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Hello Jose. Yes, Coon in the Can is a children's song. One of the positive effects of this song is the burial of the "old meaning of coon" and helping kids know that coon is a raccoon. I always use this song in my kids shows. It's Coon in the Can (not pen) and Reggie (my raccoon puppet in the garbage can), teaches kids not to litter. Mrs. Kate Check out the youtube: 1
I figured it out after seeing you were the artist. I have reviewed your work before and have seen how prolific you are and that you do a lot of children's songs. My first reaction was just off the 1st listen. Hearing the lyrics you know that it's not about race but the country feel and the word coon just made my mind go there.
hi cheers for the review of blue jean baby. i dont use computer generated music though they are real instruments maybe i played like a robot on that track lol. , cheers
Thanks for the review of Lauriella. I did use one of the house drum tracks from Sibelius, and have wondered if it would not have better suited me to write my own instead. Great feedback.
Hello Jose, thanks for reviewing Armor of God. It's a niche song that has enjoyed quite a bit of download action and success. Mrs. Kate
Thanks for your review of my son "A Random Act of Kindness". It's obvious you put some thought into it and not just a 1 or 2 word review that doesn't help the artist. Thanks again.
You're welcome Jose and good luck for your future. :)
Thank you for your review of my song "Dignity in her voice". It's obvious you took the time to provide more than a one or two word thought and that is quit helpful. Thanks again.
Hey I know that song is important from the lyrics. I want to hear whenever you update it!!
Hi Jose, thank you for your review of 'Oops' it's much appreciated
Hi Jose, thanks for the kind review of "Still the Same" and insightful suggestions!!
Hi jose....thanks for the review of "turn us back around" I appreciate your comments. The song is far from spit and polish. I think the thing most see the song as emotion and shear rawness. It could be more mixed down.....thanks again....cheers
Thanks for the review and overall comments on "I Can't Cry Anymore"
Hi Jose, Thanks for taking the time to review my music. I appreciate your opinion. All the best, Felice Kaye-Cooper
Love the lyrics/ music to "When a man cried" its sooo true!!! I am in NJ... Ever need a female vocal just shout:)... Blessings.... Julia
Thanks. I enjoyed your song and will listen to the rest when I get more time. Gotta love living here, Jersey strong.
Thks so much for the endorsement! Humbly appreciated... Great luck to you here....... Julia
Hello, thanks for your nice review of "He can find your heart" it was the very first one I had ever recorded( of one of my own).. It truly is special to my heart!:) Many Blessings... Julia Schmidt
thanxs for the review of my song--CAR LOT BLUES--had a lot of fun with that one--cheers--joe
Thanks for your positive review of "Soundtrack". Good luck with your songs.
Thank you very much for your review of "Still I Wonder!" I enjoyed the comments.