Poppa Grump Band
Main Members: 
Greg Besece, Singer-Songwriter, Rhythm Guitar, Keyboard, Drum Machine
Eddie Chung, Vocals, Bass Guitar
Nick Patsios, Lead Guitar

Other Members:
Sharyn (Sparky) Baxley singer-songwriter, rhythm guitarist, social media manager, promotions
Gregory Allen Pratti, drummer

Everyone contributes to the arrangement of all of the songs.  
Some songs were recorded Live at BaySound Studios, Sarasota, Florida
and some songs were recorded in Greg Besece's home studio.

All songs have Copyrights with various dates.

Latest News

We work on new music when we get together to practice, and we have some really good music coming your way very soon.  See you on the flip side.

Poppa Grump


Poppa Grump
over 30 days ago to Poppa Grump

Thanks Chuck Pope I'm so glad you enjoyed All My Heart Can Do Is Cry . Thanks for listening 🎵

Poppa Grump Friends

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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