Vintage 8 is the culmination of a multitude of genres, styles and inspirations molded into a singular unique sound. A native New Yorker heavily influenced by its subculture and endless musical progressions. Vintage 8's melodious style has evolved into a visionary fusion of sophisticated melodies and electrifying rhythmic percussions. Scaling between both the whimsical and thought provoking as well as the daring and explosive to create a sound that is distinctively its own.

Vintage 8

Vintage 8 is the culmination of a multitude of genres, styles and inspirations molded into a singular unique sound. A native New Yorker heavily influenced by its subculture and endless musical progressions. Vintage 8's melodious style has evolved into a visionary fusion of sophisticated melodies and electrifying rhythmic percussions. Scaling between both the whimsical and thought provoking as well as the daring and explosive to create a sound that is distinctively its own


Martin Gate
over 30 days ago to Vintage 8

Hi, hope you're doing great? Do you have a single you would love to add on our playlist? Email mp3 file to for guaranteed radio play to thousands of listeners who will like your style of music.

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