Nice groove, the pop,pop,pop as a section ends is a nice change. The acoustic guitar has a nice tone, and is well played. I love the riff and the bass line in this.
Very good production values.
Good players.
Nice, hooky guitar melody.
Nice groove and arrangement.
Very well done.
It's both easy to listen to, without demanding your attention, and also has enough melodic candy that you tune into it. Thinking in terms of sync placement possibilities, it's not a headliner type of tune, but would be great for background, IMHO.
Nice clean acoustic guitar piece. A clever mix of genres, kinda jazz/Americana/funk. Heard some almost early Herbie Hancock sort off tune.
Nice guitar instrumental, easy listening. High energy, positive sounding, pleasant vibe. Nice choice of backing instruments. The mix is right on. I like what I am hearing in the drums...and what is that in the background? A dobro?