The Raku Circus is an independent music project led by David Higbee, who was formerly associated with the Fine Bisque Porcelain Rockers, Aileesuncle, and Killing Tuesday.
Latest News
David is back from a couple weeks in Mexico, and is now trying to finish up some of those halfies he started way to long ago.
Here Are We
The Raku Circus is an independente music project led by David Higbee, who was formerly associated with the Fine Bisque Porcelain Rockers, Aileesuncle, and Killing Tuesday. The Raku Circus is (collectively) into all of the following: International film and literature. Pillow fights with kids. Genuine antique seven alloy Himalayan singing bowls. Bells and whistles. Trapezoidal fragments of stained glass and other knickknacks. The systematic destruction of all that is cliché and screaming for annihilation. Did I already mention genuine antique seven alloy Himalayan singing bowls? Any kind of new music, except for all that junk that only other people can stand to listen to. Authentic sushi except for sea-urchin (uni).
The Raku Circus performs live on the West Coast and is currently based out of Utah. It is currently recording demos for its first indie album, but will still honor requests from small bars, cafes, and independent music enjoyment facilities, wherever in the world they may be.
When forced at gun-point to describe the sound of this recording entity, David reluctantaly admitted that it sounds like a brazilian fire ant taking a long siesta inside a mostly empty bottle of whiskey (with no lid, of course) falling out of the cargo bay of a Learjet and plunging at supersonic speed towards the mouth of a dormant-but-smoking tropical volcano covered with lightly scarched shrubs and bunches of crumpled tin foil. I hope you like it as much as I do.