Nick Fuse & the Angels of Mercy. Creators of LovePop.

Nick Fuse: Vocal & Piano
Brie: Vocal and Harp
Butch: Strings
Trevor: Bass & Cello
Stynk: Percussion

Sounds Like: The LovePops, The Clientele

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Nick Fuse and the Angels of Mercy are the band from Higher, a screenplay by Nick Fuse. These songs are only for those who know the Grief of the Angel depicted above. Through loss, we find we are one.


This Artist has 1 Album


This Artist has 1 Playlist


Dianne MacAdam
over 30 days ago to The Angels of Mercy

Nick, Near Enough is really beautiful. Love hearing new stuff from you!

Hello Nick and all The Angels Of Mercy!
Thank you very much for taking the time to listen and rate my new song "After Us"!
I really appreciate your continuous support.
All the best!

do I recognize the work of one of our most esteemed members? deepest apologies if I think beyond the capacity of cranium.

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Clean Clean

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