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Dear Lydia, Great Composition! Love your song, your vocal is perfect for your tune and your piano playing is exquisite! Love the Bass playing on your arrangement! Gave you 5 Stars & Likes! Love to have you visit our site Broad Jam site and maybe even become Broad Jam Buddies!! Respectfully, The Corey's..........
Dear Lydia, We recently heard about you as an artist thru a Mr. David James from the UK. My wife and I are songwriters/BMI and are interested in what you charge to sing on a demo song? Also noticed that you play piano on most of your tunes posted on Broad Jam! Really enjoy your vocals and choice of musical compositions!! If you are interested in possibly singing on one of tunes....please let us know!! Respectfully, Margie & Art Corey/BMI
Please free up some of your music so it can be enjoyed !
Tony, Thank you for your message and for your interest in my music! The songs listed on my profile are from 2 commercially released albums that are available on iTunes, CDBaby, Amazon, as well as directly on my website: 1 I also have some free downloads you can access on my website: 2 Hope this helps! Have a wonderful weekend. Lydia
Oh your voice is just serene and dreamy thank you so much for that link
Lydia I am an on air presenter with CAIRNS FM 89.1 and I was hoping you can do me a huge favour by recording a promo for me as a lead into me playing your songs on my Radio program here at CAIRNS FM 89.1 please, something similar to this as follows .........Hello my name is (your name) and I am from (your town and country) and I am on CAIRNS FM 89.1 with your host Tony Roberts who is about to play one of my latest's songs, please enjoy.
Tony - thank you for your kind comment! And I'll look into the possibility of recording that radio promo for you.
That would be amazing if you could do that for me and my email address is which is where you can email it to with thanks
Yesterday, I randomly picked "Still You Need Me". After that I started at the top and listened to them all. Your work is an evolution in music composition. It's like driving on a road you've never been on. Don't know what's around the next bend. Some of your chord changes just made me smile. And you consistently surprised me with where you take your melodies. Never where I thought they would go. It's not jazz, it's not pop. It's as if you've created your own genre. I hope the world is ready for you. kenney
Kenney - what a lovely comment! Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to my music and to share your thoughts in such detail.
Hi! Found your music here BJ! Vocals ,songs , production Gifted !! You've got it all !! Just a matter of time ! Good Luck & God Bless !! Rob~~
Thank you Rob!
stopped by to take a listen. Perhaps I'm not the first to tell you that you have "it."
That is such a lovely thing to say - I really appreciate it!
Lydia, Beautiful work, but Forgiven is my favorite as it comes from deeper down. If you ever log on again, know that you are Loved (Top 10 Dreampop). If there were a Nightmare Pop, you would find me there.
Nick - thank you very much for listening, for your feedback and for the love! :-) "Forgiven" is one of my favorites as well, so glad you found it enjoyable.