Evolution, in a musical sense is important to me. I explore different ideas and genres and incorporate different facets of these into my own music. I've been writing for about 8 years. and have worked with different artists as a way of broadening my musical vocabulary and forcing myself to look outside of the square. The material on Broadjam is a distillation of some of the projects I have worked on, Culminating in an album called Sublimation Project, just released July 2007 of mainly ambient, electronica.
In 2010 I'm releasing "CH=X"; an Alt/Contemporary Rock guitar based album. The need to experiment and develop my song writing was the catalyst for change.
Theo Corfiatis (Blue Xrysalis)
Thought for the Month
Taking a blind leap into the unknown can sometimes be the best remedy for stagnation.
If your parents tell you your music sucks, don't listen to them, what do they know anyway!
If your friends tell you your music sucks, get lessons!
Theo C