how it began
at the ripe old age of two, i got my first keyboard. at around four or five years old i wrote my first poem, and a year or two later i started singing into a tape recorder constantly.
i was not the kid whose parents had to force and bribe to practice for piano lessons....i was the kid whose parents had to tell her to stop making so much damn noise all the time.
one day, though.... it came to me, like an ancient language i once knew how to speak, but had completely forgotten....putting words to music!
and it continued
i sang all the time, but around 13 i decided i wanted voice lessons. circumstances prevented me from this so i decided to teach myself.
i didn't actually start teaching myself to play guitar until i was about 17 and was not so good at it for a long time. i don't even think i'm that good at it now, i just do it anyways....
two years after grad, i went to music school. the first year was intense and i totally appreciate what it did for me, although at the time it drove me completely insane....i am not a structure/school all...i became a music school drop out but i got out of it what i needed to. and that's all that matters...
and then...
so, it took about a year after school before i could even think about writing another song.
for me it had always been about expression and emotion and allowing the perfect moment, that high of 'where the hell did that come from, that amazing thing i just wrote'. not the consciously analyzing concepts and creating the perfect formula.
at the time, it was like, i am numb. i am thinking too hard about what i am doing. it felt like being forced to breathe......
the next few years involved me doing nothing about what i love...
had a cover band.....
then i did the karaoke dj thing.....
oh yeah, and i tried the canadian idol thing too....
i guess one day i literally woke up and thought to myself, what the hell am i doing. really. what the hell is stopping me from recording, nothing at all. so get on with it.
(edit: that day that i woke up and thought that to myself? took a whole lot more 'days' to 'get on with it' but on i go, now!)