Will Dudley is a working musician who writes songs generally by accident. He is bone lazy, takes good care of his animals (horses, cats, dogs, whatever) and dislikes cities. He's polite most of the time, and plays guitar, mandolin, banjo, bass, and a real shitty piano. He is a war veteran and been accused of being a dope smokin hippy cowboy. Those who know him best either love him or steer clear of him. He's been a roadie, musician, cowboy, waiter, carpenter, songwriter, and bartender, and has performed as many as 250 gigs a year as well as having released 5 CD's sinse l993. His website is willdudley.com, and myspace.com/willbobdudley. He starred in a cowboy video with Charlie Daniels, Ian Tyson, Becky Hobbs and Fletcher Jowers in 1993, then slipped into the mountains, resurfacing in Colorado in the late 90's. He sings for guest ranches and resorts, honkytonks and knife and gun club likker joints, boy scout troops and strip club Christmas parties.