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over 30 days ago to Clark Ford

Hi Clark,
Heard your song Mesmerizing and saw it was intended for lesbians. I think in this day in age, it would sell in it's original female to female format also. Did you write a musical back in 72? I write cat and kids musicals myself. Keep up the good work! Cheryl

over 30 days ago to amy abernathy Montgomery

Hi Amy, thanks for 5 star on Baby Jesus and He Healed Me I appreciate it! Wish I could sing cause I pop out some really good melodies. I used to work with my sister but she went on to become best selling author. Good luck and will listen to your work! Cheryl

over 30 days ago to Penny Towers

Hi Penny,
we haven't spoken in a bit. hope all is well with you and the cats. I have a new You Tube video really funny, Cats Don't Cheat And lie if u want to take a peek. I know how funny your videos so thought u may like it. So many cats are coming around the area here with the Spring and all. Still waiting on opportunities. Any contracts or news on your songs? hope so! Cheryl

8 Replies
Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Hi Cheryl! I've been away a lot visiting my mother...Kind of a delicate time and I will be away a lot spending time with her in the months to come...I did just watch your new video and it's wonderful! Great singer delivering your lyrics ... You are soooo good at these kitty cat show tunes! Loving cats as I do you can be sure that I am relating to them...Great work!
No word on my selected songs as of yet...Hope something good comes through for you in the near future! Stay in touch, Penny

over 30 days ago

HI Penny,
I saw your comments on You Tube and so appreciate those generous words! Need the views. I thought, heck, I just put some good stuff on You Tube and it would automatically get seen. It ain't necessarily so!
Hope your mom is doing okay. Appreciate everything you are and do. Wish you lived closer so we could meet! But anyway, good luck for all those selected songs! Stay tuned and stay in touch!

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

It's a great and funny video...I really like it! Will show my husband it later on today...Wish we did live closer....Keeep up the great songwriting and video productions...My kitties thank you too! :)

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

My husband loved it too! All the actors and actresses did a wonderful job as did the kitty cats! :)

over 30 days ago

Love how supportive you are! thank you Penny I Appreciate you showing your husband also but the kitties are unknown to me. I hope to get some footage our mine to put in a video at some point soon! Raining like crazy here in New York so my cats are going around cranky and bored! Cheryl

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Would love to see your kitties in a video Cheryl! :)

over 30 days ago

HI Penny,I asked my cats how they feel about getting in a video. and they replied Purrfect! thanks and have a musical day! Cheryl

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

You have a great day too....They will become star struck! :)

over 30 days ago to Penny Towers

Hi Penny,
would you happen to know about Broadjam Tinderbox listings? I may be missing it but supposed to be on Broadjam I think. Thanks, Cheryl

3 Replies
Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

HI Cheryl...I think I do remember seeing some listings for Tinderbox but It was quite a while ago...May still be some on there....Quite a lot of listings lately!

over 30 days ago

Hi Penny,
I got an email from Broadjam/Tinderbox who didn't mention the specific song but said I'm in the broadjam quarter finals and they will email me within te next 2 weeks to discuss the paper work. But I don't get it, but will ask them to clarify it if they can. I also don't see any listings but thanks for information!
what a gorgeous day here! Cheryl

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Sounds like something might be in the works Cheryl...Good luck with it! Yes ask them to clarify..Perhaps the paper work will make things more understandable...So happy Spring is here!

over 30 days ago to Penny Towers

just saw u gave another great comment on my kid's dance song! You rock Penny and thank you again!! Cheryl

1 Replies
Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

You are welcome Cheryl..I loved the 2 videos I saw this evening on you tube...Will check out the others soon...They did a great job with your wonderful songs!

over 30 days ago to Penny Towers

Thanks so much for great comment on the you tube video of Won't You Adopt Me? I so appreciate it Penny!

1 Replies
Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Love that one, so cute! Great song and video production!

over 30 days ago to Penny Towers

Of all things Penny I was just thinking that we haven't spoken in a bit and just got your Tabby Way song playlist. Thanks. Hope all well with u and cats! Linden found and brought back, holding them in his mouth, 3 little kittens one by one. They were in okay shape and the next day we found the mother. She'll be fine, is in Cat Hospital. My amazing vet came with her assistant to help get the mother on Sunday, she was fragile. She'll be out of Hospital hopefully in a week or two. Anyway,3 kittens are in my bathroom being kittens! Cheryl

10 Replies
Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Oh my goodness! That's so wonderful that Linden rescued the kittens and you got help for the mother...I hope Mom recovers well and gains strength. I'm sure that the kittens will be having fun at your house being kittens until she is strong....You get 5 stars for your kindness and are now on several of my most special playlists!!! :)

over 30 days ago

Hi Penny,
Linden the hero. The mom doing better and she will be off the I-V in a few days or less. Vet says she will recover completely! So, despite my only 804 sf cottage, I am keeping the whole kitten caboodle, cause no one would take the whole family, I wouldn't separate them, AND, I adore them all already. The mother is grey, the boy is orange with white on his neck, one is an orange tabby boy, and the other a RARE orange tabby GIRL! which I never saw one myself. I need names, and guess who's good at that Penny! Only thing is, I may just qualify as a cat lady now, although does that apply if you have a guy around?

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Yes it still qualifies Cheryl my dear cat lady! :) You have quite a full house now it seems..How kind of you to take the litter in...Some orange kitties, that is wonderful! I have never met an orange female cat either myself..My husband claims it's very rare....If I think of some names I will throw them out to you for consideration...Some may just come to you when you least expect them though....Congratulations on your new cat lady status!

over 30 days ago

Thanks again Penny for those kind comments on the You Tube videos! So appreciate it as I said! Yes names would be nice as the cats aren't responding to me calling them hey you anymore, ha ha! Cat lady with a crazy guy Bill, actually I' ve never seen a man so head over heals in love with every cat he sees! It's great and he has a heart. We saw another grey cat wasted away tonight that stuffed it's poor little head with food. We're going to try and trap it as this underweight cat needs us badly. We have over 30 cottages here and many good cat ladies take in some of the homeless ones, but I can not believe how most just walk on by. It's terribly upsetting but luckily I have 3 friends very willing and able to help us if we need it. Getting back to the orange little girl, I think her name maybe she be named the obvious, something like, well, Orange? The kittens are a glorious handful! stay tuned and stay in touch! Cheryl

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Happy to hear that Bill is loving the kitties too! My husband seems very happy with all of our cats also though at times it can feel a little overwhelming...Glad you have some friends who can help...You have a very full house right now...Enjoy them! Again fun videos!!! :)

over 30 days ago

Yes full house. a full feline furry house! Great way to put it. I have a pal who says she luvs her cats more than her children, but yes, good to have help. Even the fact your husband loves the cat, is a tribute to his good character. Thanks and have a musical feline day! (how could you not!) Cheryl

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

It's a beautiful day here with cats scampering around the yard..Yes he does have a good character and heart...Though he says let's try not to get into the double digits OK? haha......You have a musical feline day too Cheryl....!

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Maybe Ginger or Ginger snap would be good for one of your orange felines Cheryl ...The name Cecil came to me also...But the perfect names might just come to you or Bill straight out of the blue...! :)

over 30 days ago

I like those names Penny, Thanks Bill and I keep coming up with average names, but Ginger works for the orange feline girl cause, well she snaps to attention. well sort of anyway, h. Cecil stands out but to make it official I'm going to check with Bill and see the cats reaction when I call them that! as always, you come to the cat rescue!!! thank you!!! Cheryl

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

You are welcome Cheryl...If I think of some others I'll let you know...Enjoy those puddy tats! :)

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago to

Hi Chery....I think I saw that your song "Let's Go Dance ,The Tabby Way" was recently selected by a provider...Congratulation! It's a very cute and lively tune!

3 Replies
over 30 days ago

Yes thanks Penny for noticing. I had THEE most informative and interesting conversation. The founder of Broadjam Roy Elkins called me last week. I had emailed customer service about how upset I was by not getting back responses from the providers, and that kind of thing. Questioning stuff. I didn't expect him to read the email or get back to me and I will give him plenty of credit for that. He told him that he didn't have my kind of complaints until Broadjam got so big. He said he used to know the providers personally and that it's gotten out of hand. He said, if this continues and he can't improve the communications that he's going to stop the listings. I actually believe him, he is the real deal I think. He struck he as genuinely upset, aggravated and searching for answers. But we both see he can not control other people and make them get back to us. He offered to personally plug 5 of my songs, but haven't heard back from him except to say they sound like demos but, someone may want to redo the vocals. Anyway, tons more and he does want to see what he can do with Broadjam.
Also, I have 4 videos if you want to check em out on You Tube. just write in, Cheryl Edelman, Cat's singing and beg to get adopted. Baby Jesus, He Healed Me and Kid's Dance song. I hope to do more. Found an awesome inexpensive video guy, Rex, on Fiverr. com.
Thanks again, miss our talks, hope all cats doing well! I've lost count of mine, well almost! Cheryl

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Glad to hear that you had a good response from Roy...I am sure it's not easy running Broadjam...He's a great guy and I think he does really care....I will check out those videos! You definitely have reach cat Lady sautus LOL.....You are a good soul to take good care of the kitties!

over 30 days ago

Well said Penny. Always fun to speak to you!

Mary Segato
over 30 days ago to

Thanks Cheryl for listening to my song "Wishing". I really appreciate your kind words:) Going to take a listen to some of your music now!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi Mary, thanks for the 5 star on Daddy song. I appreciate it! Going to check out more of your music soon! Stay tuned and stay in touch! Cheryl

over 30 days ago to Kate Carpenter

Hi Kate,
I always enjoy your music. I wrote a song in time for Easter if you want to listen, Baby Jesus with vocals. I always admire how you write about and mention the Lord and thought you may like to hear the song.Thanks, Cheryl Edelman

1 Replies
Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Send me the link, Cheryl!

over 30 days ago to Mary Segato

Sorry about the loss of your sister. I heard your wishing song and all I can do I commend you for honoring her. lovely sentiment! Cheryl

over 30 days ago to Penny Towers

HI Penny, did u adopt the little cat from outside. would luv to know. thanks, Cheryl

7 Replies
Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Well Cheryl, she or he is coming to the outside feeding area every day and we aren't shooing them away, so for now it's an adopted outdoor cat...We may discover she's already owned by a neighbor..Not too timid so we think she's either an owned or abandoned kitty and not a feral cat....Pretty (handsome?) face.....A cutie at any rate! :)

over 30 days ago

Hi Penny,
thanks for letting me know. been on my mind. She's lucky u are taking note of her so to speak and hopefully she's a neighbors gem. aren't they all so so cute! I can't pass even one cat without looking. and I can barely stand to see the ones up for adoption at Pet Smart. Bill got a neighbor to adopt Symba, a 3 year old orange tabby who was at Pet Smart. This was Symba's last chance to get adopted and now the cat is living with a marvelous adoring family and bosses around their great dane! how funny and heartwarming. On the one hand it's good to feel for the felines, but hurts when I can't help. Keep being you, Cheryl

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

I know it's so hard to see all the cats up for adoption Cheryl ,you wish you could take them all...Good for Bill to encourage a neighbor to adopt Symba...Orange tabby cats seem so affectionate..We have a cat named Simba too! Different spelling but same name....Good for Bill, the neighbors and lucky Symba...Nice to hear a happy ending! :)

over 30 days ago

HI Penny,
You also have a Symba cat, something else we have in common. There was an article a few years ago in Cat Fancy magazine about orange cats being super affection. My Leo god rest his little soul was like that. He's be on our laps half the time, the other half we'd carry him around on our shoulders. And when I came home, he saw my car an ran over to me, beside himself in joy! If more people could act more feline like, the world would be so much better, maybe even purrrfect! any word about the Disney opportunity, as I'm excited and hoping for that for you. Cherylk

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Hi Cheryl...I must have missed this message from you...Just seeing it tonight...I do think Orange cats tend to be more overtly and deeply affectionate...Yes feline like is a good way to be in my book! Leo sounds like he was a real treasure...Not a word yet about the Disney opportunity but I'm keeping my fingers crossed and thanks for your hopes for me, I appreciate that..Also waiting on decisions on a few other selected songs....Always waiting it seems...Flowers are coming up here in Vermont so that waiting is at last over...Happy Spring to you Cheryl and good luck on your song prospects too...!

over 30 days ago

Hi Penny,
hey, you made me think of a potential song to write, ALWAYS WAITING! ah, but waiting for what? Could be a Broadjam song, but hoping that ultimately will not apply. Yes your great flower song works even better in the spring! Both of us love cats, write songs, we even wrote a flower song, and on and on. real cool!!!! You too Penny, Enjoy the flowers that bloom in the spring, la la!! Cheryl

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Lots of things in common for sure Cheryl...Happy Spring day lalalalala! :)Kitties tip toeing through the tulips!

over 30 days ago to Delta Burnett Reed

Thanks for 5 stars on my songs. I appreciate it Delta. Luv your photo and outfit! Keep your awesome creativity! Cheryl

1 Replies
Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago

Your welcome...I plan to be singing Amazing Grave with my last breath, lol

over 30 days ago to Delta Burnett Reed

Hi Delta,
I listened to Mary did you know? song and like it.
I just listed my song, Baby Jesus if you care to listen. I love poignant works. good job! Cheryl

3 Replies
Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago

Glad you like it....tell me how to get to your site so I can hear yours

over 30 days ago

Thanks for 5 star and listening to 3 of my songs which I appreciate. You're a trust artist, love your photo. keep creating, Cheryl

Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago

You welcome...I have been busy this last week..need to thank all for my stars and play lists. your friend in music.

over 30 days ago to Penny Towers

HI Penny, many musical happiness for your possible placement in the Disney Movie. I'm so happy and proud of you! Great job and I want to know if I can get your autograph when you're famous? Cheryl

7 Replies
Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Haha Cheryl, of course!Thanks... I was thinking of you this morning because we have a new kitty who showed up out side last night and this morning again...If a female and not owned by a neighbor the name Gina Marina came to me....Husband is not convinced we need another cat...But I'll work on him :) Hope Rita is doing well...Have a great weekend!

over 30 days ago

How about that Penny! I sure hope you'll convince your hubby to adopt the little kitty. Gina Marina is an adorable feline girls name, especially if she likes yachts.In a way, it seems karma that the cat knew to come to you, the woman most likely to love, honor and help the cat. I told Rita about your feline visitor and she would be thrilled if the adoption works out. You're such a good egg!

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Thanks Cheryl and I'm glad that Rita approves of a possible adoption! :) Thou art an excellent egg too :)

over 30 days ago


Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

I certainly hope it is placed George...! You know you are in the Zone for sure now,,

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the stars on "Blooming In The Starlight" :)

over 30 days ago

Hi Penny, did you adopt that little cat from outside? would like to know. Cheryl

over 30 days ago to Brian McNulty

HI Brian,
You want me want to look for an Indian to hug after listening to your On The Warpath! good job,Cheryl

2 Replies
Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago

:). Thanks, Cheryl! I will let my collaborater, Gordon Chapman, know.

over 30 days ago

keep rocking and rolling! cheryl

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago to

Great vocal delivery on your great blues tune Cheryl!
Very strong song....You are so versatile with your writing!

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi Penny,
glad you like the blues song. My family sort of panned it saying it is corny. A demo company did it I wasn't there and I have to admit it sort of sounds dated and like it was played in a cheap sleezy bar. Still I like it also. and oddly enough, that song made me think of your funny videos, in that I could see you and yours, acting out the lyrics! Cheryl

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Well they are strong lyrics LOL...I personally like it a lot...Singer was good too...Yes a rowdy bar! :)

over 30 days ago to Lisa Vivienne

HI Lisa,
I like the vibe on your religious songs. You are feeling it. If you care to listen under my songs, I wrote a healing song called He Healed Me (with Vocals) best of luck, keep up the good work, Cheryl Edelman

2 Replies
Lisa Vivienne
over 30 days ago

Hi Cheryl, thank you for your comment. Yes I had a listen to 'He Healed me' and I cand definitely relate to your friend being healed, because Jesus does heal and healed me too emotionally, throughout life he heals me, because the pain and sorrow in this world does not stop and people/friends or family will still hurt you, but with Jesus the healing is there and it is complete. Your song is reflects his healing power by being repetative, he healed me over and over again and he will still heal me over and over again. Well done.

over 30 days ago

Hi Lisa,
I feel the same way about Jesus and could not have put it any better than you just did. I guess because we are human, we are flawed, but with him, there is nothing he can't do. Keep up those awesome sentiments and if u care to listen, I added Baby Jesus with vocals. stay tuned and stay in touch, Cheryl

over 30 days ago to Penny Towers

HI Penny,
The singer, Dawn Cantwell who sang Pick A Flower, is in the Wiz on Broadway as the wicked witch of the East now. One minute she's on broadway, then doing my cat demos, the next minute she's a star on Broadway again! How funny is that! Cheryl

4 Replies
Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Well you know how to pick singers Cheryl! That's exciting news to hear.... :)

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

I bet her work with you helped her along the way!

over 30 days ago

I think so also Penny, but now as I continue to pitch the Cat show, I can mention Dawn's credentials. Just dumb luck of course, but she apparently can act and is drop dead gorgeous. all that helps. She and I became pals also, and I'm hoping she will agree to be in my Baby Jesus video as mother Mary. But we shall see and time will tell if she can give me some well needed connections. It is so funny cause Dawn contacted me after I placed a Craigslist ad for singers! Cheryl

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

She's a great singer and yes you should mention Dawn's credentials....I really hope your Cat Show hits!

over 30 days ago to Abram Band

Thanks for the 5 star on my healing song Adam. glad you like it! stay tuned and stay in touch! Cheryl

2 Replies
Abram Band
over 30 days ago

It was just OUTSTANDING! Loved the Message Cheryl
the vocals and mix were Top Notch! Yes will do been a bit busy. Jacalyn

over 30 days ago

Hi Jacalyn,
You are so musically supportive which I appreciate more than I can say. Especially in this somewhat apathetic musical world where plenty of junk songs get cut! Anyway, folks let you help me keep the faith so to speak! Cheryl

IQuellz of TNT Productions
over 30 days ago to

Hi Cheryl just giving u a shout out wishing u success on your current projects, Timothy Gould, TNT Pro'

9 Replies
over 30 days ago

Thanks for well wishes Timothy. back at ya, although I am starting to doubt if Broadjam really can give you the break we all need. Cheryl

IQuellz of TNT Productions
over 30 days ago

You dont sound to encouraged, r u getting liscensed opportunities? It can be frustrating at times

over 30 days ago

Well, I've had many "selected" but instead they really got rejected. The providers as they call them initially contact you, but never got back with any details. That being said, I guess u never know, but discouraging. I'm working on a new Broadjam song called, "I THOUGHT I GOT SELECTED BUT INSTEAD I GOT REJECTED". Oh well, that is just me, so yeah discouraged. All that said, love to hear other peoples songs and you know how to set THE MOOD! Bravo my friend! Cheryl

IQuellz of TNT Productions
over 30 days ago

Cheryl, I hear ya. I hope it gets better. R you a NY girl?

over 30 days ago

Yes sort of. I live in Ossining, 35 minutes from NYC. Thanks for well wishes! Cheryl

IQuellz of TNT Productions
over 30 days ago

Cool, I am in Queens, if u care to dare listen to Pageant Girl, Groove Tonight by iQuellz; For some reason, U think u will like the songs as well as Turn Yourself around by Ques. Tell me what u think, thanx in advance for your ears, Cheryl. Timothy Gould

over 30 days ago

Hi Timothy,
I really dug Pageant Girl and Groove Tonight. Your productions are outstanding and catchy! I'm going to
listen to more of your songs so thanks for that! The beats are awesome. How long have you been doing this? I suspect you're an adult prodigy like me which is, a child prodigy who aged through no fault of their own. ha ha. Stay tuned and stay in touch, you're a blast to talk to and hear your masterpieces! Cheryl

IQuellz of TNT Productions
over 30 days ago

Cheryl, I really appreciate you listening. The Artist thatvI produced are young, I am 54, but we have developed such a chemistry. U make me blush, its always a treat hearing from you, enjoy your chat, Timothy Gould, TNT

over 30 days ago

Hi Timothy,
Somehow I work mostly with people in their twenties and thirties even though I'm in your age group also. I actually relate to them more cause when I worked with the "old folks" all they cared about was the money and not putting their heart into it. Anyway, I enjoy out chats also. Keep rocking and rolling and I'll keep a listening! Cheryl

over 30 days ago to Marilyn Oakley

Hi Marilyn,
Thanks so much for 5 stars on my healing song! So great of you! Cheryl

1 Replies
Marilyn Oakley
over 30 days ago

You are very welcome. Enjoyed your song. Inspirational. ~M

over 30 days ago to IQuellz of TNT Productions

ps. I like what you have on your mind, by many of your titles! Cheryl

1 Replies
IQuellz of TNT Productions
over 30 days ago

A romanticist, I am. True confession. For u to recognize, I assume you are as well. Lol, Timothy Gould, TNT Productions

over 30 days ago to IQuellz of TNT Productions

I'm awarding you the best TITLE of the year on Broadjam for Piano Foreplay. I'll know tonight, if it gets my husband and I in the mood, ha ha. Cheryl

6 Replies
IQuellz of TNT Productions
over 30 days ago

Love is in the air, thanx. If it works for you and your mate, then my job is done. Awesome, Cheryl. Timothy Gould, TNT Productions

over 30 days ago

Hi Timothy,
Yes your song sure does set the mood so to speak, so you've done your job really well. Stay tuned and stay in touch! Cheryl

IQuellz of TNT Productions
over 30 days ago

Awesome, can I eequest for commision? Lol. Thanks for listening. You have my attenion, will definitely stay connected. Blessings to your music, Timothy, TNT Pro'

over 30 days ago

what a nice email back from you. You're a man gifted with words and imagination. Thanks for blessings for my undiscovered music masterpieces. Sure need it! Cheryl

IQuellz of TNT Productions
over 30 days ago

I am flattered by your words as well, you have jumpstarted my day Cheryl, hoping that I touched u as well. We need to continue dialogue and stay connected. The pleasure is mine, Timothy , TNT Pro'. This is like an out of body experience, r u sure we havnt met? Smile

over 30 days ago

Hi Timothy,
I think we have met in an odd musical way, though not in person. When I read the title to that song, I saw someone who was cleaver and funny and creative, like myself dare I say. And being the evening now, Bill and I are about to test your song out! I'll sort of let you know if the background music you provided works!! ha ha, Cheryl

over 30 days ago to Penny Towers

HI Penny,
I love the Office video. I see that when I need a good laugh, which is by the way, every hour of the day, I can watch your videos! One after the other is like that I see! Thanks for a FUN time! Cheryl

1 Replies
Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

That makes me happy to hear Cheryl! Thanks for watching our videos... :)

over 30 days ago to Marilyn Oakley

Hi Marilyn,
I played Night Wolf Lover with my husband and let's just say, it did something for us. so thanks for a great listen. The lyrics are very inviting and cleaver so bravo from us! We're going to listen every other night to it if you get my drift, ha ha! Cheryl

4 Replies
Marilyn Oakley
over 30 days ago

Thanks, Cheryl. And I'm glad my song was a great inspiration for you and your husband. :o) I'm a romantic at heart and for my song to stir emotions, then as a writer, I've done my job well. (wink)
l'amour est dans l'air
xoxo ~M

Marilyn Oakley
over 30 days ago

TY for the 5-star rating, appreciate. :o))

over 30 days ago

Yes romantic, that explains it best. And that's great to have in a marriage for sure. So just to add, the song worked, so thanks for the fun! Keep writing those hits! all the best, Cheryl

Marilyn Oakley
over 30 days ago

Hugs, ~M

over 30 days ago to Bradley Adams

HI Bradley,
I like your Drink It song. Nice payoff in the chorus. Nice to hear another Broadjam member who can actually write a song, rather than plenty of the crap you hear. Cheryl

2 Replies
Bradley Adams
over 30 days ago

Hi Cheryl--thanks much for taking the time to listen to my song and for the kinds words about it!

over 30 days ago

Hi Bradley,easy to write something nice when you hear a song like that. keep up the good work and have a musical day. Cheryl

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago to

"I'll Give Myself An A" is so entertaining and delivers a positive message...Love the whole production, great lyrics and fun vocal!! I will give you and A plus Cheryl! :)

5 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi Penny,
what a great review on the A song. I so appreciate it. I love u giving me an A plus cause I maybe got D's in school if I was lucky, except music of course. Anyway, newly adopted Linden and now Rita, are in my living room watching HGTV on the recliner, as my 2 other cats look amazed at their new siblings. Ah feline children, u gotta love em! Thanks Cheryl

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

Yes Feline children....I mised mine while away and am hoping for some good cuddles and purrs tonight! Again great song and so much fun!

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

missed! My spelling is really off tonight :)

over 30 days ago

Another thing in common, my spelling is iffyyyyyiiiieee. Cuddles and Purrs? Another great song title! Thanks! Cheryl

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago


Penny Towers
over 30 days ago to

Love the musical changes in "He Healed Me" and so great to hear the vocal! Great work Cheryl...!

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

glad u like the healing song. And my musical changes are far better than my female ones, ha ha. Thanks Penny!

Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

LOL you are funny Cheryl! :) Beautiful song...

Susan Witzel
over 30 days ago to

Hey Cheryl! I LOOOOOVVVVEEEE the words to I'll give Myself an A. I'm at BN so I can't play it yet, but I will later. Great message for kids!!!!

5 Replies
Penny Towers
over 30 days ago

I'm looking forward to hearing that one too Cheryl when I get back to Vermont...And "He Healed Me" with vocals..

over 30 days ago

Hi Susan,
THANKS so much for reading the lyrics to I'll Give Myself An A! can't wait for you to hear the music!

Susan Witzel
over 30 days ago

Oh, I did already! Great inspirational song you've got there :))))

over 30 days ago

Thanks again Susan. I'll give you an A for compliment on song! Cheryl

Susan Witzel
over 30 days ago

lol :)

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