"Sarah Holub Schrom plays with a passion that is irresistible. A brilliant pianist and composer, Sarah's pieces move between dramatic dynamism and an intimacy in which you find yourself holding your breath. Her compositions are very distinctively her own. Awake is a marvelous introduction to a remarkable new talent in the world of acoustic music." -Will Ackerman (Grammy Winner and Founder of Windham Hill Records)

Sounds Like: Ludovico Einaudi, George Winston

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All songs are in the process of being mastered at Imaginary Road Studios, so I can easily provide the mastered version of any songs and will update my profile here with the mastered versions as soon as I have them.


This Artist has 1 Album


over 30 days ago to Sarah Holub Schrom

Sarah plays the most beautiful, soothing, healing music I have ever heard. I hope everyone in the entire world hears this music and is touched by it as I am

Vi: 00110110
over 30 days ago to Sarah Holub Schrom

Finally Free... What a beautiful performance. Thank you for this.


1 Replies
Sarah Holub Schrom
over 30 days ago

Thank you!!!

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