
Previous Comments

Evanlas Publishing Co.
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hi Roy, Just wanted to share with you Laureine's video. Since you liked the music, i hope you'll like the video as well. 1

1 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Nice work on this....Like the song, good direction and feel to the video production....Best of luck with it, Roy 1 1 re=player_embedded&v=r4HJx3INKCE

let me know what you guys think of this song : 1

Evanlas Publishing Co.
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Hi Sir, could you give me your professional oppinion on this song : 1

3 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago


I like the premise of this song (we are all The Same.) Encouraging, unique, uplifting and right on.
I also like "sound" of this song, it's unique and different. A very tasteful sound selection that complement the singer perfectly. The arrangement is outstanding as well. The vocal performance is stellar with excellent phrasing and pitch. She has the delivery of Corinne Bailey Ray, the feel of Adele and the taste of Sade and at the same time, is very unique and stylistic. Fantastic job. I would love to hear more of your stuff and I could see a label doing back flips to get you signed. Kudos to the producer and arranger as they delivered a world-class, broadcast ready product. Also kudos to the engineer who recorded the voice. Perfect mic selection and eq. Excellent work.

The opening string line, which I love the intervals and sound, moves from the major to the minor 6th with a passing note on the major 7th. If this was my song, I would lose the major 7th as it references a common pattern from the old "doo-wop" songs and tugs on the quality of the arrangement.

This has the potential to be a perfect lyric for this voice, melody and production, but it's not quite there. I think the premise gets a little lost and more lyric development would be helpful. It appears as if this was a poem translated to a lyric. "Woooo the world is going down" and "woooo it's written in the sky" are the opening lines and don't connect to the rest of the lyric. The opening line is critical and needs to set up the song. Also note that both lines move down the scale and this is the only place in the song that I feel the singer might be a little vulnerable with pitch. Although I love her tone, especially on the word "down", these lines could be removed altogether..... It also moves in and out of first person. Maybe if the chorus was a different set of voices singing the harmonies, rather than the singer, it might work more effectively.....The vocal performance and the production make the lyric better, but not memorable.

At 2:37 the word "same" comes in on a note that is in the piano chord that follows it. I would pause and land them together as it is a little bumpy at that point. This is not something that needs to be changed immediately, but only if you take another pass at it.

I have a tendency to pick apart the songs that move me. This is the case here as its creative and one of the most unique pop songs I've heard in a while. After reading what I just wrote and listening to this over and over again, I have the inclination to delete everything I said and just "shut up." But I don't think it's what the writer asked for.....A little more development of the lyric and I think there is a big winner here.

Great job and please let me know when you upload another song. This one is in my Pop playlist.

Thanks for this.
Hope this helps! Best of luck.


Evanlas Publishing Co.
over 30 days ago

Roy, Thank you so much for the opinion and definitely we will let you know of our next production. Laureine is 14 yrs old and this is her first recorded song. I am sure she will get better as time passes...

Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

EPC, Amazing that she is only 14. This is phenomenal for someone that age. Great work and she is definitely on her way. It's just a matter of time. Best of luck, Roy

Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago to Roy Elkins

Need a new sub-genre in Electronic. Dubstep.

Need a new similar artist. Skrillex (Four Grammy noms.)


5 Replies
Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Thanks N....You rock.


Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago

You should check out the final on Cat Fight... Jenny gave me some great vox:)

Now "She" rocks! Loving it... its also the inspiration for my request regarding your metadata options on the site.

Thanks again. Hope all is well in dairy land!


Evanlas Publishing Co.
over 30 days ago

Hello Roy, I recently uploaded a video on my page and it's the wrong one playing. Could you help fixe this problem. Name of the video is Criminal by majesty.

Roy Elkins
over 30 days ago

Evanlas, Thanks for the heads up. I will ask our customer service group to follow up with you.....Best, Roy

Broadjam Customer Support
over 30 days ago


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. The issue has now been resolved.

Please feel free to follow up with any questions.

Broadjam Customer Support

Evanlas Publishing Co.
over 30 days ago to A-Town Mob

thx much for your review. well appreciated.

Evanlas Publishing Co.
over 30 days ago to red-eye

Thanks for the review and your opinion on the mastering.

thank you much for your review.

1 Replies
Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago

you are so welcome!!

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