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over 30 days ago to Rob Spillane

GREAT music! See you tonight at Café Escadrille.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hallelujah is one of my favorite songs ~ Please sing it AFTER 9 tonight. Thanks!

Lori Jennerjohn
over 30 days ago to Rob Spillane

"You Can Cal Me Al" anytime! This is one of my favorites songs....You sing it wonderful!

2 Replies
Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago

Thank you so so much. I didn't think anyone from Broadjam listened to music from a MINI MEMBER who makes a living playing music. I am so jaded by this terrible music business but I am so in love with the music part of it.

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago

Thanks again Lori. For what it's worth, I played all the instrumental parts and sang all the vocals on my tunes and I'm delighted that you like them.

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to Rob Spillane

I've added 4 tunes I do on my gigs. They were recorded live after hours in a place I play a lot. I have to pay my bills and I get to play good music. But I fear I will never have the time to really do my own stuff because my family always comes before that stuff. I am thankful that I love to sing and play so much and that people enjoy it.

Sun Voyage
over 30 days ago to Rob Spillane

Thank you for time in reviewing my song "The Spaces in Between."

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to Fugue Noire Music

Thanks for your review of 'A Song Saved My Life'. It was revealing.

1 Replies
Fugue Noire Music
over 30 days ago

You're welcome. Take care.

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to Kent Webb

Thank you for your review of 'I Know I'm Lucky/ instr.' I listened to some of your work and you have an ambitious style. There is a sophistication in your arrangements. It is a compliment to receive reviews from someone who does good work. Thanks again.

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to Derek Chandler

Thank you for your review of 'A Song Saved My Life'. It made me feel good to have someone enjoy my music and I wish you success and maybe some money for writing that would be my wish for all songwriters.

1 Replies
Derek Chandler
over 30 days ago

Ive just played it again Rob and I like it even more.
Good luck

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to Marques

I was reviewing We Are One and my screen went blank just before I submitted the review. So- one more time- you can sing. This song reminds me of tunes by the Gaither Vocal Band. There is certainly quality in your work.. I think the song would benefit from a drum part as there are lulls in the flow of the verse. And I would add a counterpart harmonized vocal to the second chorus. But- you express strong emotion with your voice and words and I enjoyed this song.

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to SYLVIA SEMEL

Thank you for your generous review of 'I Know I'm Lucky'. It made my day and now if it could just make a little money......

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Rob, glad to do it. Yeah, we all want to make a little money. Hope you do. Good luck.

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Rob Spillane

Rob: thanks for the review of my song Alley Juke Joint. Appreciate all your comments

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to Anita Andreis

Anita- Well done- very good sense of instrumentation and arrangement... I think you have a sophisticated ear and I enjoy your work.

1 Replies
Anita Andreis
over 30 days ago

Thank you Rob. :)

Steve- Thank you for your generous review of 'I Know I'm Lucky'. It made for a wonderful Sunday morning especially since the world ended last night......

1 Replies
Steve Dafoe - Songwriter
over 30 days ago

Yes the "end of days" at 6:00pm Eastern as predicted did not go off as plannned. However, at about 11:00pm the power went out at my home and neighborhood. Very very dark outside all of a sudden. My first thought was that they meant 6:00pm Hawaii time.

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to Wayne Murray

Thank you for your review of 'I Know I'm Lucky'. I find that I write as good a melody as I can and fall short on my lyrics. There's an instrumental version of the song on my site that has done well and it warms my heart. Oh to find a Bernie Taupin out there!

1 Replies
Sharon Hope Robinson
over 30 days ago

Hi Rob. Maybe I could be your Bernie Taupin. Lol. I'm a lyricist/songwriter. Hit me up if you need any lyrics to your tracks.

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to Earl.C.Webb

Thanks for the generous review of 'A Song Saved My Life'. That's the FM album version- (I date myself and still know what that means). There's a version without the a capella intro that shortens it up and the outro is a bit capricious. I put the intro there so that when Brian Wilson hears the song in Xanadu on Cloud 9 he'll say "ooh". Thanks again.

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to ron boustead

Hi Ron- Listened to 'Best Day Yet'- fine job. It's a good melody and it's well produced and recorded. I enjoy your work.

3 Replies
Randy Bishop
over 30 days ago

Ron- Just had a nice conversation last night with another Broadjam artist, Debra Gussin. She's also an LA songwriter and is an excellent lyricist. Out of the blue, I happened to mention to her that your song, Best Day Yet is one of my favorites. Ironically, she then told me that she often finds her songs being considered for the same opportunities as that song. oops! ha ha! Small world!

ron boustead
over 30 days ago

Thanks Randy...I know Debra. A nice person and a good songwriter!

Randy Bishop
over 30 days ago

Yes, she seems very nice. Maybe you two should collaborate on one? Just remember my cut if it turns into a mega hit! :-)

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to Al Hovden

Hi Al- I just listened to Dear John again and liked it again. I love the little Yoko octave thing at the end of the middle verse- you listen and's a good combination.

2 Replies
Al Hovden
over 30 days ago

Hey thanks Rob! Nice to hear good feedback. All the best to you!


Al Hovden
over 30 days ago

Rob- just listening to your song A Song Saved My Life again. Great harmonies! I can hear you being a big 70's pop singer - perfect changes for the time. I was "close" a few times myself. Something always seemed to get in the way - I guess there are many of us out there with similar tales. But it's all good. I'm still alive and writing from where my life is now - trying to tell the truth and stick to my guns. I think being true to yourself is very important for an artist - it's what separates you and makes you unique. Anyways - nice to hear from you and keep writing and recording.


Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to Ziplok

Hey Ziplock- Thank you for the collaboration offer. I've never done any stuff like yours and even though it makes me sound like a old fart I don't do explicit lyrics unless it's absolutely necessary and so far it hasn't been. But I actually am working on a track that needs your kind of style and maybe we could work together. We should talk. Send me a message through the mailbox instead of comments and we can set up some communication. Thanks again- Rob Spillane.

over 30 days ago to Rob Spillane

what up Rob lets work on a song sometime!!! Peace Ziplok

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

where u at Rob???

Robo is a very busy guy
we like that

over 30 days ago to Rob Spillane

good lord!! what an amazing song/tribute to 3 of my holy favorites! John/Paul and of course the one and only Brian!! did you do all the vocals yourself? if you did i'd like to kiss your feet! incredible music..gonna listen to your others now..FEEL PROUD!!

1 Replies
Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago

Thanks Chaz- I sang all the parts and I NEVER use any computer tricks to tune them. I play all the parts too and I am proud of that song. It is so nice to hear that other musicians like my work and it makes my day. Thanks again.

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to Lori Jennerjohn

Hi Lori- You have a good attitude and I wish you success. Always listen to your good judgement and feel comfortable with decisions you make in the music business. Your music is a personal and valuable thing and it's a tough place out there. I wish you and all the Broadjammers a Happy New Year......

1 Replies
Lori Jennerjohn
over 30 days ago

Thank you Rob! I appreciate that...You have a Happy New Year too! Wish you the best as well...Lori

Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago to Vi: 00110110

Successful Engineering Practices V.1:

While mixing your music, its very important that you consider the mastering in the aftermath.

As an exercise... The next time you boot up a mix, drop the level on every channel to -15db. Even that huge drum loop you've got. -15db.

Now. Attempt to get the whole mix to fit into your master fader (set to 0db with no plug ins), accomplish this without clipping.

Levels may need to go as low as -25 to -30db. Yes.

You may find a new world of dynamics and full sound working in this potential unexplored template. Your drums will have room to pound. Your vox will be easier to bring out. Generally, every aspect of your song can be provided an opportunity to shine when working on a larger stage to perform in.

The idea here is... You have 24dbs of dynamic space. Use them. Don't be the guy that just shovels channels into a master buss @ full steam. (Oup, can't hear the vox now... Guess I'll duplicate the track huh?)


Mix for clarity, master with a big stick.

Make everything fit into your master without clipping. Re-import the master bounce into a new stereo channel... now solo it, add your plugins for mastering, and go for it.

From there... You'll be able to master your stereo mix up to that big crunch you intended from the original mix.

Hear something in mastering that wasn't intended? Go back to your mix by un-soloing & muting your stereo channel that you just imported and return to the mix itself... Adjust.

It keeps everything close and accessible to you if mastering and mixing are going to be done by 1 engineer... and lets face it... you're a do it yourselfer aren't you?

Heres a big hint that has saved me time numerous occassion... Give your vox 3db more than you would while just previewing the mix unmastered. Master that and see what happens. Notice how the once "too loud" vox just got toned down?

As everything gets compressed and expanded, timbres begin to fade deeply into the stereo image, sounds that were prominent feel closer to sounds that were less prominent earlier... Everything changes inside mastering.

Vox being one of the biggest items.

So prior to sending out mixes to your mastering engineer, prepare yourself three versions. A normal mix, a vox raised 3db mix, and a vox raised 7db mix. Each delivered in an unprocessed stereo channel with a plug in free master fader.

The results just may pay off for your extra efforts.


2 Replies
Joseph Miller
over 30 days ago

Hey PT... excellent suggestions above here.... Do I see a book in the making??

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago

Your insights and experience are helpful and generous and for someone like me who lacks the engineering chops
most welcome. I find that between writing, recording, copyrighting, pro registering, submitting to opportunities, supporting a family, bathing and chewing my food properly I am stressed and a bit overwhelmed. For me, paying the bills always gets in the way of making the music. You know- I think every person I've ever met is or has been in a band and thinks they are a musician because they sang the Star Spangled Banner at a baseball game or were in a glee club or school play 25 years ago....there I go ruminatin' agin......

It's a great compliment to be compared to Richard Carpenter- he has a genius for vocal arrangement. Thank you. And if you want to speak to him about me ask him to get in touch for I have always been an admirer of his work. I wish I knew all these people personally like you do.....that is cool.

over 30 days ago to Rob Spillane

Thanks again for a very considered review Rob, thanks for taking the time.
I certainly will think more about the idea of counter melody on the chorus...
Re the harmonica solo, every other review I have had on this song picks out the solo as a highlight. Believe me I am always the first to diss my work, but this solo I am actualy quite proud of
All the best Earl

Hi Vera Form- I read your generous comments about 'A Song Saved My Life' once again and if I understand you - you said you heard some pitch correction in the vocals. I have never used any computer stuff in my work- anything you hear is just me singing and it's one or two takes. I believe in performing as live as possible and admire musicians who can actually play their own music- a vanishing art. Once again I thank you and wish you a Merry Christmas and a great New Year. Rob

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to Earl.C.Webb

Hey Earl- I just reviewed 'Sweet Soul Music'. What are the odds that the first tune I review since I became a connection was one of yours? I guess it's good that I liked the song or I would be disconnected (not really) but it's a swell play on words. At least give me credit for using swell......

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to Rob Spillane

Remember always... I often cause trouble. I'm just wondering, Has anyone else noticed that there is an awful lot more guitar playing songwriters on Broadjam than any other instruments? Does anyone take piano lessons anymore? Does one guitar player like another guitar player's music because it is comfortable or familiar? The 80's would never have happened if it weren't for synths you know. But maybe for a while people would notice that possibly 8 out of 10 tunes in pop and general categories have acoustic guitar intros. I suspect that 8 out of 10 rock tunes start out that way too. I guess I miss Elton and Billy and Tom Lehrer... that's just the way it goes sometimes....or maybe that's just the tunes I keep hearing (with all due respect to Protilius and the other industrial giants out there- very few acoustic guitar intros to be found there). Be careful where you walk tonight- there be six string about these parts my friend.....

2 Replies
Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago


rp music
over 30 days ago

Rob, if you listen to my music, I believe that you'd agree that I manage to include a lot of piano, along with a lot of guitar....."Sao Paolo Lights" is a good example, and "I'm Feeling Old" too.....In those 2 pieces I feature both the guitar and the piano....actual acoustic piano's are becoming more rare because they are expensive and take a lot of room.....even the uprights!
But there are some wonderful digi boards....I have one...the old Alesis Q-8 with the great realistic action.....yeah, guitar's have it by about 2 to 1 over the keys! easier to play, cost, space....all factors!

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to Larry Folk

Hi Larry- just listened to 'Take What You Want...'- fine job. I like the groove and the production and it's a good vocal. It deserves at least a 45 out of 50 on the Broadjam review scale (yes Mr. Clark- it's got a good beat and you can dance to it..). Am I being too obscure? That's just not possible.

1 Replies
Larry Folk
over 30 days ago

Thanks Rob. Wrote it specifically for Can 3 of the 6 Pack contest. Wish everyone felt the way you do. Thanks for the note, and generous comments. Keep in touch.

over 30 days ago to Rob Spillane

Thankyou Rob for your encouraging words, took a listen to a few of your songs here, they have a B. Mannilow quality (he is a great writer) and a touch of B.Joel too
Keep the faith. Best Earl

Rob Spillane
over 30 days ago to Earl.C.Webb

Hi Earl- I enjoyed 'Love Me Please'. It draws you in with simplcity and a good vocal and changes. Nice job. I also have a large list of musical souls that keep me inspired and I discover more good music all the time. It's a wonderful thing isn't it?

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