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The Blessed Virgin Larry
“The Jesus Conspiracy”
(12-track CD, Gamma (vocals, guitar, keyboards), Cid Ronik (bass, backing vocals), 31:33)

Proving that there’s more behind the shock rock than just a few outlandish costumes and Roxx Gang’s decaying hairspray, The Blessed Virgin Larry return with their web-sanctioned release.’s comp of BLV tracks is a generous selection of their bombastic techrock- a hard-edged, synth-driven sound from the digital bowels of Ministry and Laibach, curved with an early morning Gothic bend. A little bit blasphemous (“Santa’s Coming To Town”), a whole lotta doomy chording (“Fish Head Soup”), and a few gender stretching hymns (“The Girl You Fear”) later, Conspiracy is meant as a commercial blend of metal hedonism mixed with pop techno for the First Amendment mongers amongst us. Yeah, well, we’re obviously paid to mention Marilyn Manson’s name at least ten times an ish, so the shock and sonics have some reference. But BLV’s tunes may be a tad more g

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TBVL push the envelope far over the edge and at times, lets it fall right to the floor. They are foremost rock entertainers who have profound insight into the human condition. Impact tactics are utilized to wake up a somnolent and zombie like public who disregard the insanity of a hypocritical world. TBVL's morphic androgyny leaves no theoretical stone unturned as they give their viewpoint, cloaked in expertly constructed rhythms. It is an accomplished effort to desensitize the taboos that most people fear to tread upon. Effective use of warbled guitar chords, as well as delving into industrial sound technology, demonstrates the large cross over appeal that this band engenders. This is not a band that thrashes on a guitar for the sake of making noise. The sound is unique, controlled, professionally executed and thoroughly entertaining. The band has recently completed a costly video that is making its way through the various review channels and rumor has it that it will be premiered as an online exclusive within the next month.

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