
Previous Comments

DeDe Wedekind
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Thanks for your kind and thorough review of my first original song, Psalm on Danny Boy! All the best to you Rin. DeDe:)

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Hey, Rin.

Thanks so much for your very positive review of my piece "The Coronation". I had a lot of fun writing it, and I'm thrilled that you enjoyed listening to it. That keeps me going!

Regards, -Michael

over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Hey Rin. Thank you so much for your review of my instrumental of "How I Roll." I really appreciate it and I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

You're welcome. Great song!

over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Thanks so much for your great review of the instrumental version of my song Rewind. I really appreciate your kind words. The song started as this instrumental and became the full song Rewind. It was written for ending credits scene. If you have some extra time check it out and let me know what you think. You're music is amazing! Thanks again for reaching out!


3 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

"If I could hit the space bar I would go back so far"
HaHa...different technology...I absolutely love the song and I absolutely love your voice. Would you be interested in singing on some tracks for me? I have a song called "Cut This Tie" that you would be perfect for. Of course I pay fair rates to singers...I would love to start working with you some as I do some other amazing singers. I am a new fan of yours for sure. Thanks for reaching out to me. If you ever need real drums or real guitar, send me an mp3, I'll hook you up cheap:) You made my day, bud. Have a great night.

over 30 days ago

Hey Rin I would definitely be down to sing for you. Shoot me a PM when you're ready. Thanks again!

Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Will do...I've been searching for the right singer for this song...You are definitely the guy.

Billy Pilgrim
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Thanks again Rin for the real fine review of Double Wide. Good stuff from you yet again. Thanks tons.

You take good care,

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Great Billy.
You, too!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

wow Vin, another kind and thoughtful review of my Cookie Cutter Blonde backing track--this is being played by my producer, i do not have those chops, but my rough and instructions like usual netted exactly what i wanted--thanx again man for the very kind words!

2 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Yes, Warren. Great job. I laughed when I saw that it was your song. See ya,

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

...that is a good thing, and what i was going after, check our the vocal of it, might be funnier...LOL

Brenda Craven
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Hello Ron,

Thank you for your thorough review of my song, "J Groove." Your input and critique is greatly appreciated.


1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Hey Brenda,
You're welcome. I enjoyed the track very much. Good luck to you.

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

hello again Vin, hell man, now you're embarrassing me! Many thanks for the major kudos on my short and sweet Elf Dust #2--i pounded out on my crappy Roland 70, gave it to my producer who has some "real" (LOL) sounding programs, and it came out as you said, i am proud of it. again, you are too kind, all the best, Warren Hein

3 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

It was funny. After I did the review, the picture of you and your name popped up. I would have never guessed. You have a truly diversified portfolio, sir. I listen with headphones on and I listen loud...I try to find bad things but there weren't any there. Great Job!

Billy Pilgrim
over 30 days ago

Hi Rin,
I hope the week is going along real fine for you. Mine just got better when I read your thorough and generous review of Addition Addiction. So much appreciated my friend.

You take real good care Rin,

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

....LOL Rin, same way i listen...thanks again, you'll hear one that will stink at some point, and let 'er rip...ha!--WH--oh howdy Billy, another talented dude!!

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

hey Rin, nice to meet you and thank you for the kind review and absolutely detailed review of my song Dead Man Walking...LOL no but thanks for the compliment, i wasn't trying anything Bowie, though my vocals and direction to my producer tend to be called Bowie influenced, but not consciously! Since I compose and (sometimes...) sing my own work, my producer on this one did what i told him too--but HOW, i have no clue, i am not a detail guy so have no patience for the production part of it other than "do this..." which lends to lengthy, time consuming yet satisfying (for me anyway...LOL) finished products. Thanks again and i'll have to check out your page! Warren Hein

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Cool, Warren
Definitely talented...I enjoyed the song very much. Would LOVE to drum on it for you. Anytime you guys need a drum track, message me...I'll trade for help on my stuff. See ya,

Nigel Barrett
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Hey Rin, wow thank you for your appreciation of my instrumental version of my tune Stronger. You are a gent with a good ear!

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

You are welcome. I really enjoy your music. Great work!

Billy Pilgrim
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Rin did it again! Awesome review and spot on with all your detailed thoughts my friend. Thanks tons for putting an ear to it.

You take good care Rin,

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Great Song, once again, Billy. I didn't understand the footsteps at first but now I do. Really original with that.

over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Hi Rin,

Yes, it's that man again! You kindly reviewed my song Different Tracks, thank you for the very encouraging comments. I'm particularly pleased at the production review as it was recorded in my spare room - so it's nice to know something is working OK! I have never been that happy with the vocal but 4/5 could be worse.
Many thanks again and good luck with your music.


1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Cool Bob,
Yes, I enjoyed the song very much. Great to hear from you again.

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Hi Rin,

Thanks for the great review of "Te Amo". All 5's across the board! You really made my day.

By the way, love your Flapper and Egyptian tracks. Nice work......... kenney

4 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Nice Kenney,
Killer Track, Man. Freaking awesome!

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago

Hi Rin,

I was wondering if you had any drum tracks looking for a home? A lot of times I'll set up a drum track and then write something to fit. Don't know if you've ever tried that. Whatever genre you like is fine. Standard formula. 5 to 15 second intro 4 lines of verse then Hook and repeat. I've listened to your work so I'm sure you know the routine.

No need to respond if you are too busy or not interested. That's okay I wont take it personal. No response is an adeaquat answer and avoids that awkwardness........................ . kenney

Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Kenney, rock on. Yes, I have mucho tracks. Let me see what might work and I'll get back to you. Thanks. By the way, what do you do for vocals? I need to make some singer contacts on here.

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago

I've heard a lot of composers here on BJam work with Julia Schmidt, Dianne Rasmussen and Cyndi Corkran. I'm sure there are a bunch more. There's a lot of great talent here on Broad Jam

Suite Sauce
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Thanks for the review on Catch Me . It has been remastered 4 times I did it 12 years ago .With my Female vocalist that played Guit. 8 Track Reel to Reel.Then to Dat tape for master.Maybe I'll try it again. So many projects to finish.

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

It's a great song, that's for sure. I would say that it deserves to be looked at again. Thanks for checking back. Rin

Billy Pilgrim
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

So kind your review of Bad Guys. Thank you for your ear on it, for listening so carefully and for hearing things I had flatout forgotten! Good ear, kind review... all the best to you my friend.

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

You know it, boss! Great song, once again!

Steve Dafoe - Songwriter
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Thanks for kind words and a nice review on "River Of Pain". Thanks for your effort to tell me how the song worked for you. I really appreciated that! Best of luck. See you are new to the site!

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Yes, Steve
Great song. I'm trying to get going here. I have been enjoying it very much. You are welcome.

Dalton Caldwell
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Hi Rin,

Thanks for the great review of "Lost In Love" and for the valuable critique.

Glad you enjoyed it............... kenney

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Really good song, man. Nice job!

over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Hi Rin,
Thanks for a very detailed and useful review of Caledonia. Of all the kind comments, the technical ones are most satisfying because I have no grounding in recording or production and recorded this at home. It's always nice to get confirmation that things are moving in the right direction.
Have just had a listen to some of your short tracks - very professional - good luck with them.

Thanks again,


7 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Thanks, Bob. I'm new here but trying to wrap my head around this licensing format. I'm getting the hang of it but more than anything...enjoying the heck out of it. Great song, man and great job with the recording. I will listen to more of your stuff as soon as possible. You're very welcome. Rin

over 30 days ago

If you need any help, just shout.

Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Will do. I guess what I have been trying to do i wirte for the opportunities that I think I might have a chance with. Do you do that or do you just write and create without any pre conceived ideas?

over 30 days ago

I write more songs than instrumentals Rin and pretty much write what ever comes into being within my singing and playing ability range. There are nearly always openings for something in my library but I have to budget what I go for.
I did try once to improvise music to fit an opp and it wasn't very successful. But I've also collaborated with others on BJ, some have provided a scratch song and I've arranged and recorded the backing, others have provided lyrics and I've found a tune and taken it from there.
There is no one way of doing things on here but there is no reason why writing to order shouldn't work out.
Whatever you choose to do, good luck with your projects.

Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Cool...I need to listen to some more of your stuff. I'm working on a cool song called "Cut This Tie" and I need to hook up with a good singer. My singing is shit...I also need help to finish with some of the lyrics. Let me listen to some more of your tracks. Maybe we can trade some favors. I have real drums set all times as well as guitar, bass, and keys. You never know. We might be able to help each other. I'm working to finish a cock rock track right now so I will have one in my database...(huge off music, really) and I need to complete it to submit for these pick up truck commercials and guitar rock commercials. Let me finish that and I'll get back to you. You are so nice to reach out like that. I will listen to more of your stuff as soon as I get some time and I will be back. Thanks, boss. Where are you from?

over 30 days ago

I'm from Dorset in UK but have collaborated online with writers/singers from USA, South Africa and Scotland. Everything is possible really but, unfortunately, I'm very busy at this moment with my own stuff and two collaborations on the go. I would love to help out if I can at a later date.
In the meantime I'm always happy to help if there is info you need etc.

Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Yes Sir, Bob

mighty jeb baldwin
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

best of dynamics i've heard yet.

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Rock on brother. Love the pic!! Thanks for the kind words.

mighty jeb baldwin
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

nice tight knit fabric of a did you learn to weave in and out like that?

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Toil and Toil and Toil!!!! Thanks!

mighty jeb baldwin
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

super-powerful solo....excellent

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Thanks, boss

mighty jeb baldwin
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson


1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Two words that mean a lot in all of this music creation. Thanks! Can't wait to get your stuff on here!!!

Billy Pilgrim
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Hi Rin,
Thanks tons for the the kind and keen review of Going Steady. You take good care.

All the best,

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

You're welcome. You have some great songs. I think I have reviewed two of them. This is all new and exciting to me. You are definitely up and running and it helps me to hear your stuff so that I can strive to get better. Thanks for hitting me back. Rin

Nigel Barrett
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

And again! I appreciate your words about The Grace of God, Rin. Encourages me to keep going! Cheers buddy.

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Hey Nigel, you are welcome. I assume you do reviews on here or maybe you don't but it's a warm welcome to get a hold of a great sounding track. You are extremely talented and should continue to share your music with the world. No doubt, your compositions will find their way to the top. I mean that and hope to get more of your music when I'm reviewing! Good luck to you..

Nigel Barrett
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Hey Rin, thank you for the great review of my film score idea ditty. You are 100% right about the distortion. It is not supposed to be distorted. It was composed on a Yamaha SY85 synth. I offloaded that years ago but before I did so, quickly recorded the tune onto my laptop. Before realising my error, the synth had gone! Thanks again and good luck.

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Oh boy...I was worried and I can't thank you enough for writing me back. It's such a GREAT song/composition. If you would allow, I would encourage you to re-cut it, name is something amazing and get it out there. Just awesome, man. Thanks again for writing me back.

Good morning Vin; thank you so much for your generous review on "Bollywood Run". We are working to improve it greatly & your comments help towards that end! The best to you in life & music.

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

You know it, boss. I enjoyed it and good luck!

Marilyn Hall
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Thanks so much for such a good review of my instrumental track of Daniel.

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

You're welcome...Great Song!

Robert Wuagneux
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Hi Rin,
Thank you for the EXCELLENT REVIEW of Chablis and Candlelight. I am curious about the volley ball beach ball analogy :-)
please send me an email
I have the Master Tracks on DVD!!!
Peace, Robert

Marilyn Hall
over 30 days ago to Rin Vinson

Thanks for the review of my instrumental. Good luck to you with your work.

1 Replies
Rin Vinson
over 30 days ago

Oh you are welcome..Thanks for the kind words. I'm new to all of this but am enjoying meeting people and listening to so much great music.

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