Nicely performed piece. Original and very introspective lyrics.
Fun song, lots of great lyrics, reminds me of B52's good performances on all instruments .
Totally reminiscent of 90's folky rock, a la Harvey Danger. Which is great for me because I love this stuff! I like the brightness of the track. Everything is really up there. I love the bass! The volume and levels of each instrument is great. Very crisp and fitting for this type of music. Great track and ready for more!
Great contrast between theme and music...depressing subject matter blending with a snappy low fi arrangement. Lyrics using every cliche' in the book...
I like the throwback Harvey Dangeresque vocals. Reminds me of some really great 90's music. The drums on this track are recorded really well! I feel that each separate track is mixed very well, and nothing is too on top of anything else. Great Job on a great track. (please know when I say it reminds me of 90's...that is a compliment!)
interesting lyrics on this cool indie sounding rock track, has that iggy pop passenger feel to the guitar. chorus is pretty catchy
good track i enjoyed listening, its a enjoyable tune
Love the chorus, very cool. This is a song with it all. I love the lyrics, great mix
Reminds me of early Mountain Goats. I love the raw feel of this recording. Really, really good overall sound. Strong lyrics and vocal. Good energy.
It's an awesome song. I'd really love to mix it.
Interesting lyrical content and vibe. Kind of an old school geek rock feel to it.. I like it.
Very cool song. Great feel and nicely done. Drummer does some pretty neat stuff. Well played.
Very cool track with a bit of 80's Lets Active/Don Dixon/Guadalcanal Diary feel with maybe a little They Might Be Giants too. Which are all compliments in my book. Short and sweet lots of good catchy hooks here and the performance and vocals all come through and sound great. All up a very cool track. Good one!
Bouncy and cute...but at the same time lyrically intriguing
good feel, vibe and tempo to this song with some neat touches in the instrumentation that kept me interested
Words were worth a listen and the longer i listened the more i got drawn in