Be a Friend

Story Behind The Song

I wanted to write a song about friendship for my new CD, I Think I Can. I wrote a song and sent the lyrics to my daughter, who said, "No, mom, you need to write this song from the viewpoint of the new kid at school who has NO friends." So I tossed the whole song out and wrote this new one, thanks to Teri Newburn.

Song Description

Written from a first person perspective, this song gets inside the feelings of the new kid at school, who is different from everyone else, and lonely. She grips her tray looking for an empty seat in the cafeteria, and no one offers her a seat. The song encourages kids to reach out, take a step of friendship. Be a hero; be a friend.

Song Length 4:07 Genre Unique - Children, Pop - General
Tempo Medium (111 - 130) Lead Vocal Female Vocal
Mood Poignant, Moving Subject Loneliness, Shyness
Similar Artists Laurie Berkner, Raffi Language English
Era 2000 and later


I've got no one to play with. I'm so alone.
I wish someone would reach out, Invite me home.
But they've all got their friends.
They don't know my name.
It would mean the world to me if they'd just
let me join their game.

CHORUS: Be a friend, a hero, Reach out to that one.
Be a friend, a hero, 'cause you're the only one
With courage in your heart, kindness in your smile.
Take a step of friendship, and walk the extra mile...
Be a friend.

It's loud in the lunchroom. I grip my tray
Look out at the tables, No empty space
Cuz they've all got their friends, Laughing while they eat
It would mean the world to me If they'd just offer me a seat

Bridge: Sticks and stones can break my bones
But silence shatters too. I'm kinda shy, but give me a try
To be a friend to you.

I know I look different. I'm not like you.
But where I come from, You'd look different, too.
My blood is red like yours. My eyes can see the sun
I'm just a kid like you And I just wanna have someone.

I LOVE the idea of the song!
I would have just kept the music simpeler - too much distraction from the lyrics for me....

Great inspirational kids song!!! Good job Mrs. Kate, love it! Keep em coming ok?

Song describes how I ended up a the Heads table (rejects from popularity) Friends are created through many forms, including adversity, which bonds them.

Positive song.

It's a touching song. Reminds to me the late FAME tv show.

Beautiful voices and great lyrics with a wonderful message - it's all about loving and treating others the way we want to be treated. It's about breaking the barriers of hate and replacing it with God's love through Christ who gives us the strength. Mrs Kate - Thank you for your ministry and to all the children, I encourage you to always love one another and be kind to each other and always sing because it's a gift from God!
In Christian Love,
Randal Dunkle

Lyrics Kate Carpenter Music Kate Carpenter
Producer Jamie DeFrates Publisher Kate Carpenter
Performance Bella Simonic and my kids vocal team and Kate Carpenter Label Kate Carpenter

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