Grammy Award winning singer/songwriter Shandi Sinnamon won a Grammy for a song she wrote and performed in the film
FLASHDANCE called “He’s A Dream”. She’s been writing songs since the age of thirteen and has published and performed songs in ten other films most recently Disney’s TOWER OF TERROR. She’s traveled the world as a background singer with
HOYT AXTON, the French legend, JOHNNY HALLIDAY, and TODD RUNDGREN: appeared as one of the worlds most
dangerous background singers on LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN and was the featured singer in the T.V. theme
song CHARLES IN CHARGE. As far as influences, "Honestly I don’t think there is a sound I’ve heard that hasn’t influenced me and to keep myself entertained, I’ve had to write all kinds of music.” Please visit for more info and intro to new CD.


This Artist has 1 Album


over 30 days ago to Shandi

Great songs. Really wish full albums were available.

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Clean Clean

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