tony Z

1 Replies
allison bolton
7 days ago


1 week ago to David ADAM

"Caged Lambs"....Nice brotherman!!....Well written /performed! This tune has the edge & attitude! Appreciate you trying to resurrect the Rock genre that's been dormant for a long time! Keep it coming- I'm listening!!
Tony Keys-BG

2 Replies
David ADAM
7 days ago

Thanks Anthony, listened a lot to Living Colour and Sevendust, I guess that's where the inspiration comes from :)

7 days ago


David ADAM
1 week ago to BroGreede

Hello Sir,
Thanks a lot for the multiple stars, much appreciated !

3 Replies
1 week ago

Sir? stop being formal.. you can reference me as TK(Tony Keys) if you like...My real name is Anthony....For a bro with 2 first names...yours is pretty cool indeed!! Reminds me of Sir Elton! You gotta call it when you hear it Dave!! Outstanding tunes deserve to be recognized! You've put out some outstanding intricate musical soundtracks that I've had the pleasure to listen to in the past. I personally think you're way beyond this site brotherman! And I wish you much musical success! If you ever find yourself listening to a BG tune again please listen with an open mind set! FYI BG is past tense-ended in 2011 when my brother suddenly passed...and 6 years later my other bandmate passed. A major double whammy-which turned my world upside down! So I remain on this site as a tribute to both of them-nothing more!! Not here for silly ratings...As you know music is nothing more than subjective! Bjam to me means only 3 lasting tribute.....listening to & enjoying others musical talents and making some friends along the way-(the best one)!! That's it brotherman! There's so much talent out there it's mind boggling! Everyone deserves some recognition for their special talents-even if it's not in one's personal tastes or "cup of tea"!! I've been on this site for 24 years already-can't believe that! Just so you know-I would like to share this ...I have become disillusioned about how Bjam works and also saddened by how it's manipulated and used avariciously by others. I have legitimate concerns that need to be addressed by the owners! Unfortunately, after 2 contacts already it's falling on deaf ears...they haven't had the professional courtesy to address a customers concerns!? I haven't received a response to date and it's been over a month! Unprofessional to say the least! As to my concerns and to sum it's all about being fair!!! every artist is treated equally & entitled to the same exposure! My concerns are actually concerns of many others as well! Unfortunately & sadly there are those artists that are all about themselves..dominate genres/subgenres...flooding in hundreds of tunes ...getting ratings of the same song over & over and in multiple sub-genres..deliberately mis-categorizing tunes in inappropriate genres..and there are more than this! This is not what Bjam should be all about! In my's about musicians/upcoming and indie artists all helping & supporting each other-not being "cut-throat" & indifferent. This is total insanity and just so unfair! Plain and simple!! There are much better professional sites out there (hopefully you are on some) that offer a great platform incorporating fairness & exposure!! Sorry if I went off on a tangent! All you were doing is giving thanks-which I do thank you for reading all this. Looking forward to listening to more of your outstanding music-and wishing you continued musical success! Please consider a friendship-that also would be appreciated!
Thank you Dave-you Rock!!! You're one of the best on this site!!
If you would like to communicate for whatever reason and bypass Bjam please feel free to use one of my personal emails: (yes...I'm a pilot)

Anthony Z-aka TK(Tony Keys)

David ADAM
1 week ago

Hey Anthony,
Thanks for the insights, I'm still new to that game and I'm a slow learner !
I get your point regarding how BJ works. Some things are a bit weird but I'm not aiming for charts anyway, just trying to get music synched, so I don't really care who's first. There are all kinds of people here from very amateur to pro sounding musicians. I've reviewed some of your songs and as you probably noticed, I try to be as honest as possible (not to say blunt) and come up with constructive criticism. Otherwise what's the point ?
I consider BJ as an opportunity to hear other's people music, help them to get better at what they produce with honest feedback whenever I can and get some tracks on air.
Odds to have a track picked up seem rather low but at least everyone's get a chance. It's still better than what this business was 20 years ago when you needed to be part of an elitist club to get your music selected :)
I appreciate your candor and again thanks for the stars. It's always nice to hear that what has come out of this little home studio, most of us have I guess, has at least found a receptive ear !
Take care,

1 week ago

Hey Dave...thanx for reaching out! I couldn't agree with you more! I guess what my overall point was that I've seen so much negative change in terms of the way it was on Bjam way back 20+years ago that I'm a little down on some issues. Probably even more so that when voicing my concerns & offering some advice for being a paying musician no one appears to care which is disheartening! Anyway...all said...and moving on!

Wishing you continued musical success!!

Anthony Z

2 weeks ago to zach linley

Hey Zack-attack!!!.lol....I listened to all your posted songs!!...simply amazing! You're very talented and distinct which sets you apart from a lot of other performers! Your music is different!!...very powerful...well written and performed with passion/ attitude -it's noted in all your compositions! I've become an instant fan! God bless you brotherman!! You are the real deal!!!...:)

2 Replies
zach linley
2 weeks ago

Thanks for the positive vibes. Checking out your stuff now, and so far I'm digging every tune! Keep up the great songwriting!

2 days ago

Zach-attack!!...just heard your "Singing Sweetly"in the review mechanism...and yes...."very sweet it is". Really love what you're putting out! It's about time that the Country & subgenres got a wake-up call and a taste of some really good refreshing talent! Rock-on brotherman!

Anthony Z

allison bolton
2 weeks ago to BroGreede

thanks for the stars

2 Replies
2 weeks ago're the best!!...You Rock!!!!

allison bolton
2 weeks ago

thanks hun

Warren Hein
4 weeks ago to BroGreede

Hey Bro!
Thanks much for the stars on the instrumental version of No More Seesaw! Much appreciated!
Stay safe,

1 Replies
4 weeks ago

Hi Warren.....much deserved brotherman! I've been all over Bjam and come across your music. ....very diversified...well written/arranged & performed- nothing better!! Kudos!!!.......Rock on!!

Tony Z

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Hey BroGreede, it's the Corey's remember us??? Saw you been reviewing several of our songs and giving us Good reviews, thanks for the positive reviews, that is so cool! Hope you are doing well!! I am actually recoving from a Major Low Back surgery and am into it 4 months so far!! Hope you are doing well, know you have physical problems yourself! You Know this getting old stuff.....really Sucks!!
Love to hear from you and rekindle our musical conversations............
Art Corey..............

7 Replies
over 30 days ago

The Corey's???hmmmmm!...Oh yes!!...I was wondering what ever happened!? Thought we were peanut butter & jelly!! All of a sudden...You were gone- de-friended me to boot!!...then went scidattle!! Gone with the wind! I thought to myself- "hey maybe they finally made it"! Got a big recording deal and hit the big time! Well anyway maybe you just missed me!?? I can say is ...welcome back!! Art...heard you had another back surgery!...I hope all is going well! I wish you all the luck and a speedier recovery! As for me...well... I'm alive thank the man upstairs(or is it Fred upstairs?-lol). After Thanksgiving suddenly fell majorly ill...thought it was a very bad influenza and waited 4 days before going to ER. Pain joints...muscles...G.I.pain with distention & severe sensitivity.....chronic diarrhea...fever...uncontrollable shaking and started hallucinations on the 3>4th day! ! Thought I was dying! Couldn't stand or walk any considerable distance. Wife said you're going to the hospital.'s getting to be a long story! I was Dx'ed with Infectious Colitis and Sepsis...placed in isolation...IV name it. All tests came back neg. for a bacterium! So it was viral! The lesson here is no more raw seafood...clams etc!! Symtoms started about 2-1/2 days after Thanksgiving buffet dinner! Believe it or not...still not 100%. And as you remember I'm suffering from chronic LBP/ D.I.S.H. disease! So there you have it! Yes...getting older blows!!!! No one is immune and we certainly don't get out alive! Enough of all this doom & gloom! Welcome back Coreys! I will tell you something.....when you left....just about all the good music left! I've been so down on it-really nothing good going on! It's the same ole...same ole...from the same ole-same ole! Depressing at least! So with open arms....I give you a great big hug-amundo! and look forward to hearing some Corey magic!! Hopefully you can resurrect this site because it's dying slowly!!
Tony Z

Margie & Art Corey
4 weeks ago

Tony, your shit sounds way worse than mine!! You think it was from Food poisoning.....Clams and what-nots??? I never eat that Shit ever.....anything uncooked, no-way Josay.....Bad JuJu!!
I have been on Tramadal for 2 years and have slightly become addicted to that pain Killer without realizing it.....My Bad!! You just don't realize how easy taking that Damn stuff can get, it takes the pain and every thing else away, all the worries of the world, feeding the Damn Cat, Paying Bills, taking baths, shaving, GETTING UP!! What The F@#$???? You get the picture!!
But Good News....It is the Fifth Day that I have been off Tramadal! I took another medication called Lyica for pain and it just Blasted me into Highper Space, it's not a narcotic though. The dose was accidently far to high at 150 Mg, should have been 25 Mg......some one messed up!! Anyway, I am still goofy from the over dose, but that over dose, got me off the Tramadal....It's a God send!! The Lord works in mysterious ways and I don't even believe in him....Hmmmmm Bummer! Maybe I should reconsider his existance??
Well, send me your direct Broad Jam Site, I don't care for this Back Door Pass word contact secret stuff, it dangerous in this New World Order.....
Art Corey

4 weeks ago

Hello Arthur!!!..I wouldn't go saying my condition is worse than yours! You had 2 back surgeries! I'm sure it's bad! hit it on the head!..Vibrio- .food posioning! Believe that!? Never in my life and with something I really love to eat! Well more! Not even sushi at the Chinese restaurants! That chapter came to an end! Tramadol?...that's a very light opioid for most people. They start with that! When I started pain management that's what I was put on! I didn't say anything-went along with the program but I already knew better-it did nothing for my level of pain. Then I went on oxycodone. It does help but more like a bandaid taking the edge off-that's all. I don't have the "addictive personality" like others do. I can stop taking it at will for days and weeks. No problems. So that's how I manage. Depends on my pain tolerance-and I take it day by day! In addition to 3 other daily meds that's how I deal with my pain! Even the other ones which are prescribed 2-3X/day I use when I want-not religiously. My pain Doc knows I know too much and understands why I do what I do. Who the hell wants to be taking all this crap everyday?.....doesn't change anything -that's for sure. You mentioned Lyrica?....yes....that's actually been on the market for decades-but it does help with some people. If you don't need the tramadol...don't take it...good for you!. Take it as you need it like I do with the Oxy. Sometimes I just say fuck it and have some shots of my top shelf tequilas- actually works better than pain meds to at least I get happy! I've been good-nodrinking since Thanksgiving! Pain meds don't make you happy...just screw up the head! God?....well...who knows...could be an alien?...that I would believe....but at least it's something to believe in!? We sure as hell didn't just appear out of thin air! Gotta be some explaination. Thing is ...we will never know! Probably better off that way! When you left Bjam and decided to south our friendship connection also left!?? When we originally became friends we communicated through that! It's up to you if you want to send me a friendship link again. No is fine as well.I understand you also had some difficulty trying to get back into Bjam! careful with a lot of these so-called / self -proclaimed producers and music wizards. Most of them are all full of shit and are just regular paying members like we are! I've always said Bjam is a nice platform to meet people and listen to indie music but there are some good sites that are better suited for getting your music out there and being heard...for a price that is! I don't care about any of that. I could care less about what people think of the music I have posted's old and it's nothing more than a tribute to my late brother! That's it! Don't expect to go anywhere...don't want to! Just having fun! I have become disillusioned and frustrated knowing a handful of artists seem to dominate the entire site. Everyday their music is on their main genres and occupy all the subgenres. Some of the same songs on different subgenres. Is it fair that you give someone a 5/5 for the same song that's deliberately placed on all the subgenres!? and is it fair if you have 300>400 songs to have most of them playing (which seems automatically)...24/7!? I don't see any of them doing ratings to that degree to have that many on the review mechanism!? There are a lot of disturbing things happening and I reached out to Bjam about it. Haven't heard a word back as of yet! I personally don't think anyone gives a shit as long as you're paying every month. It's all BS......I spend less time on Bjam than before...I rate as I see fit...and I might just let it go at some point! Bjam is nothing more than a money making deal! All the submission BS...that you have to pay for...all the rigged contests! I could go on & on! Anyway....I'm here Art! It's nice to chat...get caught up...whatever you want to do is fine with me! If you want to resend a friendship! We can have fun supporting each other again and screw everyone else! Seems like no one gives a shit unless they get their almighty 5/ of babies!!! Oh yeah....5/5 on broadjam will really get you's called tit for tat!!!...lmao!
Your friend in constant pain.I even changed my name...I need your's either
Tony Pain....or Tony Paine!??( I think I like the latter!?...what say you Art!
Should I be bold enough to say....Toodles!???....lmao!!

4 weeks ago

Art...all this typing forgot to ask you how you're doing with those horrible wildfires out there! I'm assuming ok!?...because you seem to be further away from it! Thank the man /Fred Upstairs! Unbelieveable to say the least. Feel so bad for all those people who lost everything! Just doesn't seem right! Gov't better get their act together-this is inexcuseable!!!

Tony Paine

Margie & Art Corey
4 weeks ago

Hey Tony Paine, sounds pretty cool to me! Like you....I think most of the stuff on Broad Jam is Money driven, so whatever?? Let's just be friends again and enjoy life and what's left of it!! I actually think the whole Music Industry is in Major decline and no one should really give a Shit....just my personal take!! The Big Acts due Concerts, make Big Money and that's the name of that tune!! There is no more little Guy songwriter's, Zip, Zilch!! Notha!! It's Over!! The Music Game has ended, the train has left the station, Bye, Bye!! Get the Picture Duh!! Sorry to be so negative!!
You are right about me being away from the fires Thank God, just miles though!!!
Stay Safe and off the Drugs and I will do the Same and we will try and meet in the middle, Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Art Corey..........................

Margie & Art Corey
4 weeks ago

Hey Tony Paine, So did you know that Roy the owner of Broad Jam has a Police Record with a Felony I believe??? He's done some questionable things in his life, so he's no Angel!!! Oh and what ever was said about me, needs to be said as a Misdeminar, 43 years ago....So Get over it people!!!
Art Corey.....................

Margie & Art Corey
3 weeks ago

Tony Paine, Read my text Dude!! So I can deleat it.....after you have read it!!

Another good one on Future Generations! Love the Sound effects at beginning and end! Sweet! Keep Crankin Bro! catnip=+=

3 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey Thanx Pat..."Happy New YEAR" to you & family! I was getting worried about you! I sent you an email on 12-06-24...and saw you haven't read it yet!? Maybe you don't use the email!? Anyway...I sent it giving you a thank you on another BG tune! I think it's important that you know BroGreede came to an immediate halt when my brother passed in 2001. 6 years later my other bandmate passed as well. A real double whammy which rocked my world! There's only 3 reasons I remain on Bjam: to keep the memory of my brother and other band mate alive, listen to music & appreciate all the talent and to make a few friends along the way. I'm carrying the torch you would say! I'm not on Bjam for any other reason! Amen! My brother put us on Bjam in going on 24 years!! I continue on in my own way. I have a drummer now who has joined me and I'm hoping to get back to some recording of tunes I've had on the back burner for many many years! Probably go in some different directions from BroGreede! Wish us some luck. Thanx for listening-that's all that matters to me!!
Wishing you continued musical success-put more of your music on the review que-so I can give you some nice grades!!
Tony Z

over 30 days ago

Hey listened to BG's "Annabelle"....the offbeat you are referencing especially in the intro is a progressive meter. (10)..which I would'nt think you would be familiar. 4/4 meter is very basic in most music especially of the past and definitely not in the progressive genre. Most Rock is written in common time and is predictable and gets boring! I love playing in odd meters because it can be challenging, takes a special ear and skill and can add flavor & attitude in progressive music!! Thanx for giving a listen!!


over 30 days ago

Sorry Pat I made a big brother passed in 2011-not 2001!.Sorry!!


over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Hey guys thanks for stopping by for a listen and the endorsement, very cool. Hope you like what you heard, you have some killer tracks, I dig what you cats a laying down. All the best.

over 30 days ago to Barry Thompson

Hey Barry...been a while...first off ...A very Happy ...Healthy..& Prosperous New Year to you and your family. I saw a comment that you updated some news so I gave a look and here I am. I'm looking forward to listening to your new stuff coming out and wish you a lot of luck! Always appreciated your talent and I'm sure whatever you put out it's going to be great!! I have to say... Bjam has been in a real funk in the past couple months! Nothing new and same ole...same ole... Let's get it back on are certainly an artist that can do just that!!!
Wishing you continued musical success!!
Tony Z-BG

Numinous Owl
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

All I can say is Wow! Music, Lyrics, Balance, Energy, Flow. I would love to connect with you, for advice for a up and coming like myself. Love what I hear.

Numinous Owl
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

I have been meaning to get here sooner, holidays and all. But I wanted to say thank you for the 5 Star Ratings on my music like Mangos Crackers and Milk, Prophecy and others. Truly motivating.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey Numinous...thanx for the nice comments & positive energy-it's appreciated! You have some good stuff brotherman!...definitely on the right track! You offer something new and refreshing to Bjam -which is very cool. I say...yes to it...a friendship is very cool...we can help each other-that's what it's all about! I'll shoot ya a request...and the rest is history!!! Wishing you and your family a very Happy...Healthy..and prosperous New Year- and also welcoming you to the Bjam platform!!

over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Thanks so much for the stars on "I can play the blues forever" greatly, greatly appreciated.

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

My Pleasure gotta call when ya hear it! I appreciate your talent...wishing you continued musical success in the coming New Year...looking forward to giving you more of a closer listen! You seem to bring back some of the musical past...which I really enjoy! I her that in your cool! Keep it coming bro!!!

Tony Keys-BG

over 30 days ago

Thanks for the kind words Tony and right back at you, you're a very talented group of writers and musicians. Alway nice to meet new and talented people. Rock on my friends.

Memphis Kenny P
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Thanks for the stars on "We'll All Go Down Together"!

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey MKP......been a deserve the stars...your the Bob Seger of Bjam broman! Your music is have a signature voice...and I really appreciate your take that with a few Jack Daniels!!!.LOL..I'm saluting you as I text!! ..lastly wishing you continued musical success and A very "Happy"...& "Healthy New Year"! I just got out of the hospital secondary to Infectious Colidis and Sepsis! Almost bought it this time. Thankful to be alive! My lesson to pass on.....stay away from raw seafood and raw bars!!!
Tony Z

Memphis Kenny P
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the compliments. Sorry to hear about your health. Take care of yourself. I need to keep all the friends I have!!

Papa Satch
over 30 days ago to Papa Satch

Thank You BroGreede for giving our song a 5 star rating!!! We really appreciate your great support!!! Have a Merry Christmas and a Great New Year!!!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey Papa!!......Wishing you continued musical success and a very Happy...& Healthy New Year!!!

Tony Z

Polyphonic Clair
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Thank you as always BroGreede as Always from Polyphonic and I'm not tiddlie lol ??'?

2 Replies
Polyphonic Clair
over 30 days ago

im not sure were the question marks appeared from mmm

over 30 days ago

AHHHHH!!!...Polyphonic!!!' re just amazing!!!!!..........:)

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Hey Tony! Thanks for the words sir! I appreciate my versatility being recognized, you took the time to browse that...greatly appreciated!
Cheers to you and yours, happy new year!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey gotta call it when you hear it and your material is stellar! You're certainly one of the best on Bjam! I will continue to support you along the way....that's what musicians do!! All good...Looking forward to listening to more of your material!! Have a wonderful Christmas-blessings to you and all your family!
Tony Z

Happy Holidays Chet! Thanks for the 5 stars on "But I don't know!" Recorded in Memphis with guitarists Greg Redding and Richard Orange from Black Oak Arkansas a while back! I always enjoy your stuff--you seem to have the magic formula no matter what genre you're working in. Keep on truckin! Pat

3 Replies
Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago

Hey Patrick! Meeerrry Christmas to you. Hope Santa is good to you.

Thanks for the note. I listen to songs differently than most. First filter is "the intent of the song"....and I go from there.

Blessings.... Chester

Patrick E. Muth/Catnip Pat
over 30 days ago

Very cool and wise! Back at ya times 10! catnip=+=

over 30 days ago

Hey Pat....I don't think you look at your pvt. messages!?-especially the one I sent ya on did a review on my "BroDiablo"...and I left ya a nice reply...anyway...doesn't matter...just stopping by to wish you and your family a very Happy...Happy...Merry...Merry X-Mas and Happy New Year-wishing you continued musical success in the coming year!!
Tony Z-BG

Papa Satch
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Thanks BroGreede for giving our song Arizona a 5 star rating. I really appreciate your support and am glad you liked our song! Have a Great Thanksgiving!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Anytime Papa're one of the best on Bjam...keep em coming. Lastly... wishing you and your family a very Happy....Healthy...and Wonderful Thanksgiving as well!!!!!

Tony Keys

tour best so far catnip=+=

Papa Satch
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Thanks BroGreede for giving our song ' Tomorrow's Yesterday ( Alternate Version) a 5 star Rating!!! We really appreciate your support and Great Review!!! Thanks again!!

Papa Satch
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Thank You Bro.Greede for giving our Song 'Stay With Me ( Instrumental) a 5 Star rating! We really appreciate Your support for our music and are glad you like our songs. Thanks again!!!

Papa Satch
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Thanks Bro.Greede for giving our song ' Stay With Me' a 5 star rating!!! We're really glad you liked the song!!! Thanks again for the great Review!!!

Polyphonic Clair
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Many appreciations as always from across the pond Polyphonic Clair

Hey TK,
Thanks for the 5 Stars on Shot From The Backseat ! That's an older one that's deep on the list... I really appreciate you taking some t8ime to browse and listen!!

Be and stay well,

Polyphonic Clair
over 30 days ago to BroGreede

Hi Tony
Many Thanks for the 5*
Polyphonic Clair

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