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Hi Carrie, I'm back after a long illness. I've uploaded some new songs. Do drop along if you have some spare time. Thanks. Phil
Hi Carrie, After a long period of ill-health I'm at last back in action and I've uploaded some new songs. Do pop along when you have a moment to have a listen. Thanks
Wow, truly amazing voice. Listened to your first song and could not stop till I heard them all.
Carrie, as a fan of your vocals.... I have a song which would sound cool with you singing it! Would you be interested if i sent you the track to listen? Best Earl
thanks for thinking of me, earl. yes I would be happy to take a listen. I haven't been doing much singing recently so it would be fun to get back into it. send it along via email which is thanks. best, Carrie
Will do..just polishing off some of the lyrics and it will be with you Thanks
Into Grey..amazing song. I found it by chance today on Amazon. I'm going too use it in my Pilates class for stretching. Strong lyrics, lots of meaning! Thank you!
thanks a lot!! spread the word. you might also like "high wire" which has a similar vibe. thanks for taking the time to write. best, carrie
Although yr genre is at times a little over populated. Yr arrangements instrumatation and sentament all have a lovely fragile strength. A ring of truth about them. And many layers and side roads. I love 'em. Ian C Bishop
what a beautiful sentiment. thanks for listening Ian. best, carrie
Philadelphia Inquirer's The Year In Music edition that came out yesterday picked my album "Dying Breed" as one of the Top 10 Best Country/Roots albums of 2011. Pretty cool.
Dan, that is very cool!!! congrats.
Congratulations Dan! Good for you!!
Really like your music Carrie...lovely voice also...
Thank you Julia! Thanks for listening. And congratulations on your excellent work here on Broadjam! Best, Carrie
Hi Carrie, Just listened to Better Things to Do, what a great song!!! I also sneak in songs when the kids are sleeping or out, so relate to that. Love your music, keep doing it! Best, Chana
Thank you for your encouraging comment, Chana! That song is an oldie; I am thinking I may re-record it properly. Glad I'm not the only one up late writing songs! Stay in touch. Best, Carrie
Dear Carrie, I still can't get over how AMAZINGLY GREAT the song "better things to do" is!!! You TRULY are an incredible talent and I JUST might be your #1 fan!!! Charlie Shock :) s
Thanks, Charlie! That's an oldie (2005) but thanks for your comment, maybe I will dust it off. It is good to have a potential # 1 fan. Although I think my mom is # 1. If you don't mind being # 2? Have a great day. Thanks for the uplifting comment. Best, Carrie
Fair enough if your mom is your #1 fan, I'll have to settle to be your #2 fan but please let your mom know that she has some SERIOUS COMPETITON!!!
Hey guys, "Battlegrounds" is just a great, great song. Awesome production, you have packed so much sound, so much music into 3:42! Might be the best thing I've heard on Broadjam in years. Looking forward to hearing more of your music. Best wishes, carrie
Hello Carrie, It's me, Charlie Shock! I just want to say how good it is to see & hear that you are still writing and recording cos I truly believe that you are a TRUE TALENT!!! :) :) Kind Regards, Charlie Shock
Dear Carrie: Thanks for the laugh on the Top 10 Male Vocal, but in any case, you deserve recognition. I am writing personally to inform you of NO MORE as it plays on this theme and you were my inspiration to collaborate with Jim Pearson. Please let me know what you think as I value your taste. - Nick
Hey, Joe -- thanks for your support of this Massachusetts musician!! Good luck with your excellent work. Stay in touch. Best, Carrie
Carrie, Congrats on making the Top #1 spot of Pop! Well deserved. For some reason, nearly all of my connections make the Top Ten after connecting with me. I must be a catalyst. All your songs deserve to make the Top 10! Hope this news inspires more work... - N
Nick - hey that's very cool. thanks for telling me, I did not know! yes, I believe you brought me some good broadjam karma! c
My Dear Carrie, I found you through a mutual connection, ever searching for like minds. But your voice never fails to give me chills. When a voice gives me chills, it speaks to my soul like and angel's voice calling me home. Why no album (CD)? All of your songs (especially the least played ones) are my favorites! I think you might enjoy some of my Songs of Love & Woe, as we are in the same genre. Let me know. St. Nickolas
Nick, thank you for listening and for your kind words. Maybe someday I'll put my songs together for a CD... seems like a big undertaking -- but so is climbing mountains and people do that all the time. One step at a time, I guess! I will listen to more of your music soon. I played "weak ends" -- love that play on words and the theme of the song. Very well done, especially lovely acoustic guitar. Stay in touch. Carrie
Thank you for the support! Most of my reviewers are critics who sometimes make me laugh. Alex Legg assumed I was "just starting out." It is never too late to Begin. Recording professional CDs is easy with a Mac. Collaboration becomes easier with Multi-Track recording software like Garage Band. Thank you for being you and making me cry. I have passed my deep respect for your work over to Jim Pearson, Top 10 sensation. You might check him out, too. He is very endearing and bittersweet. I have added you as a connection so we can keep in touch. - Nick
Yes, there are a lot of folks on this site like Alex....someone thought that about me and I've entered my 6th decade as a professional musician, 44 of those years as a songwriter/
Carrie, just reviewed ''Blame'' I love that song, I thought it might possibly be you having listened to your other stuff. You have a very recordable voice, love it Earl
Thanks a lot, Earl!
"Tangled Things" nice mellow production with a vocal style very similar to karen carpenter your track reminds me of the carpenters material stick at it and all the best.
that is a very interesting comparison, I've not thought of that before but you are right. funny how these early childhood influences seep into our music. thanks very much for listening. best, carrie
I really dig your lyrics. Great movement and flow into the music!
Thank you very much! I appreciate you taking time to listen. Best, Carrie
Hi! Thanks for your review of "Blame." You are correct that there is hiss in the vocals, but not because of compression -- I record in my living room on my laptop so between the furnace and the laptop fan and the overall space, there is always hiss. If you have a suggestion for ways to EQ out hiss, I'd try it. I have Garageband which has a lot of settings but I don't know how to use 'em. Thanks -- good luck with your music and enjoy Broadjam. It's a fun community! Best, Carrie
Trying to eq out hiss is tough because you loose the tone of the vocal. Hiss is usually somewhere around the 2K to 10k range. Try using a parametric eq with a small bandwith. Boost the eq and run it back and forth around the 2k to 10K range. When the hiss stands out drop the eq to negative and that spot and listen to the change. Its a balancing act. You can try a noise reduction plug-in buy you are talking about a bit of a learning curve and I find the better plugins tend to run up in cost. My best advise is to try to turn as much off as you can and record as close proximity to the mic as possible using a pop screen. Going the extra mile for vocals is worth it for your voice. Peace, Love, Music RYE
Thanks for reviewing "Blame." I always appreciate a reviewer who gives some details and who listens to the song. You mentioned wanting the song to have a "bigger" moment and I totally agree. The vocal track was recording sitting in my living room..... everything else got added in around it.... but I should really get back in there and re-do the vocal. Ah, there's always something to fix. Good luck with your music and thanks very much again. Best, Carrie
Carrie, I enjoyed the song very much. As far as having a bigger moment, from my ears, you shouldn't really have to re-record anything, just mix a little different. Your performance is there, just needs to be tweaked on the mixing end, I think. I certianly understand what you mean though, a song is really never done. I still tweak and mess with the mix on a lot of my tracks. Guess that's one of the "pros" as well as one of the "cons" to home recording.......we'll always want to go back and change something, and often, we will go back and change it. In the old days of recording, when we'd (my old band) pay to go record, so often we'd leave a little mistake here and there for the sake of spending money.........but at least the song would reach a point to where it was finished, and what you got was what you got. Having the ability to constantly go back and change stuff is kinda like a double edged sword, huh! But hey, I think what you've done sounds amazing, and I think we're both simular in our "set up".........and for the equipment we have, I think we both pull off some great work. If you get an extra 20 minutes, please check out my songs Anthill parts 1 and 2. I'm very proud and pleased with those tracks, and like you, they were recorded entirely in my den using guitar, bass, keyboard, and vocals...... PS If you'd ever like to colaberate on something, let me know. I've never had the oppertunity to work with a female vocalist, especially who has the ability to record her own vocals in her own home.
Hi again! I'm laughing over how I managed to have a brain freeze and send you thanks for the review TWO times. I guess I was really REALLY thankful. :-) Listened to your Anthill tunes and they are very deep - ie, a lot going on in there. Can't believe you did that in your living room. As you can hear from my music, I'm more of a folk/pop kind of singer but if you ever need a female vocal I'd be happy to give it a shot. Stay in touch. Awesome about the licensing for your songs! I've not tried submitting anything yet -- too many questions about copyrights and BMI and stuff like that -- and such a long shot anyhow. So good for you!! Best of luck - Carrie
Thanks for listening to Anthill, there is definately a lot going on......and I agree, I can't believe I did that here either! I've got a song listed on here called Pop Instrumental.......I haven't worked on lyrics or a melody yet, mostly because I suck at writing lyrics, and often vocal melodies take a really long time to come to my head in a solid way. Usually months of riding around listening to the song and humming out loud, eventually a melody begins to form and stick. But if you'd like tl listen to it, and see if you have ideas, and you decide you'd want to possibly give it a whirl, let me know your e-mail address and I'll attempt to send you the song and you can work some majic on it. That's one of mind I'd like to hear a female voice on. So let me know what you think. And Merry Christmas.
Hey Matthew, Thanks for your review of "Blame" I appreciate your comments. best, Carrie
Thanks for your detailed review of my song, Blame. I really appreciate the time you took on it. I could tell you *listened* to the song, which is always a plus! The recording is still in it's formative stages so I will keep your ideas in mind. Good luck with your music! Best, Carrie Martin
Terry, thanks for the review of "Blame." It was my first for the song! So that was the first song where I got some help from a music producer -- supplemental string tracks, percussion and piano -- but I didn't want to spend a fortune so I mixed it myself. Maybe I'll go back in and try to remix it a bit to address your helpful comments. Or maybe I'll kick it back to the producer for proper mastering. Thanks again. c
Hey Carrie, my pleasure, nice tune. Terry
Hey Carrie: Thanks for a great review of Believe. The weak spots in the lyrics you mentioned are the exact same spots I've been telling myself needed re-writes for quite a while. I get bored performing it live whenever I repeat "live and die for you" over and over again. I dig Tangled Things. You have some great material.
Song of the Month Club..... lmao...
Bennet thanks so much for stopping by and listening! I expect to have some new songs up soon. Keep up your good work. Glad we are connected so I can hear what you're up to! Best, Carrie
Carrie, I just listened to your first three songs. I really enjoyed them. Very cool singer/songwriter vibe you have going on. I really liked the harmony on Into the Grey. Feel like these could easily get some movie placements.
Thanks for the review of On Your Feet -- written by my friend who is a soldier and arranged/performed by me. I'll pass on your kind words to my friend. I'm getting a kick out of your home page. No smoke and mirrors here, your news is hilarious -- and I think most of us can totally relate! Keep on creating!
Woke up this morning singing "I'm so lucky to be born in Kentucky.". Thought you'd get a kick out of that! Have a good one! Carrie