I am a solo artist and producer. Name is Carolyn, but I go under the project name and handle "ChapterX." I produce everything from acoustic electronic fusion to a collision of "indie/new wave, moody instrumentals to downtempo electronic" I do not use samples, everything is 100% original written and composed by myself. I work out of my home studio.
I began playing guitar at the age of 11, my first and longest played of all the instruments I now currently play. I am not classically trained, have a natural ear, but do not read music, despite the greatest of teachers efforts.
Over the years I have picked up drums, keys and bass - self taught.
Categorizing my music is almost impossible, I don't write in any given genre of music. I write and produce whatever sound and energy is moving through me at any given moment, that if anything would be defined as a fusion of lots of different genres and elements.

Latest News

Previously 90 Seconds, I have moved into a new phase of my musical life and am currently working completely solo under my new project "ChapterX."
New album in progress - "Collisions"


Martin Gate
over 30 days ago to ChapterX

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