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Aremi Legard
over 30 days ago to JUICE

Hello! Thank you for your kind review for my song "Missed you". You are right, the vocal track has to be worked out a bit.
Just had a listen to some of your songs... cool work. All the best!! :-)

over 30 days ago to JUICE 1 BEAT LEASES! $1.99

over 30 days ago to MELVIN BARHAM

Brother Melvin . . I just listened to, "WANNA RIDE," and it was OUTSTANDING . . I was visualizing me riding in a bright red, 1967 Corvette, with the top down, cruising along the California coast . . .BRAVO!!
Julius "JUICE" Davis, Jr.
P.S. I am a classically trained pianist, too . . .

3 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanx so much Juice..... Wow a fellow pianist!!! Love it.

over 30 days ago

Through my fathers eyes is sweet.... Such a warm arrangement. Beautiful.

over 30 days ago

Thanks so much, Brother Melvin--it's still kind of rough, but you definitely got the feeling I was trying to convey!
Thanks again for the kind words . . .

over 30 days ago to DiD Records

Brother DiD Rhuu--
Just listened to "STORY OF OUR LOVE," and I LOVED IT!
Great story, great song, great lyrics, great music, . . period!

Outstanding writing, recording, and performance, as well . .
Julius "JUICE" Davis

14 Replies
DiD Records
over 30 days ago

Oh, thanks JUICE!
Happy to hear that. It's D in The Darling on the lyrics and DeeWone on the music, baby! And one thing for sure, we'll do it again! And you know what? We're co-writing with a couple other great guys here. So, everybody's welcome!

over 30 days ago

Brother DiD--I know a couple of my other reviews of your work were less than "complimentary," but again, I never, EVER meant to purposely offend you or your creative works . . truth is, I've found that I need to "re-train" my brain and really concentrate on learning from other songwriters like yourself . . no harm, no foul, my friend . . you are TRULY talented, and your collaborators are talented as well . . .I'm going to be listening to more of your music, and I'm going to LEARN from YOU . . .
Julius "JUICE" Davis

DiD Records
over 30 days ago

Don't worry about reviews. We all wake up on the wrong side of bed sometime. An ear can take a heavy knock in such a fall and won't know a great song even if it heard one! So, that's how I look at some negative reviews that were done by artists that I love and respect like yourself!

Thanks for your compliment my brother. Being a songwriter is no mean task. Willing to learn ensures that one day you'll bask in real glory. And that's what we've to encourage each other to do. You're on the right track and co-writing with those that are willing, will take you further.

So, keep learning and soon you'll start earning! Not just respect but money too. And that's our dream.

So, God bless JUICE!

over 30 days ago

Brother DiD--THANKS SO MUCH for your kind words of understanding . . please consider me a fan and friend of your music . . .God bless you!

I'll be keeping my "ears on" . . . .

over 30 days ago

I loved the dialogue. between you guys here... Thats what broadjam is supposed to be about. Thats very inspiring. Working together towards one goal.... GREATNESS.

over 30 days ago

True dat, brother Melvin . . .I will NEVER be too old to admit when I am wrong, or refuse to learn something new . . .and I am thankful to Brother DiD Rhuu and you for helping me to be a better person and songwriter!

DiD Records
over 30 days ago

We're but birds of a feather and we'll be damn stupid if we can't fly together. Melvin and JUICE, we can do this!

over 30 days ago

Amen to that, D . . .

over 30 days ago

And Brother Melvin . . .thanks again for your kind words of support and encouragement! I'll have my "ears on" for your music and songs, too . . . Peace,
Julius "JUICE" Davis

DiD Records
over 30 days ago

With this kind of spirit; I can smell it. We're almost there!

over 30 days ago

You got that right DID. Brother Juice, with that attitude, you have nowhere to go but up. I have a feeling we will all be there together. DID, you are a true inspiration & I know everybody here feels it..

DiD Records
over 30 days ago

Oh, Melvin! Really?
I'm not a girl to be blushing and giggling. Lol! I feel so flattered! Thanks a million for being such a great friend. Friends can only inspire one another. I think we all deserve some credit for that. God bless Melvin!

over 30 days ago

AMEN, AMEN, and AMEN, my brothers . . .Peace to you all! And thanks for being fellow travelers on this journey of creativity . .and most of all, for your friendship and inspiration!

Julius "JUICE" Davis

DiD Records
over 30 days ago

Amen! Amen!

over 30 days ago to Tony James

THANKS SO MUCH for your review of my song, "THROUGH MY FATHER'S EYES." . . .
I appreciate your taking the time to listen . . .

Julius "JUICE" Davis

over 30 days ago to DiD Records

Did Rhuu---
Just happened to hear, "THIS IS WHAT I WANT"---and I just wanted to give you some feedback, if I may . . . . .


You got it, bro . . .keep on doin' it . . I thoroughly enjoyed this song . . .do you have a publisher for this yet?

Best wishes,
Julius "JUICE" Davis
Florida, USA

2 Replies
DiD Records
over 30 days ago

To say the truth, we got no publisher yet. We wrote this song with Usher in mind. A pro reviewer who has worked with Usher before gave it a 5 star rating. If you can get it to Usher or you know somebody who can do it, please do so and we'll forever be indebted to you.

God bless JUICE!

DiD Records
over 30 days ago

Hi Carina,
That's sweet music to our ears. If you've the means to get it Justine Bieber, well, that's great. In terms of helping you with a rapper for your song, why not? We're ready to do that. We can even do more together. So, let's do this.

over 30 days ago to Tony James

Hi Tony . . I just listened to "A CERTAIN MADNESS" and I thought it was wonderfully incredible . . .it sounds like it would be equally at home on a concert program as well as in a movie score . . .you're quite a talented composer! By the way, I just accepted your friend invitation because I just got in from out of town . . . .Peace, brother!

I look forward to hearing more of your wonderful music!

Julius "JUICE" Davis

1 Replies
Tony James
over 30 days ago

Hi Juice,
I'm so pleased you think "A Certain Madness" is good - very kind of you. You might also like "The March of Time". I look forward to giving your music a good listen to.
best regards

Hey brother Gee.Notez . . .
First of all, THANKS SO MUCH for your kind review of my song, "ME, MYSELF, AND CRY" . .your comments were very kind, and I thank you for taking time to listen to the song . . I believe that your assessment was entirely ON POINT and I need to update the drums and probably the whole song! Your constructive comments are greatly appreciated!

I just listened to your great song, "THE WESTSIDE GUITARIST, PART 2"---WOW!! I think you've got a potential monster hit here, bro . . the guitar, in my opinion, adds that certain element of commercial "unique-ness" that is so lacking in much of today's pop/hip-hop music (my opinion) . . .your freshness in the way you use instruments (I also listened to Joonz Way) is extremely commerical and unique . . keep at it!! You've got a monster talent . . . .God bless you in all your musical endeavors, and I look forward to hearing more from you . .

Julius "JUICE" Davis

1 Replies

JUICE - When I listen to some1 else's track I try 2 envision their painting or vision 4 their work for what it is...ART. We make muzik based on our memoriez, feelingz and/or emotionz 'Who really has the right to tell someone, that a track they produced (reminds them of their dead relative or friend) - doesn't sound or feel right?' In my opinion - "No One!!!"

So I hope I never offend any1 in that sense, but when I looked at your titles & listened your tracks, I wish I had a background in teaching muzik or being taught muzik. I play strictly by ear only. If it soundz good, I'll play around with it, until it feelz good, feel me?

Like yourself, I'm looking to be discovered through my wurx. Keep on knockin' 'em out playa !!! We'll both get there 1 day...

I appreciate the thorough way in which you listened 2 my trax...when u get time, please give sum mo' of ya would be greatly appreciated !!!


Tony James
over 30 days ago to JUICE

Hi Juice
Just listened to "Change of Address".
A terrific piece of music that I really loved. Great melodies and enjoyed it from start to finish. Look forward to listening to more.
best regards

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi Tony--
THANKS SO MUCH for your kind comments about my song, "CHANGE OF ADDRESS" . . . I have had varying comments about this song, and I do admit that it is still rather "rough" . . but I am always happy to have colleagues such as yourself take the time to listen to my music! I hope to hear your songs, as well . . .take care, and God bless you in all your endeavors!

Julius "JUICE" Davis

DiD Records
over 30 days ago to JUICE

Thanks for your great review on our song; "Born To Be Your best"
When somebody rates everything 2/5, we call that one a sleepy yawning reviewer. What happened men? You talk of instrumentation and arrangement, where do 2/5 come from on areas you haven't touched? This one will surely be removed coz It's a spoiler!

over 30 days ago to "G-Mike" Beat Boss Productions


1 Replies
over 30 days ago

G-Mike, THANK YOU so much for you comments on my song, "Me, Myself, and Cry" . . .yes, I believe a good producer would make this thing work much better! Thanks for taking the time to listen and give some positive, constructive feedback . . .Peace,
Julius "JUICE" Davis, Jr.

over 30 days ago to Earle Brown

Brother Earle---
Thanks so much for your review of my song, "SO UNWORTHY"--I appreciate your comments and for the time you took to give me some constructive criticism. I'm looking forward to hearing some of your music, as well . . .
Julius "JUICE" Davis, Jr.

over 30 days ago to Fugue Noire Music

Hi There---just wanted to say THANK YOU for your review of my song, "CHANGE OF ADDRESS,"---your comments were extremely gracious, but more important, they were honest and constructive . . . I appreciate the time you took to listen to it! God bless you with your music, as well . . .I'm going to be listening to you . .

Julius "JUICE" Davis, Jr.

3 Replies
Fugue Noire Music
over 30 days ago

Hey Juice. YOu're welcomed. I'd love to work on that track with you. I listened to it again and it makes me want to write man! Do you have lyrics for it? Take care --Robert

over 30 days ago

Good morning, brother Robert . . .I'm honored and flattered about your offer/proposal---I do have lyrics for the song, but I would welcome some collaboration from another artist of your caliber . . .may I suggest that we exchange email addresses and start from there? I'm at work now, so I can't get too detailed right now . . .please hit me back at THANKS!

Fugue Noire Music
over 30 days ago

will do.

over 30 days ago to JUICE

so unworthy--great music--i kept listening for words--but they were missing--cheers--NJ.

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Good morning, brother NashvilleJoe---I actually do have lyrics to this song--I just can't sing it!! I'm trying to locate a singer for my songs---I know it sounds crazy, but it's true--God gives me great inspiration for songs, but He didn't bless me with a great solo voice (LOL)!!
But I thank you so very much for your gracious comment about my song, "SO UNWORTHY"--it's one of my best, in my opinion. Take care, and I look forward to hearing your songs and music soon . . .

Julius "JUICE" Davis, Jr.

over 30 days ago

hey--you could still put the words on the metadata page and then next time i can sing them as i listen to the nusic--just an idea--i do that a lot--read the words as i listen to the songs--i have reviewed 1739 songs--it is fun!--NJ

over 30 days ago to Marigz

Hey there Marigz---been a while since I've been on the site---just wanted to say THANKS SO MUCH for your review of my song, "CHANGE OF ADDRESS." I appreciate your words of encouragement and will continue to strive for excellence in my writing. I'm also looking forward to hearing some of your music, too . . .God bless!

Julius "JUICE" Davis, Jr.

Yulia - composer
over 30 days ago to JUICE

Juice, thank you for review of my Witch Kiss and kind words!

over 30 days ago to JUICE

Hi Kate---WOW--64 years???? Sounds like my Mom and Dad (58 years)---GOD BLESS your Mom and Dad---and your music rocks!! All God's best to you, and yes, I'd like to hear more of your great music . . . .keep on writin' and rockin' . . . Peace, Julius "JUICE" Davis

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to JUICE

Hello Juicy Juice! Glad you liked Hero in my Eyes. Wrote it in honor of my parents, who have been married about 64 years, 2 of the most incredible people I know. Blessings on you and your music!
Mrs. Kate

Michael Patrick Hogan
over 30 days ago to JUICE

Hey, Juice. Thank you for your kind review of my song "Our Love Will Go All the Way-Instrumental". It meant a lot to me today. God bless you and your own musical creations, too, good fellow. (Listening to some of your music on Broadjam, I'd say He's already doing so.)

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hey, hey, HEY, my brother . . .no, the pleasure was mine! And I thank you so very much for your kind comments about my songs . . .I'd say we are both BLESSED! I look forward to hearing more from you, and with your permission, I'd like to connect with you and hear more of your music . . . .
God bless you,
Julius "JUICE" Davis, Jr.

DeDe Wedekind
over 30 days ago to JUICE

Thanks Juice for your wonderful review of "When I Fall in Love". No I am not signed! and sometimes I wish I you know anyone? Seriously, thanks for making my day and making me feel that this is all worthwhile. You know sometimes how hard it can be when you get a little discouraged. Blessings and all the best to you. I love you reviews, keep up the great work on here. You are a nice person and a mighty talent! Deborah

3 Replies
over 30 days ago

My dear friend Deborah, you are so kind . . .I wish you all God's blessings for success . . don't you DARE give up on the incredible voice that GOD has given you . . .get signed and then hire me to write some hit songs for you!!

Take care,

DeDe Wedekind
over 30 days ago

You have a deal! Thanks and God Bless!

DiD Records
over 30 days ago

Do you know who has been eavesdropping?

Patricia Luce Chapman
over 30 days ago to JUICE

Wow, Juice, thank you for your review of THE EDGE OF MIDNIGHT! It's the first time that it has been reviewed, so I'm of course ever so pleased. Now I have to check out your music. Pat

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks, Pat---hey, yours was a great song, and I thoroughly enjoyed hearing it and reviewing it . . .you need to get signed ASAP . . .best wishes and regards!
Julius "JUICE" Davis

Aremi Legard
over 30 days ago to JUICE

Hello, thanks for your kind review of my song "missed you". Best wishes Aremi

Good morning, my brother Gee.Notez . . .THANK YOU SO MUCH for your wonderful and gracious review of my song, "WHAT KINA FREEK (DOOYAH WONTME2B?)" . . .it does need some work, and your comments were right ON POINT . . I plan on re-recording it with a more powerful vocalist and more (that is BETTER) production . . .THANKS AGAIN!

Julius "JUICE" Davis

over 30 days ago to JUICE

Ironically, I actually AM a music teacher here in the US---LOL---no harm, no foul, my brother . . .I believe that I meant to give you all 5's . . .I probably just put in the wrong score, because I like to be consistent . . please forgive me! Your songs are GREAT!!

Peace, my brother, and Godspeed . . .

2 Replies

JUICE, you have a very good talent for writing tracks. I hope to one day connect with you & work on some tracks. I mainly do instrumentals because I was doing music only from hobby standpoint. I believe I'm now ready to take it to the next level.

But to do so, I will need assistance from my musical peers. Keep in touch!


over 30 days ago

Good morning, Gee. Notez . . .So very nice of you to give me such gracious comments . . .believe me, I am still working on getting better at writing both lyrics and music . . .but I am happy to provide any assistance I can to you . . .my main goal right now is to get back into the studio to re-record a few songs I wrote several years ago with new production and hot vocalists . . .like you, I am ready to take this thing to the next level and quit my day job . . .in any case, please stay in touch!!
Julius "JUICE" Davis

DiD Records
over 30 days ago to JUICE

Thanks for your glowing review on our song, "This Time Try Loving Me".
That was great. Surprisingly, you behaved like a good English teacher marking a composition who despite the quality, refuses to award 100%. How do you explain overall rating of 4/5 when you had only 5/5 scores. You must go back to teaching! What do you think? Hahahahaha!

over 30 days ago to DiD Records

DiD Rhuu--THANKS SO MUCH for your review of my song, "WHAT KINA FREEK DOOYAH WONTME@B?"---your comments were ON POINT, and I appreciate your honestly . . and I am listening to some of your other songs as well, and I am enjoying your great talents!
Julius "JUICE" Davis

1 Replies
DiD Records
over 30 days ago

When it comes to reviews, we stick to the basics; say what ought to be said and give credit where it's due. It's not about how good you're but how well you can help another artist improve their song.

Thanks for listening to our songs. We're listening to yours too. We're in this together and need to support one another.

over 30 days ago to Johnny Blackburn

Johnny--thanks so much for taking the time to give me some honest and constructive feedback on my song, "What Kina Freek Dooyah Wontme2B?" . . .your comments were right on point, and I appreciate them. You rock, man . . and your bio and work are inspiring . . .keep it up, and God bless you! Peace
Julius "JUICE" Davis

over 30 days ago to Dianne MacAdam

Hi Dianne---thanks so much for your review and comments on my song, "What Kina Freek Dooyah Wontme2B?"--I do need to re-record it with a better vocalist and more attention to details . . .your remarks were right on point, and I appreciate the time you took to listen and give some honest, constructive feedback . . .God bless! Peace,
Julius "JUICE" Davis

over 30 days ago to Uncle Bully

Hey Uncle Bully---you were totally ON POINT in your review of my song, WHAT KINA FREEK DOOYAH WONTME2B?---and I plan to re-record it soon with a toally different singer and better production so that it can be the killa track you think it could . . .thanks so much for your totally honest review---Peace,

over 30 days ago to JUICE

Hey Bryant---I just wanted to add this---repetition is GREAT---but like a great chef, we songwriters need to use certain things like a spice---too much of it will make the food taste terrible . . .but just enough of it will make it taste great . . in your case, the music is wonderful---but let's add less of one spice and maybe a little bit of another . . .be blessed, brother! And keep on writing . . .Peace

1 Replies
DiD Records
over 30 days ago

That's a brilliant comment JUICE!

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