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Currently working on 'The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald' my version.
I'm so glad to be back!!.do I have new stories to tell you. New music in development right now.
Hi Everyone, I know it's been a while since I posted but life had thrown me a few curve balls. Finishing my final album has been challenging. Taking almost 10 years off outside of music. I've missed it terribly. I am currently writing for my project. Rearranging some older songs that I've never officially released to the world. When I moved to Galveston from Phoenix in 2010 I sold my studio and all the gear that I spent a lifetime accumulating and collecting. I regretted that move after I moved to Texas. Things did not work as planned with the current management company. I was left in the dust with no way home back to Phoenix. So I had to rebuild from ground up. During the pandemic I lost everything again when my storage company sold my storage locker from under me. All of my masters from all of my songs were in the storage locker in La Marque Texas. Everything that I had ever written gone. All of my family pictures, my degrees, my writing Manuel's, all my touring photos everything was gone. I was devastated hurt, mad, angry and lost all integrity I ever had for Texas. I am an offical survivor of Hurricane Harvey and thats an entirely different story. Enough ranting about my obstacles. I expect them now! ... I am also working on 7 brand new songs that have function in the arrangements. ABACAB... If you know theory you know abacab. Most of my compositions are written with this theory in mind. Most people would call it a formula. My formula...If anyone understands this then they know or have there own formula when writing lyrics or music. There's always a formula.. some are better than others. I really want to find a producer and studio. Either way it will be completed. I hope this message finds you healthy and any happy of happy would make me feel good for you. Till next time always be good and love one another. T