
Previous Comments

Barry Osbourn
over 30 days ago to Always Music

thanks for the review input, Barry...

Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago to Always Music

Thanks for your kind review of "Do You Hear " Hope to have it on a Xmas cd soon. Again thanks. A friend in music 🎶

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Always Music

Thanks much for your review of the shortened version oh How They Have Grown-- your comments on the timpani was RIGHT ON! I argued with my producer on that and we settled on a "medium" level--which I regret but it's done and I moved on LOL But good catch!!
All the best Warren Hein

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago to Always Music

'TOMMY' was and remains a shelter from the storm should i decide to once again tour.

"Hey, Tommy - girl you got something on me"
and, that's the truth - PG13 demo version

Jon Babb
over 30 days ago to Always Music

Thank you for reviewing 'As My Heart Beats.' I really appreciate your analysis and feedback regarding the work.

Take care,

Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago to Always Music

Stellar review on Futile Attempt.

I did that many years ago as an attempt to mimic James Horner's work from Aliens. I never nailed it... I may need to return to the drawing board and do this one more time... See if I get it. lUPeAAJs

Incase you wanna hear the bar that was missed...

So good. So so good.

I know we're not supposed to have idols in this life... But this man was damn impressive.

I listen to the way he works the horns against the strings and the way he'll move into out of new arrangements and sections.

Just bam bam bam bam.

Pause.... tension... and BAM BAM BAM.

It's fantastic.

I strive to be this good. With recent studio upgrades? I should give it another go.

Thanks for your time. Enjoy the youtube link.


Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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