
Previous Comments

Mitch Larow
over 30 days ago to Joe Vitale

My songwriting partner and I were together this past weekend and ironically were talking about the repetitious chorus. I tend to do that in my songs I think because heh, it's the chorus. :) We will definetly take your advice on that. The other comments about instrumentation and production we were sort of ready for. We intentionally tried to keep this as basic as possible because we wanted to let whoever heard it think about how they might put their own stamp on it. We're try to be songwriters first I guess.
But Joe, thanks for the comments on the vocal. That is John Wesley Ryles. He used to do demo singing but is mostly studio back up stuff now. Before that he had some hits in the 70's I think. But whoa he did nail it. We thought it all sounded a little too Paul Simon-y (not that there is anything wrong with that...:) until John Wesley got his pipes around it. I'll pass on your comments. I've always admired your playing and jumped at the chance to have you review our song. Many thanks.

1 Replies
Joe Vitale
over 30 days ago

Well thank you Mitch for the kind words and thanks to you and your writing partner for such a beautiful're both gifted !!! I wish you all the best with "90 Days".....Keep up the great work !!!

The fundaMentals
over 30 days ago to Joe Vitale

Thanks for the great job on the pro review, Joe. You had some great suggestions and your encouragement was greatly appreciated. Keep on rockin'!

1 Replies
Joe Vitale
over 30 days ago

Thanks guys !!!....You have a rockin' band !!....Keep up the good work !!

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