
Previous Comments

Thanks so much for taking the timed to review my song "Smile Again". I appreciate the comprehensive and detailed review! Your perspectives and comments are both refreshing and useful... very nice in comparison to many others here on BJ.

I'll check out some of your music soon. Thanks again for review!

Be and stay well,

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

It was my pleasure, sir. I'm anxious to not just contribute music to the community but valuable feedback that is helpful and encouraging as best I can. I just wanna do for others as I hope they would do for me.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

Hey there Mr. HAWC, Love your tune, "Don't make me take my belt off" Yup, heard that line many times in my childhood, or you wait till your Dad gets home...Yikes!!
Anyway, love the vibe of your tune and your voice is Killer! 5 Stars & Likes!!
Love to connect with you as a Broad Jam Buddy, we got some tunes that you just might Enjoy!!
Stay Safe Sir!!
The Corey's
Oh, You reviewed our song, "Dancing Naughty Tonight" awhile back!!

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey Corey's!
Thanks for the feedback on my song! Inspired by a lot of craziness I've experienced from youth to being a parent of now adult children. Crazy that the unction to wanna hand out "butt citations" still relevant no matter how old people get! Yes I do remember your song "Dancing Naughty Tonight" Very fun song as well! I'd love to be BrodJam Buddies and check out more of your tunes as well! Lookin forward to more fun creativity!

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

HAWC, "Butt Citations", too funny!! Now Push that connect button and let's chat and exchange musical ideas!! I'll leave the lights on, along with the computer for a quick Buddy Connect Download.....
See you on the flip side......
The Corey's..................

over 30 days ago to Schantell Wharton

Good Morning, RedLady!
Just shootin' you a quick THANK you for a thorough review of the song "WE". I put this song on Broadjam over a year ago wondering if anyone other than my immediate family or friends had heard it yet. I sincerely wanted the input of a total stranger, hoping to make them a new acquaintance. I'm looking forward to delivering more and even hearing some of your material as well.

Thanks again for the encouragement!

1 Replies
Schantell Wharton
over 30 days ago

you are welcome

over 30 days ago to Nathan-Paul

Thank you for your input on my song "Bling Ride" that you called "Yea". I kinda like your name for it better too. You're input wasn't disrespectful, its HONEST which I totally love. I had to chuckle though because I never intended tobhave any direction for it. Just turned on my keyboard workstation and started recordin for fun about 17yrs ago and a friend loved it enough to use for his wedding exit song. I thought that was hilarious too. It ended up on this platform just part of a mass upload to see what others think. Thanks again!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Oh ok, I see.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

Dear HAWC, you just reviewed our song,"Dancing Naughty Tonight". Your review was spot-on! We saw this old guy at a Beach Cafe a Local Hang-out and this guy was 99 years old and he was strutting his stuff! We thought it looked so cool, that this senior citizen is still relevant!! So, from that....we wrote the lyrics to the tune! The song was originally composed as an instrumental ten years earlier and we turned it into a SONG! It's meant to be a tribute song to older individuals, keep on Dancing, no matter how old you are!!!
WE are seniors ourselves! Oh and that vocal near the end, that you thought should be a real voice, is me thru some App I had just purchased. I thought it sounded kind of Black sounding!! We love old Black Music, R&B and Soul! Not too keen on the Hip Hop & Rap, but understand the importance of protest of the lyrics and these times!!
Glad that the tune kept your interest and made you chuckle!! I believe we succeeded in our attempts.........

Toodles.......& Stay Safe Sir!!!
The Corey's............

If you have time, would love to hear back from you!! Your picture on Broad Jam looks pretty COOL!!
Oh, the Sax player (Jerry Peterson) on our composition, just passed away from Covid about three weeks ago! He will be sadly missed. He was the sax player for the L.A. group........Billy Vera & The Beaters!!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Oh wow, I'm sorry to hwar about the loss of Jerry! I listened to a few tracks with the sax and it reminded me a bit of a close friend who plays sax with me from time to time who os in his 70's. I enjoy a lot of your music. Im sorry I didn't score higher, I realozed I forgot to go back and score each category because I jumped right into commenting since I was so anxious to speak about the song. I really enjoyed it! I love stuff like that! Anxious to hear more!

Nigel Barrett
over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

Hey thanks for the review of my instrumental version of my tune What ya gonna do? You were right - all done on one synth - I have very little kit sadly! I'm first and foremost a bass player but learnt keys as a youngster and now play by ear. Thanks for your take! Good Luck to you!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

This is even MORE awesome if your primary instrument is bass, but you churned out this lil' gem! I'm even more impressed, sir! LOVE IT!

over 30 days ago to John Walradt

John, thank you for the thorough review of "Special You", it was written for a wedding back around '98 and recorded shortly after with a Korg Trinity, but I've always wanted to redo it with newer & authentic instruments.

Groove Fondue
over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

Thanks for your review of Believe in Love Hawc, it was written and recorded in the 90s so always thought of re-doing it and modernizing it like getting real horns this time around. lol

Groove Fondue
over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

Thanks very much HAWC on your review of "Groove Fondue" it's very much appreciated.

Thanks for the review and fun comments on my song "Dance". Glad you picked up on the Fred Hammond nod and such. It was very much intended as a throw back to that era that had the most influence on my musicianship. ALL instrumentation was sequenced and synced by midi across 3 different synth platforms & workstations, Korg Trinity, Roland XV50/50 and Yamaha Motif Classic...all recorded in 2006. LOL ...thanks for listening

1 Replies
The Rascal Theory (trt)
over 30 days ago

Thoroughly loved it

Ladee V
over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

Me again. Hey, thanks for listening to my Gospel play song titled "Restoration." I appreciate the comments. Early on in my writing I was told that I could write to just about anything and when I say ANYTHING, I mean tracks that were not the greatest. It has taken me 6 years to build my teams of artists and producers. Early on I had to take what I could get. Now I don't have to so you may hear some of my older songs written to "not so great" tracks. LOL :)

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

I really don't cvare if it's old or've created a FAN here in Columbus, Ohio!

Ladee V
over 30 days ago

Aww! Thank you!!!!!! :) I must say you have cornered the site in R&B and Gospel...You have a fan here in Naptown as well!! :)

Ladee V
over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

Hello again. Thanks for taking the time to listen to my instrumental "Part Time". This is something that my producer and I came up with. Haven't put vocals to it yet. I did however, submit the instrumental to a few opportunities. :)

Ladee V
over 30 days ago to Nigel Barrett

Hello. Thanks for your recent review of my song Bad Girl. Wow Zapp! I loved/love them for many years. I appreciate your comments. Thanks so much. :)

3 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks for your comments and review of my song "I Love You, Lord!" You comments about artist influence was spot on! Jimmy Jam & T. Lewis are heavily influential! Thanks again!

over 30 days ago

Hello my friend! Thank you for your review of my tune today! Wishing you and yours the very best!

over 30 days ago

PS you are a FABULOUS player yourself my friend!

over 30 days ago to Kate Carpenter

Thank you so much for tge encouraging review on "Give Him Glory", however I wish I could tell you what the last lyric was. This was written by a friend from Tanzania so it's something in Swahili, but it was done so long ago and I've lost contact with him to ask. Sorry, but we did a LOT of good worship songs like this together (15+) that never got released.

1 Replies
Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Wow no wonder I didn't get it!

Ladee V
over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

Hey, thanks for taking the time to listen, rate and comment on the instrumental to "Love Is In The Air". This was just the instrumental which is actually tied to the song. The reason I separated the two was due to an opportunity for placement for it without the vocals. Feel free to check out the song on my page "Love Is In The Air". Thanks again. :)

5 Replies
over 30 days ago

Aahhh, ok that makes sense. Now I'm anxious to listen to the full version. I didn't realize it was you when it came through, of course you know these songs come through randomly when checkin out others material.

Ladee V
over 30 days ago

Hey! :) Actually after your comment I went back and added a note to all of the instrumentals that I have listed that also have full songs so I thank you for it! :)

Ladee V
over 30 days ago

Hey there! Thanks for the review of my song Bad Girl. Honestly, I don't even think I still have the stems to this project. One of my producers and myself was playing around in the studio and did this on the whim! Let me see if I still have them. This is one of my oldie but goodies! I love the vibe too! The instrumental track is an old one as well. Something simple and pretty basic but I may not have that either! Will let you know! #goodtimes :)

over 30 days ago

Well, I hope you do find them to polish it up or let me cover it and do a version, surely would give credit to you all, but DAMN this is a good one!

Bob Nesom
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much for your generous review of my song "I'm Sorry." Truly appreciated.

David James
over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

Thank you for the 5 stars HAWC. I really appreciate it. I look forward to hearing your songs soon. David

over 30 days ago to Nigel Barrett

Thank you for your kind review! ALL parts of that Jazz piece were done by myself sequenced from keyboards. That happens to be one of my favorite tunes on that release as well.

David James
over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

Hello. Thank you for your kind review of 'Rainy Night Road. Glad you enjoyed it! Regards. David. P.S. I know what you mean about waiting for the drums. In the end I decided to leave them out.

Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

Cheers on the stellar review.

I hope all is well with you, your family, and loved ones.

Thank you for taking time out of your day sir.


Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

My father was born and raised in Columbus Oh.

You look like a rapper...

But your review told me you have a lot of heart.

I bet...

You just need a good producer to cut your vocals to some music in new ways.

Half through "WE".. I can see you wanna see a production through.

I'm just listening on Genelecs and thinking you need a producer.

I'll tell you what... Here's a million dollar piece of advice.

You ready?

It's not how you fill every second of every moment.

It's how you choose to leave certain moments empty.

The spaces in between the notes.

You start cutting and writing your work to that concept? and I shit you not... You will find the good lord in between.

Hope it's useful.

If you need production services?

I'd love to pro rate an album and get you some results for less than the cost of some Singles.


Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

Hello HAWC. Thanks for the review of wrinkles. I have a lot of fun with that song in my senior shows. It's my rant against wrinkle creams. I performed it on Saturday night at a campground concert in ND. Nice to meet you on BJ and thanks for your nice comments. Mrs Kate

Ladee V
over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

Hello and thanks for your recent review of my song "Merry Christmas". I truly appreciate you taking the time to rate it. I don't do my own mixing (I have a couple of "go to" fellas for that) but I will definitely take that back to them. Thank you. I'm pretty much just a songwriting with a team of demo artists but I would love to collab!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Always refreshing to hear and get introduced to other new artists who seem pretty solid in their craft! Thank YOU for taking the time to reply back! Do you use Fiverr to collab?

over 30 days ago to Jeff Maguire

Thanks very much, Jeff, for your great review of B 04. Déjà vu Doo ft Leslie Sahlen. Very much appreciated.

3 Replies
Jeff Maguire
over 30 days ago

You guys rock, great tune.

over 30 days ago

I greatly enjoyed your review of "Special You" (Little Bit Of Cheese" I agre with you a great deal..NOW, however that may have hurt a tad when I first wrote and recorded it 20yrs ago. lolol..but THANK you for the honestly! That was AWESOME!!!

Jeff Maguire
over 30 days ago

Hey man, hind sight is a wonderful thing. Sometimes I go back 20 years to my old stuff and wonder wtf I was thinking.

over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

I heard Hawc and A Few last Friday at a church Jazz and Rib. I really enjoyed listening to the music and vocals. I purchased one of the cd's and was disappointed that there were no vocals on it.

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Very sorry for the dissapointment, but if you purchased the CD I think you have, there are 2 songs at the end with vocal. Email us your address and we'll send you a free CD with plenty of vocals, or you can get the next one that's being recorded.

Mark Camble
over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

Nice Piec of work. I really like this song. The Feel is very sweet.

1 Replies
Mark Camble
over 30 days ago

You know the word says that "Out of our belly flow rivers of living water. Let it flow my brother.

over 30 days ago to CHARLIE MAC

Thanx for the encouraging comments Mac-Man! Definately diggin your cuts as well, nice beats laced with classics, electronic stabs, etc. Nice, bruh!

3 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the love!

3D Swagg
over 30 days ago

wassup come check out our new music, thanks :)

over 30 days ago

Contact me @

over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

"All I Need" is a great song!

over 30 days ago to Daryl Edwards

Thanx for the review. Yes the song is abit long. My previous goals have been to just let the song play out as I would express worship, praise, or just jammin, til my heart's content. Now When I produce my stuff, I'm considering standard media expectations. Thanx for the encouraging pointers though.

1 Replies
Daryl Edwards
over 30 days ago

You are welcome. I try to be real because I like constructive criticism of my work. I see that you have some top ten song on this site. Congrats and keep up the good work!

over 30 days ago to HAWC GRIFFIN

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